class Marty::DataGrid < Marty::Base # If data_type is nil, assume float DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE = "float" INDEX_MAP = { "numrange" => Marty::GridIndexNumrange, "int4range" => Marty::GridIndexInt4range, "integer" => Marty::GridIndexInteger, "string" => Marty::GridIndexString, "boolean" => Marty::GridIndexBoolean, } ARRSEP = '|' class DataGridValidator < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(dg) dg.errors[:base] = "'#{dg.data_type}' not a defined type or class" unless Marty::DataGrid.convert_data_type(dg.data_type) dg.errors[:base] = "data must be array of arrays" unless && {|a| a.is_a? Array} dg.errors[:base] = "metadata must be an array of hashes" unless dg.metadata.is_a?(Array) && dg.metadata.all? {|a| a.is_a? Hash} dg.errors[:base] = "metadata must contain only h/v dirs" unless dg.metadata.all? {|h| ["h", "v"].member? h["dir"]} dg.errors[:base] = "metadata item attrs must be unique" unless {|h| h["attr"]}.uniq.length == dg.metadata.length dg.metadata.each do |inf| attr, type, keys, rs_keep = inf["attr"], inf["type"], inf["keys"], inf["rs_keep"] unless rs_keep.nil? || rs_keep.empty? m = /\A *(<|<=|>|>=)? *([a-z_]+) *\z/.match(rs_keep) unless m dg.errors[:base] = "invalid grid modifier expression: #{rs_keep}" next end end dg.errors[:base] = "metadata elements must have attr/type/keys" unless attr && type && keys # enforce Delorean attr syntax (a bit Draconian) dg.errors[:base] = "bad attribute '#{attr}'" unless attr =~ /^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/ dg.errors[:base] = "unknown metadata type #{type}" unless Marty::DataGrid.type_to_index(type) dg.errors[:base] = "bad metadata keys" unless keys.is_a?(Array) && keys.length>0 end # Check key uniqueness of vertical/horizontal key # combinations. FIXME: ideally, we should also check for # array/range key subsumption. Those will result in runtime # errors anyway when multiple hits are produced. v_keys = dg.dir_infos("v").map {|inf| inf["keys"]} h_keys = dg.dir_infos("h").map {|inf| inf["keys"]} v_zip_keys = v_keys.empty? ? [] : v_keys[0].zip(*v_keys[1..-1]) h_zip_keys = h_keys.empty? ? [] : h_keys[0].zip(*h_keys[1..-1]) dg.errors[:base] = "duplicate horiz. key combination" unless h_zip_keys.uniq.length == h_zip_keys.length dg.errors[:base] = "duplicate vertical key combination" unless v_zip_keys.uniq.length == v_zip_keys.length end end has_mcfly lazy_load :data validates_presence_of :name, :data, :metadata mcfly_validates_uniqueness_of :name validates_with DataGridValidator validates_with Marty::NameValidator, field: :name gen_mcfly_lookup :lookup, [:name], cache: true gen_mcfly_lookup :get_all, [], mode: nil cached_mcfly_lookup :lookup_id, sig: 2 do |pt, group_id| find_by_group_id group_id end def to_s name end def freeze # FIXME: mcfly lookups freeze their results in order to protect # the cache. That doesn't interact correctly with lazy_load which # modifies the attr hash at runtime. self end def self.register_rule_handler(handler) (@@rule_handlers ||= []) << handler end def update_rules(old, new) @@rule_handlers.each { |rh|, new) } end # FIXME: not sure what's the right way to perform the save in a # transaction -- i.e. together with build_index. before_save would # be OK, but then save inside it would cause an infinite loop. def save! if self.changed? transaction do nc, nw, n = [name_changed?, name_was, name] res = super update_rules(nw, n) if nc && nw.present? reload build_index res end end end # FIXME: hacky -- save is just save! def save! end def self.type_to_index(type) # map given header type to an index class -- uses string index # for ruby classes. return INDEX_MAP[type] if INDEX_MAP[type] INDEX_MAP["string"] if (type.constantize rescue nil) end def self.convert_data_type(data_type) # given data_type, convert it to class and or known data type -- # returns nil if data_type is invalid return DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE if data_type.nil? return data_type if Marty::DataConversion::DATABASE_TYPES.member?