 *  /MathJax/jax/output/SVG/fonts/Gyre-Termes/Variants/Regular/Main.js
 *  Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The MathJax Consortium
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.FONTDATA.FONTS.GyreTermesMathJax_Variants={directory:"Variants/Regular",family:"GyreTermesMathJax_Variants",id:"GYRETERMESVARIANTS",32:[0,0,250,0,0,""],160:[0,0,250,0,0,""],8242:[596,-150,404,66,338,"338 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68"],8243:[596,-150,644,66,578,"338 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM578 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68"],8244:[596,-150,884,66,818,"338 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM578 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM818 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37 c38 0 68 -30 68 -68"],8245:[596,-150,404,66,338,"338 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37"],8246:[596,-150,644,66,578,"338 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37zM578 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37"],8247:[596,-150,884,66,818,"338 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37zM578 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37zM818 150h-30l-231 341c-7 10 -11 23 -11 37c0 38 30 68 68 68c29 0 54 -19 60 -37"],8279:[596,-150,1124,66,1058,"338 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM578 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM818 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37 c38 0 68 -30 68 -68zM1058 528c0 -14 -4 -27 -12 -37l-230 -341h-30l144 409c6 18 31 37 60 37c38 0 68 -30 68 -68"]};MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.fontDir+"/Variants/Regular/Main.js");