= spotlight A simple interface to the www.hostip.info API. = HostIP.info hostip.info is a "Community Geotarget IP Project" and provides a simple API to transform an "IP Address" into a location (including Country, City, and coordinates). No API key or sign-up is required to use the service. hostip.info does request that if a lot of databases lookups are being done that you download the entire database from them instead. = dependencies - HTTParty (url=http://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty/tree/master) [version used=0.3.1] == TESTING environment only - fakeweb [version used=1.2.0] = example == from the command line # spotlight == from a ruby script require 'rubygems' require 'spotlight' spotlight = Spotlight.new("") puts spotlight.location.coordinates == from a rails application === in config/environment require 'spotlight' === in your controller @spotlight = Spotlight.new("") === in your view @spotlight.location.coordinates == from a rails application with caching Using caching is highly advised if possible. The ip_address to location conversion doesn't normally change over time (if ever) so why continuously query it? Assumption: caching is already enabled and working.\ === in config/environment require 'spotlight' === in your controller ip_address = "" @spotlight = Rails.cache.fetch(Spotlight.key(ip_address), :expires_in => 1.weeks) do Spotlight.new(ip_address) end === in your view @spotlight.location.coordinates = credits Other then the code written by me (url=http://github.com/attack) and the code generated by 'jeweler' (url=http://github.com/jnunemaker) for making and maintaining gems, there is strong influence from jnunemaker (url=http://github.com/jnunemaker) and the gem google-weather. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Mark G. See LICENSE for details.