(data_type.to_sym) data_type.constantize rescue nil end def self.clear_dtcache @@dtcache = {} end PLV_DT_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N6" def plv_lookup_grid_distinct(h_passed, ret_grid_data=false, distinct=true) row_info = { "id" => id, "group_id" => group_id, "created_dt" => ( @@dtcache ||= {})[created_dt] ||= created_dt.strftime(PLV_DT_FMT) } h = metadata.each_with_object({}) do |m, h| attr = m["attr"] inc = h_passed.fetch(attr, :__nf__) next if inc == :__nf__ val = (defined? ? : inc h[attr] = val.is_a?(String) ? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(val)[1..-2] : val end fn = "lookup_grid_distinct" hjson = "'#{h.to_json}'::JSONB" rijson = "'#{row_info.to_json}'::JSONB" params = "#{hjson}, #{rijson}, #{ret_grid_data}, #{distinct}" sql = "SELECT #{fn}(#{params})" raw = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)[0][fn] res = JSON.parse(raw) if res["error"] msg = res["error"] parms, sqls, ress, dg = res["error_extra"].values_at( "params", "sql", "results", "dg") raise "DG #{name}: Error in PLV8 call: #{msg}\n"\ "params: #{parms}\n"\ "sqls: #{sqls}\n"\ "results: #{ress}\n"\ "dg: #{dg}\n"\ "ri: #{row_info}" if res["error"] end if ret_grid_data md, mmd = modify_grid(h_passed) res["data"] = md res["metadata"] = mmd end res end # FIXME: added for Apollo -- not sure where this belongs given that # DGs were moved to marty. Should add documentation about callers # keeping the hash small. cached_delorean_fn :lookup_grid, sig: 4 do |pt, dg, h, distinct| raise "bad DataGrid #{dg}" unless Marty::DataGrid === dg raise "non-hash arg #{h}" unless Hash === h res = dg.plv_lookup_grid_distinct(h, false, distinct) res["result"] end # FIXME: using cached_delorean_fn just for the caching -- this is # not expected to be called from Delorean. cached_delorean_fn :find_class_instance, sig: 3 do |pt, klass, v| if Marty::PgEnum === klass klass.find_by_name(v) else # FIXME: very hacky -- hard-coded name Marty::DataConversion.find_row(klass, {"name" => v}, pt) end end def lookup_grid_distinct_entry(pt, h, visited=nil, follow=true, return_grid_data=false) # Perform grid lookup, if result is another data_grid, and follow is true, # then perform lookup on the resulting grid. Allows grids to be nested # as multi-grids. If return_grid_data is true, also return the grid # data and metadata # return is a hash for the grid results: # # "result" => # "name" => # "data" => # "metadata" => vhash = plv_lookup_grid_distinct(h, return_grid_data) return vhash if vhash["result"].nil? || !data_type c_data_type = Marty::DataGrid.convert_data_type(data_type) return vhash if String === c_data_type res = vhash["result"] v = Marty::PgEnum === res ? c_data_type.find_by_name(res) : Marty::DataConversion.find_row(c_data_type, {"name" => res}, pt) return vhash.merge({"result" => v}) unless (Marty::DataGrid === v && follow) visited ||= [] visited << self.group_id raise "#{self.class} recursion loop detected -- #{visited}" if visited.member?