# Redis stores for ActionPack __`redis-actionpack`__ provides a session store for __ActionPack__, specifically for __ActionDispatch__. See the main [redis-store readme](https://github.com/jodosha/redis-store) for general guidelines. ## Installation # Gemfile gem 'redis-actionpack' ### Usage If you are using redis-store with Rails, consider using the [redis-rails gem](https://github.com/jodosha/redis-store/tree/master/redis-rails) instead. For standalone usage: ActionController::Base.cache_store = ActionDispatch::Session::RedisSessionStore.new ## Running tests gem install bundler git clone git://github.com/jodosha/redis-store.git cd redis-store/redis-actionpack bundle install bundle exec rake If you are on **Snow Leopard** you have to run `env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" bundle exec rake` ## Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Luca Guidi - [http://lucaguidi.com](http://lucaguidi.com), released under the MIT license