require 'spec_helper' describe Bond do include_context :bond context 'without any agents' do it 'should correctly log some normal arguments with a spy point name' do bond.spy('my_point_name', spy_key: 1, spy_key_2: 'string value', spy_key_3: 1.4) bond.spy('second_point', spy_key: 'string value 2') end it 'should correctly log some normal arguments without a spy point name' do bond.spy(spy_key: 1, spy_key_2: 'string value', spy_key_3: 1.4) bond.spy(spy_key: 'string value 2') end it 'should correctly log nested hashes and arrays with hash sorting' do bond.spy(key1: {h1key1: %w(hello world), h1key2: 'hi'}, key2: [{key2: 'foo', key3: 'bar', key1: 'baz'}, 'array3', 'array2']) bond.spy('point_name', key3: {key2: 'foo', key1: 'bar', key3: {hkey: 'hello world'}}, key1: 'value 1') end end context 'with agents' do it 'should work with multiple agents for different spy points' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point_1', result: 'mock result') bond.deploy_agent('my_point_2', result: 'mock result 2') bond.spy('point_1_return', return_value: bond.spy('my_point_1')) bond.spy('point_2_return', return_value: bond.spy('my_point_2')) bond.spy('point_1_return_2', return_value: bond.spy('my_point_1')) end context 'with filters' do it 'should respect single key/value filters of all types' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', obs_name: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.deploy_agent('my_point_eq', obs_name__eq: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_eq', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_eq', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.deploy_agent('my_point_exact', obs_name__exact: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_exact', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_exact', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.deploy_agent('my_point_startswith', obs_name__startswith: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_startswith', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_startswith', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_startswith', obs_name: 'value not')) bond.deploy_agent('my_point_endswith', obs_name__endswith: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_endswith', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_endswith', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_endswith', obs_name: 'value not')) bond.deploy_agent('my_point_contains', obs_name__contains: 'value', result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_contains', obs_name: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_contains', obs_name: 'not value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_contains', obs_name: 'value not')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_contains', obs_name: 'not value not')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point_contains', obs_name: 'foobar')) end it 'should respect function filters' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', filter: lambda { |obs| obs[:my_key].even? }, result: 'mocked') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', my_key: 5)) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', my_key: 10)) end it 'should override old agents with newer agents unless they are filtered out' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', result: 'first mock') bond.deploy_agent('my_point', result: 'second mock') bond.deploy_agent('my_point', obs_name: 'foobar', result: 'third mock') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'foobar')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'baz')) end it 'should respect combinations of filters' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', result: 'mocked', filter: lambda { |obs| obs.has_key?(:req_key) }, req_key2: 'value', req_key3__contains: 'value') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', req_key: 'foo', req_key2: 'bar', req_key3: 'value')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', req_key: 'foo', req_key2: 'value', req_key3: 'foovaluebar')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', req_key: 'foo', req_key2: 'value', req_key3: 'lacking')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', req_key2: 'value', req_key3: 'value')) end end it 'should call the function passed as result if it is callable' do mocked_value = 1 bond.deploy_agent('my_point', result: lambda { |_| mocked_value += 1 }, obs_name: 'foo') bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'foo')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'bar')) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point', obs_name: 'foo')) end it 'should throw an exception if specified by agent' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', exception:'TypeError exception!')) begin bond.spy('my_point') rescue TypeError => e bond.spy('rescue_point', except: e.to_s) end end it 'should throw the result of the value passed to exception if callable' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', exception: lambda { |obs|[:key]) }) begin bond.spy('my_point', key: 'Value passed to exception') rescue ArgumentError => e bond.spy('rescue_point', except: e.to_s) end end it 'should correctly call a single doer if filter criteria are met' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', my_key__contains: '', do: lambda { |obs| bond.spy('internal', val: obs[:my_key]) }) bond.spy('my_point', my_key: 'value') end it 'should correctly call multiple doers' do side_effect_value = 0 doers = [ lambda { |obs| bond.spy('internal', val: obs[:my_key]) }, lambda { |obs| side_effect_value += obs[:my_key] } ] bond.deploy_agent('my_point', do: doers) bond.spy('my_point', my_key: 10) bond.spy(side_effect_value: side_effect_value) end it 'should not call doers of overriden agents' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', do: lambda { |_| bond.spy('bad_agent') }) bond.deploy_agent('my_point', do: lambda { |_| bond.spy('valid_agent') }) bond.spy('my_point') end it 'should call doers before returning result' do bond.deploy_agent('my_point', do: lambda { |_| bond.spy('internal_doer') }, result: lambda { |_| bond.spy('internal_result'); 'mocked' }) bond.spy(result: bond.spy('my_point')) end end # TODO # overriding settings using Bond#settings # some different start_test parameters # finish test: creating output dir, # some tests for SpyAgent and SpyAgentFilter - break out into separate files? end