(v.group_id) v.lookup_grid_distinct_entry(pt, h, visited, follow, return_grid_data) end delorean_instance_method :lookup_grid_distinct_entry, [[Date, Time, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone], Hash] def dir_infos(dir) {|inf| inf["dir"] == dir} end def self.export_keys(inf) # should unify this with Marty::DataConversion.convert type = inf["type"] klass = type.constantize unless INDEX_MAP[type] inf["keys"].map do |v| case type when "numrange", "int4range" Marty::Util.pg_range_to_human(v) when "boolean" v.to_s when "string", "integer" if v else # assume it's an AR class v.each do |k| begin # check to see if class instance actually exists Marty::DataGrid. find_class_instance('infinity', klass, k) || raise(NoMethodError) rescue NoMethodError raise "instance #{k} of #{type} not found" end end if v v.join(ARRSEP) if v end end end # FIXME: this is only here to appease Netzke add_in_form def export=(text) end def export_array # add data type metadata row if not default dt_row = lenient ? ["lenient"] : [] dt_row << data_type unless [nil, DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE].member?(data_type) meta_rows = dt_row.empty? ? [] : [[dt_row.join(' ')]] meta_rows += { |inf| [inf["attr"], inf["type"], inf["dir"], inf["rs_keep"] || ""] } v_infos, h_infos = dir_infos("v"), dir_infos("h") h_key_rows = { |inf| [nil]*v_infos.count + self.class.export_keys(inf) } transposed_v_keys = v_infos.empty? ? [[]] : {|inf| self.class.export_keys(inf)}.transpose data_rows = { |keys, i| keys + ([i] || []) } [meta_rows, h_key_rows, data_rows] end def export # return null string when called from Netzke on add_in_form return "" if metadata.nil? && data.nil? meta_rows, h_key_rows, data_rows = export_array Marty::DataExporter. to_csv(meta_rows + [[]] + h_key_rows + data_rows, "col_sep" => "\t", ). gsub(/\"\"/, '') # remove "" to beautify output end delorean_instance_method :export, [] def self.parse_fvalue(pt, v, type, klass) return unless v case type when "numrange", "int4range" Marty::Util.human_to_pg_range(v) when "integer" v.split(ARRSEP).map do |val| Integer(val) rescue raise "invalid integer: #{val}" end.uniq.sort when "float" v.split(ARRSEP).map do |val| Float(val) rescue raise "invalid float: #{val}" end.uniq.sort when "string" res = v.split(ARRSEP).uniq.sort raise "leading/trailing spaces in elements not allowed" if res.any? {|x| x != x.strip} raise "0-length string not allowed" if res.any?(&:empty?) res when "boolean" case v.downcase when "true", "t" true when "false", "f" false else raise "bad boolean #{v}" end else # AR class # FIXME: won't work if the obj identifier (name) has ARRSEP res = v.split(ARRSEP).uniq res.each do |k| begin # check to see if class instance actually exists Marty::DataGrid. find_class_instance(pt, klass, k) || raise(NoMethodError) rescue NoMethodError raise "instance #{k} of #{type} not found" end end res end end def self.maybe_get_klass(type) begin type.constantize unless INDEX_MAP[type] || type == "float" rescue NameError raise "unknown header type/klass: #{type}" end end def self.parse_keys(pt, keys, type) klass = maybe_get_klass(type) do |v| parse_fvalue(pt, v, type, klass) end end # parse grid external representation into metadata/data def self.parse(pt, grid_text, options) options[:headers] ||= false options[:col_sep] ||= "\t" pt ||= 'infinity' rows =, options).to_a blank_index = rows.find_index {|x| x.all?(&:nil?)} raise "must have a blank row separating metadata" unless blank_index raise "can't import grid with trailing blank column" if { |r| r.last.nil? }.all? raise "last row can't be blank" if rows[-1].all?(&:nil?) data_type, lenient = nil, false # check if there's a data_type definition dt, *x = rows[0] if dt && x.all?