module OpenstudioStandards # The SqlFile module provides methods to get information from the EnergyPlus .sql file after a run module SqlFile # @!group Energy Use # Gets the model annual energy consumption by fuel and enduse in GJ from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param fuel_type [String] the fuel type, e.g. 'Electricity' # @param end_use [String] the end use, e.g. 'InteriorEquipment' # @return [Double] the model energy fuel type end use in Gigajoules def self.model_get_annual_energy_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) # setup the queries query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='End Uses' AND RowName = '#{end_use}' AND ColumnName='#{fuel_type}'" # get the info energy_gj = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) # make sure all the data are available if energy_gj.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not get energy for #{fuel_type} #{end_use}.") return 0.0 end return energy_gj.get end # Gets the model design day energy consumption by fuel and enduse in J from the sql file # Uses the meter data dictionary instead of annual building utility performance summary # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param fuel_type [String] the fuel type, e.g. 'Electricity' # @param end_use [String] the end use, e.g. 'InteriorEquipment' # @return [Double] the model energy fuel type end use in Joules def self.model_get_dd_energy_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) # setup the end use index query get_rpt_mtr_data_dic_idx = "SELECT ReportMeterDataDictionaryIndex FROM ReportMeterDataDictionary WHERE VariableName='#{end_use}:#{fuel_type}'" # get the end use index idx = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(get_rpt_mtr_data_dic_idx) # if no index it means that the end use isn't used in the model if idx.empty? return 0.0 end # setup the energy use retrieval queries for the design days get_energy_j = "SELECT SUM (VariableValue) FROM ReportMeterData WHERE ReportMeterDataDictionaryIndex='#{idx}'" # get the end use energy value energy_j = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(get_energy_j) # no energy value, means that something isn't right, set it to 0 as a safeguard if energy_j.empty? return 0.0 end return energy_j.get end # Gets all annual energy consumption by enduse and fuel type from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] a hash of results for each fuel, where the keys are in the form 'End Use|Fuel Type', # e.g. Heating|Electricity, Exterior Equipment|Water. All end use/fuel type combos are present, with # values of 0.0 if none of this end use/fuel type combo was used by the simulation. # @todo update for fuel type changes def self.model_get_annual_results_by_end_use_and_fuel_type(model) energy_values = {} # List of all fuel types fuel_types = ['Electricity', 'Natural Gas', 'Additional Fuel', 'District Cooling', 'District Heating', 'Water'] # List of all end uses end_uses = ['Heating', 'Cooling', 'Interior Lighting', 'Exterior Lighting', 'Interior Equipment', 'Exterior Equipment', 'Fans', 'Pumps', 'Heat Rejection', 'Humidification', 'Heat Recovery', 'Water Systems', 'Refrigeration', 'Generators'] # Get the value for each end use/ fuel type combination end_uses.each do |end_use| fuel_types.each do |fuel_type| energy_values["#{end_use}|#{fuel_type}"] = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_energy_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) end end return energy_values end # Gets all design day energy consumption by enduse and fuel type from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] a hash of results for each fuel, where the keys are in the form 'EndUse|FuelType', # # e.g. Heating|Electricity, ExteriorEquipment|Water. All end use/fuel type combos are present, with # # values of 0.0 if none of this end use/fuel type combo was used by the simulation. def self.model_get_dd_results_by_end_use_and_fuel_type(model) energy_values = {} # List of all fuel types, based on Table 5.1 of EnergyPlus' Input Output Reference manual if model.version <'3.7.0') fuel_types = ['Electricity', 'Gas', 'Gasoline', 'Diesel', 'Coal', 'FuelOilNo1', 'FuelOilNo2', 'Propane', 'OtherFuel1', 'OtherFuel2', 'Water', 'Steam', 'DistrictCooling', 'DistrictHeating', 'ElectricityPurchased', 'ElectricitySurplusSold', 'ElectricityNet'] else fuel_types = ['Electricity', 'Gas', 'Gasoline', 'Diesel', 'Coal', 'FuelOilNo1', 'FuelOilNo2', 'Propane', 'OtherFuel1', 'OtherFuel2', 'Water', 'DistrictCooling', 'DistrictHeatingWater', 'DistrictHeatingSteam', 'ElectricityPurchased', 'ElectricitySurplusSold', 'ElectricityNet'] end # List of all end uses, based on Table 5.3 of EnergyPlus' Input Output Reference manual end_uses = ['InteriorLights', 'ExteriorLights', 'InteriorEquipment', 'ExteriorEquipment', 'Fans', 'Pumps', 'Heating', 'Cooling', 'HeatRejection', 'Humidifier', 'HeatRecovery', 'DHW', 'Cogeneration', 'Refrigeration', 'WaterSystems'] # Get the value for each end use/ fuel type combination end_uses.each do |end_use| fuel_types.each do |fuel_type| energy_values["#{end_use}|#{fuel_type}"] = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_dd_energy_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) end end return energy_values end # Gets annual energy use intensity by fuel and end use in kBtu/ft^2 from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Double] a hash of annual energy use intensity by each fuel and end use in kBtu/ft^2, inclusive of all spaces def self.model_get_annual_eui_kbtu_per_ft2_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) energy_gj = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_energy_by_fuel_and_enduse(model, fuel_type, end_use) energy_kbtu = OpenStudio.convert(energy_gj, 'GJ', 'kBtu').get floor_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(model.getBuilding.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get eui_kbtu_per_ft2 = energy_kbtu / floor_area_ft2 return eui_kbtu_per_ft2 end # Gets the model total annual energy use intensity in kBtu/ft^2 from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Double] the model total annual site energy use intensity in kBtu/ft^2, inclusive of all spaces def self.model_get_annual_eui_kbtu_per_ft2(model) # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) # make sure all required data are available if sql_file.totalSiteEnergy.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', 'Site energy data unavailable.') return false end total_site_energy_kbtu = OpenStudio.convert(sql_file.totalSiteEnergy.get, 'GJ', 'kBtu').get floor_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(model.getBuilding.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get site_eui_kbtu_per_ft2 = total_site_energy_kbtu / floor_area_ft2 return site_eui_kbtu_per_ft2 end # @!endgroup Energy Use end end