Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do # TODO: make opts take a list of excludes and turn this into params for the rsync def rsync(origin, destination, opts = {}) cmd = %(rsync -rtDzv --chmod=ugo=rwX -e 'ssh -p #{ssh_options[:port]}' --force #{origin}/ #{destination}) system cmd end def remote_directory(server, path) "#{user}@#{server}:#{path}" end namespace :sync do desc "Sync the local version to the remote one" task :default do down end desc "Sync the remote system to the local one" task :up do database.up media.up end desc "Sync the local version to the remote one" task :down do database.down media.down end namespace :database do desc "Sync the local database to the server version" task :default do down end desc "Sync the local database to the server version" task :down do puts "syncing database DOWN" dumpfilename = ENV['dumpfile'] || "#{}.mysql.gz" run %(cd #{current_path} && ./bin/rake db:dump dumpfile=#{dumpfilename} ) dump_file = "tmp/#{dumpfilename}", dump_file), dump_file) system "bundle exec rake db:load dumpfile=#{dump_file}" end desc "Sync the server's version of the database to the local one" task :up do puts "syncing database UP" dumpfilename = ENV['dumpfile'] || "#{}.mysql.gz" dump_file = "tmp/#{dumpfilename}" dumper = ::Spontaneous::Utils::Database.dumper_for_database dumper.dump(dump_file) remote_dump_file = File.join(deploy_to, dumpfilename) top.upload(dump_file, remote_dump_file) run %(cd #{current_path} && bundle exec rake db:load dumpfile=#{remote_dump_file} ) end end namespace :media do desc "" task :default do down end desc "" task :down do roles[:media].each do |server| top.rsync(remote_directory(server, media_dir), "cache/media/") end end desc "" task :up do roles[:media].each do |server| top.rsync("cache/media", remote_directory(server, media_dir)) end end end end end