(&:nil?) dts = dt.split raise "bad data type '#{dt}'" if dts.count > 2 lenient = dts.delete "lenient" data_type = dts.first end metadata = rows[(data_type || lenient ? 1 : 0)...blank_index].map do |attr, type, dir, rs_keep, key| raise "metadata elements must include attr/type/dir" unless attr && type && dir raise "bad dir #{dir}" unless ["h", "v"].member? dir raise "unknown metadata type #{type}" unless Marty::DataGrid.type_to_index(type) res = { "attr" => attr, "type" => type, "dir" => dir, "keys" => key && parse_keys(pt, [key], type), } res["rs_keep"] = rs_keep if rs_keep res end v_infos = {|inf| inf["dir"] == "v"} h_infos = {|inf| inf["dir"] == "h"} # keys+data start right after blank_index data_index = blank_index+1 # process horizontal key rows h_infos.each_with_index do |inf, i| row = rows[data_index+i] raise "horiz. key row #{data_index+i} must include nil starting cells" if row[0, v_infos.count].any? inf["keys"] = parse_keys(pt, row[v_infos.count, row.count], inf["type"]) end raise "horiz. info keys length mismatch!" unless {|inf| inf["keys"].length}.uniq.count <= 1 data_rows = rows[data_index+h_infos.count, rows.count] # process vertical key columns v_key_cols = {|r| r[0, v_infos.count]}.transpose v_infos.each_with_index do |inf, i| inf["keys"] = parse_keys(pt, v_key_cols[i], inf["type"]) end raise "vert. info keys length mismatch!" unless {|inf| inf["keys"].length}.uniq.count <= 1 c_data_type = Marty::DataGrid.convert_data_type(data_type) raise "bad data type #{data_type}" unless c_data_type # based on data type, decide to check using convert or instance # lookup. FIXME: DRY. if String === c_data_type tsym = c_data_type.to_sym data = do |r| r[v_infos.count, r.count].map do |v| Marty::DataConversion.convert(v, tsym) if v end end else data = do |r| r[v_infos.count, r.count].map do |v| next v if !v || Marty::DataGrid. find_class_instance(pt, c_data_type, v) raise "can't find key '#{v}' for class #{data_type}" end end end [metadata, data, data_type, lenient] end def self.create_from_import(name, import_text, created_dt=nil) metadata, data, data_type, lenient = parse(created_dt, import_text, {}) dg = = name = data dg.data_type = data_type dg.lenient = !!lenient dg.metadata = metadata dg.created_dt = created_dt if created_dt! dg end def update_from_import(name, import_text, created_dt=nil) metadata, data, data_type, lenient = self.class.parse(created_dt, import_text, {}) = name = data self.data_type = data_type self.lenient = !!lenient self.metadata = metadata self.created_dt = created_dt if created_dt save! end # FIXME: should be private def build_index # create indices for the metadata metadata.each do |inf| attr, type, keys = inf["attr"], inf["type"], inf["keys"] # find index class idx_class = Marty::DataGrid.type_to_index(type) keys.each_with_index do |k, index| gi = gi.attr = attr gi.key = k gi.created_dt = created_dt gi.data_grid_id = group_id gi.index = index! end end end def modify_grid(params) removes = ["h", "v"].each_with_object({}) {|dir, hash| hash[dir] =} metadata_copy, data_copy = metadata.deep_dup, data.deep_dup metadata_copy.each do |meta| dir, keys, type, rs_keep = meta.values_at( "dir", "keys", "type", "rs_keep") next unless rs_keep if type == "numrange" || type == "int4range" modop, modvalparm = parse_bounds(rs_keep) modval = params[modvalparm] if modval prune_a, rewrite_a = compute_numeric_mods(keys, modop, modval) removes[dir].merge(prune_a) rewrite_a.each { |(ind, value)| keys[ind] = value } end else modval = params[rs_keep] if modval prune_a, rewrite_a = compute_set_mods(keys, modval) removes[dir].merge(prune_a) rewrite_a.each { |(ind, value)| keys[ind] = value } end end end removes.reject! { |dir, set| set.empty? } removes.each do |dir, set| { |m| m["dir"] == dir }.each do |meta| meta["keys"] = remove_indices(meta["keys"], removes[dir]) end end data_copy = remove_indices(data_copy, removes["v"]) if removes["v"] data_copy.each_index do |index| data_copy[index] = remove_indices(data_copy[index], removes["h"]) end if removes["h"] [data_copy, metadata_copy] end private def remove_indices(orig_array, inds) orig_array.each_with_object([]).with_index do |(item, new_array), index| new_array.push(item) unless inds.include?(index) end end def opposite_sign(op) # toggle sign and inclusivity { :< => :>=, :<= => :>, :> => :<=, :>= => :<, }[op] end def compute_numeric_mods(keys, op, val) @keyhash ||= {} prune_a, rewrite_a = [], [] # features allow multiple values, but for constraint on a grid range # only a scalar is meaningful. so if there are multiple values we # take the first value to use value = val.is_a?(Array) ? val[0] : val keys.each_with_index do |key, index| lhop, orig_lhv, orig_rhv, rhop = @keyhash[key] ||= parse_range(key) lhv, rhv = orig_lhv || -Float::INFINITY, orig_rhv || Float::INFINITY case op when :>=, :> next if value > rhv if value == rhv if rhop == :<= && op == :>= rewrite_a.push( [index, rewrite_range(lhop, orig_lhv, orig_rhv, :<)]) end elsif value > lhv rewrite_a.push( [index, rewrite_range(lhop, orig_lhv, value, opposite_sign(op))]) elsif value == lhv && lhop == :>= && op == :> rewrite_a.push([index, rewrite_range(:>=, value, value, :<=)]) elsif value <= lhv prune_a.push(index) end when :<=, :< next if value < lhv if value == lhv if lhop == :>= && op == :<= rewrite_a.push( [index, rewrite_range(:>, orig_lhv, orig_rhv, rhop)]) end elsif value < rhv rewrite_a.push( [index, rewrite_range(opposite_sign(op), value, orig_rhv, rhop)]) elsif value == rhv && rhop == :<= && op == :< rewrite_a.push([index, rewrite_range(:>=, value, value, :<=)]) elsif value >= rhv prune_a.push(index) end end end [prune_a, rewrite_a] end # value is a list of what to keep def compute_set_mods(keys, val) prune_a, rewrite_a, value = [], [], Array(val) keys.each_with_index do |key, index| # rewrite any nil (wildcard) keys in the dimension # to be our 'to-keep' val(s) if key.nil? rewrite_a.push([index, value]) next end remove = key - value if remove == key prune_a.push(index) next end rewrite_a.push([index, key - remove]) if remove != [] end [prune_a, rewrite_a] end def parse_range(key) match = key.match(/\A(\[|\()([0-9\.-]*),([0-9\.-]*)(\]|\))\z/) raise "unrecognized pattern #{key}" unless match lboundary, lhs, rhs, rboundary = match[1..4] # convert range values to float for comparison lhv = lhs.blank? ? nil : lhs.to_f rhv = rhs.blank? ? nil : rhs.to_f [lboundary == '(' ? :> : :>=, lhv, rhv, rboundary == ')' ? :< : :<=] end def rewrite_range(lb, lhv, rhv, rb) lboundary = lb == :> ? '(' : '[' # even though numranges are float type, we don't want to output ".0" # for integer values. So for values like that we convert to int # first before conversion to string lvalue = (lhv.to_i == lhv ? lhv.to_i : lhv).to_s rvalue = (rhv.to_i == rhv ? rhv.to_i : rhv).to_s rboundary = rb == :< ? ')' : ']' lboundary + lvalue + ',' + rvalue + rboundary end def parse_bounds(key) match = key.match(/\A *(<|>|<=|>=)? *([a-z_]+) *\z/) raise "unrecognized pattern #{key}" unless match opstr, ident = match[1..2] # data grid value is expressed as what to keep # we convert to the opposite (what to prune) [opposite_sign(opstr.to_sym), ident] end end