require 'ostruct' require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' require_relative '../ruby-processing/config' require_relative '../ruby-processing/version' module Processing # Utility class to handle the different commands that the 'rp5' command # offers. Able to run, watch, live, create, app, and unpack class Runner HELP_MESSAGE = <<-EOS Version: #{RubyProcessing::VERSION} Ruby-Processing is a little shim between Processing and JRuby that helps you create sketches of code art. Usage: rp5 [choice] path/to/sketch choice:- run: run sketch once watch: watch for changes on the file and relaunch it on the fly live: launch sketch and give an interactive IRB shell create [width height][mode][flag]: create a new sketch. app: create an application version of the sketch setup: check setup, install jruby-complete, unpack samples Common options: --nojruby: use jruby-complete in place of an installed version of jruby (Set [JRUBY: 'false'] in .rp5rc to make using jruby-complete default) Examples: rp5 setup unpack_samples rp5 run samples/contributed/jwishy.rb rp5 create some_new_sketch 640 480 p3d (P3D mode example) rp5 create some_new_sketch 640 480 --wrap (a class wrapped default sketch) rp5 watch some_new_sketch.rb Everything Else: EOS # Start running a ruby-processing sketch from the passed-in arguments def self.execute runner = runner.parse_options(ARGV) runner.execute! end # Dispatch central. def execute! case @options.action when 'run' then run(@options.path, @options.args) when 'watch' then watch(@options.path, @options.args) when 'live' then live(@options.path, @options.args) when 'create' then create(@options.path, @options.args) when 'app' then app(@options.path) when 'setup' then setup(@options.path) when /-v/ then show_version when /-h/ then show_help else show_help end end # Parse the command-line options. Keep it simple. def parse_options(args) @options = @options.wrap = !args.delete('--wrap').nil? @options.inner = !args.delete('--inner').nil? @options.jruby = !args.delete('--jruby').nil? @options.nojruby = !args.delete('--nojruby').nil? @options.action = args[0] || nil @options.path = args[1] || File.basename(Dir.pwd + '.rb') @options.args = args[2..-1] || [] end # Create a fresh Ruby-Processing sketch, with the necessary # boilerplate filled out. def create(sketch, args) require_relative '../ruby-processing/exporters/creator' return!(sketch, args) if @options.inner if @options.wrap!(sketch, args) else!(sketch, args) end end # Just simply run a ruby-processing sketch. def run(sketch, args) ensure_exists(sketch) spin_up('run.rb', sketch, args) end # Run a sketch, keeping an eye on it's file, and reloading # whenever it changes. def watch(sketch, args) ensure_exists(sketch) spin_up('watch.rb', sketch, args) end # Run a sketch, opening its guts to IRB, letting you play with it. def live(sketch, args) ensure_exists(sketch) spin_up('live.rb', sketch, args) end # Generate a cross-platform application of a given Ruby-Processing sketch. def app(sketch) require_relative '../ruby-processing/exporters/application_exporter'!(sketch) end def setup(choice) usage = 'Usage: rp5 setup [check | install | unpack_samples]' installed = File.exist?("#{RP5_ROOT}/lib/ruby/jruby-complete.jar") proc_root = File.exist?("#{ENV['HOME']}/.rp5rc") case choice when /check/ check(proc_root, installed) when /install/ system "cd #{RP5_ROOT}/vendors && rake" if !proc_root set_processing_root warn 'PROCESSING_ROOT set optimistically, run check to confirm' end when /unpack_samples/ require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cp_r("#{RP5_ROOT}/samples", "#{Dir.pwd}/rp_samples") else puts usage end end def check(proc_root, installed) show_version root = ' PROCESSING_ROOT = Not Set!!!' unless proc_root root ||= " PROCESSING_ROOT = #{Processing::RP_CONFIG['PROCESSING_ROOT']}" puts root puts " JRUBY = #{Processing::RP_CONFIG['JRUBY']}" puts " jruby-complete installed = #{installed}" end # Display the current version of Ruby-Processing. def show_version puts "Ruby-Processing version #{RubyProcessing::VERSION}" end # Show the standard help/usage message. def show_help puts HELP_MESSAGE end private # Trade in this Ruby instance for a JRuby instance, loading in a # starter script and passing it some arguments. # Unless --nojruby is passed, use the installed version of jruby, instead of # our vendored jarred one (vendored version is required for some sketches eg shaders). # For people with system jruby they can use ~.rp5rc config to use option without flag def spin_up(starter_script, sketch, args) runner = "#{RP5_ROOT}/lib/ruby-processing/runners/#{starter_script}" warn('The --jruby flag is no longer required') if @options.jruby @options.nojruby = true if Processing::RP_CONFIG['JRUBY'] == 'false' java_args = discover_java_args(sketch) command = @options.nojruby ? ['java', java_args, '-cp', jruby_complete, 'org.jruby.Main', runner, sketch, args].flatten : ['jruby', java_args, runner, sketch, args].flatten exec(*command) # exec replaces the Ruby process with the JRuby one. end # If you need to pass in arguments to Java, such as the ones on this page: # # then type them into a java_args.txt in your data directory next to your sketch. def discover_java_args(sketch) arg_file = "#{File.dirname(sketch)}/data/java_args.txt" args = [] args += dock_icon if File.exist?(arg_file) args +=\s+/) elsif Processing::RP_CONFIG['java_args'] args += Processing::RP_CONFIG['java_args'].split(/\s+/) end! { |arg| "-J#{arg}" } unless @options.nojruby args end def ensure_exists(sketch) puts "Couldn't find: #{sketch}" and exit unless File.exist?(sketch) end def jruby_complete rcomplete = File.join(RP5_ROOT, 'lib/ruby/jruby-complete.jar') if File.exist?(rcomplete) return rcomplete else warn "#{rcomplete} does not exist\nTry running `rp5 setup install`" exit end end def os @os ||= host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] case host_os when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/ :windows when /darwin|mac os/ :macosx when /linux/ :linux when /solaris|bsd/ :unix else raise "unknown os: #{host_os.inspect}" end end # Optimistically set processing root def set_processing_root require 'psych' os data = {} path = File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOME']}/.rp5rc") if @os == :macosx data['PROCESSING_ROOT'] = %q(/Applications/ else root = "#{ENV['HOME']}/processing-2.2.1" data['PROCESSING_ROOT'] = root end data['JRUBY'] = %q(true) open(path, 'w:UTF-8') {|f| f.write(data.to_yaml) } end # On the Mac, we can display a fat, shiny ruby in the Dock. def dock_icon os icon = [] if @os == :mac icon << '-Xdock:name=Ruby-Processing' icon << "-Xdock:icon=#{RP5_ROOT}/lib/templates/application/Contents/Resources/sketch.icns" end icon end end # class Runner end # module Processing