module RSpec module Mocks RSpec.describe InstanceMethodStasher do class ExampleClass def hello :hello_defined_on_class end end def singleton_class_for(obj) class << obj; self; end end def stasher_for(obj, method_name), method_name) end it "stashes the current implementation of an instance method so it can be temporarily replaced" do obj = def obj.hello; :hello_defined_on_singleton_class; end; stashed_method = stasher_for(obj, :hello) stashed_method.stash with_isolated_stderr { def obj.hello; :overridden_hello; end } expect(obj.hello).to eql :overridden_hello stashed_method.restore expect(obj.hello).to eql :hello_defined_on_singleton_class end it "stashes private instance methods" do obj = def obj.hello; :hello_defined_on_singleton_class; end; singleton_class_for(obj).__send__(:private, :hello) stashed_method = stasher_for(obj, :hello) stashed_method.stash with_isolated_stderr { def obj.hello; :overridden_hello; end } stashed_method.restore expect(obj.send(:hello)).to eql :hello_defined_on_singleton_class end it "only stashes methods directly defined on the given class, not its ancestors" do obj = stashed_method = stasher_for(obj, :hello) stashed_method.stash def obj.hello; :overridden_hello; end; expect(obj.hello).to eql :overridden_hello stashed_method.restore expect(obj.hello).to eql :overridden_hello end it "does not unnecessarily create obfuscated aliased methods", :if => (RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 1.8) do obj = def obj.hello; :hello_defined_on_singleton_class; end; stashed_method = stasher_for(obj, :hello) expect { stashed_method.stash }.not_to change { obj.methods.count } expect(obj.methods.grep(/rspec/)).to eq([]) end end end end