--- layout: docs title: Upgrading prev_section: resources next_section: contributing permalink: /docs/upgrading/ --- Upgrading from an older version of Jekyll? A few things have changed in 1.0 that you'll want to know about. Before we dive in, go ahead and fetch the latest version of Jekyll: {% highlight bash %} $ gem update jekyll {% endhighlight %}
Diving in

Want to get a new Jekyll site up and running quickly? Simply run jekyll new SITENAME to create a new folder with a bare bones Jekyll site.

### The Jekyll Command For better clarity, Jekyll now accepts the commands `build` and `serve`. Whereas before you might simply run the command `jekyll` to generate a site and `jekyll --server` to view it locally, now use the subcommands `jekyll build` and `jekyll serve` to do the same. And if you want Jekyll to automatically rebuild each time a file changes, just add the `--watch` flag at the end.
Watching and Serving

With the new subcommands, the way sites are previewed locally changed a bit. Instead of specifying `server: true` in the site's configuration file, use `jekyll serve`. The same hold's true for `watch: true`. Instead, use the `--watch` flag with either `jekyll serve` or `jekyll build`.

### Absolute Permalinks In Jekyll v1.0, we introduced absolute permalinks for pages in subdirectories. Until v2.0, it is **opt-in**. Starting with v2.0, however, absolute permalinks will become **opt-out**, meaning Jekyll will default to using absolute permalinks instead of relative permalinks. * To use absolute permalinks, set `relative_permalinks: false` in your configuration file. * To continue using relative permalinks, set `relative_permalinks: true` in your configuration file. ### Draft Posts Jekyll now lets you write draft posts, and allows you to easily preview how they will look prior to publishing. To start a draft, simply create a folder called `_drafts` in your site's source directory (e.g., alongside `_posts`), and add a new markdown file to it. To preview your new post, simply run the `jekyll serve` command with the `--drafts` flag.
Drafts don't have dates

Unlike posts, drafts don't have a date, since they haven't been published yet. Rather than naming your draft something like `2013-07-01-my-draft-post.md`, simply name the file what you'd like your post to eventually be titled, here `my-draft-post.md`.

### Custom Config File Rather than passing individual flags via the command line, you can now pass an entire custom Jekyll config file. This helps to distinguish between environments, or lets you programmatically override user-specified defaults. Simply add the `--config` flag to the `jekyll` command, followed by the path to one or more config files (comma-delimited, no spaces). #### As a result, the following command line flags are now deprecated: * `--no-server` * `--no-auto` * `--auto` (now `--watch`) * `--server` * `--url=` * `--maruku`, `--rdiscount`, and `--redcarpet` * `--pygments` * `--permalink=` * `--paginate`
The config flag explicitly specifies your configuration file(s)

If you use the `--config` flag, Jekyll will ignore your `_config.yml` file. Want to merge a custom configuration with the normal configuration? No problem. Jekyll will accept more than one custom config file via the command line. Config files cascade from right to left, such that if I run `jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config-dev.yml`, the values in the config files on the right (`_config-dev.yml`) overwrite those on the left (`_config.yml`) when both contain the same key.

### New Config File Options Jekyll 1.0 introduced several new config file options. Before you upgrade, you should check to see if any of these are present in your pre-1.0 config file, and if so, make sure that you're using them properly: * `excerpt_separator` * `host` * `include` * `keep_files` * `layouts` * `show_drafts` * `timezone` * `url` ### Baseurl Often, you'll want the ability to run a Jekyll site in multiple places, such as previewing locally before pushing to GitHub Pages. Jekyll 1.0 makes that easier with the new `--baseurl` flag. To take advantage of this feature, first add the production `baseurl` to your site's `_config.yml` file. Then, throughout the site, simply prefix relative URLs with `{% raw %}{{ site.baseurl }}{% endraw %}`. When you're ready to preview your site locally, pass along the `--baseurl` flag with your local baseurl (most likely `/`) to `jekyll serve` and Jekyll will swap in whatever you've passed along, ensuring all your links work as you'd expect in both environments.
All page and post URLs contain leading slashes

If you use the method described above, please remember that the URLs for all posts and pages contain a leading slash. Therefore, concatenating the site baseurl and the post/page url where `site.baseurl = /` and `post.url = /2013/06/05/my-fun-post/` will result in two leading slashes, which will break links. It is thus suggested that prefixing with `site.baseurl` only be used when the `baseurl` is something other than the default of `/`.