require "logger" require "httpi" module Savon class Options def initialize(options = {}) @options = {} assign options end attr_reader :option_type def [](option) @options[option] end def []=(option, value) value = [value].flatten self.send(option, *value) end def include?(option) @options.key? option end private def assign(options) options.each do |option, value| self.send(option, value) end end def method_missing(option, _) raise UnknownOptionError, "Unknown #{option_type} option: #{option.inspect}" end end class GlobalOptions < Options def initialize(options = {}) @option_type = :global defaults = { :encoding => "UTF-8", :soap_version => 1, :namespaces => {}, :logger =>$stdout), :log => true, :filters => [], :pretty_print_xml => false, :raise_errors => true, :strip_namespaces => true, :convert_response_tags_to => lambda { |tag| tag.snakecase.to_sym } } options = defaults.merge(options) # this option is a shortcut on the logger which needs to be set # before it can be modified to set the option. delayed_level = options.delete(:log_level) super(options) log_level(delayed_level) unless delayed_level.nil? end # Location of the local or remote WSDL document. def wsdl(wsdl_address) @options[:wsdl] = wsdl_address end # SOAP endpoint. def endpoint(endpoint) @options[:endpoint] = endpoint end # Target namespace. def namespace(namespace) @options[:namespace] = namespace end # The namespace identifer. def namespace_identifier(identifier) @options[:namespace_identifier] = identifier end # Namespaces for the SOAP envelope. def namespaces(namespaces) @options[:namespaces] = namespaces end # Proxy server to use for all requests. def proxy(proxy) @options[:proxy] = proxy end # A Hash of HTTP headers. def headers(headers) @options[:headers] = headers end # Open timeout in seconds. def open_timeout(open_timeout) @options[:open_timeout] = open_timeout end # Read timeout in seconds. def read_timeout(read_timeout) @options[:read_timeout] = read_timeout end # The encoding to use. Defaults to "UTF-8". def encoding(encoding) @options[:encoding] = encoding end # The global SOAP header. Expected to be a Hash. def soap_header(header) @options[:soap_header] = header end # Sets whether elements should be :qualified or unqualified. # If you need to use this option, please open an issue and make # sure to add your WSDL document for debugging. def element_form_default(element_form_default) @options[:element_form_default] = element_form_default end # Can be used to change the SOAP envelope namespace identifier. # If you need to use this option, please open an issue and make # sure to add your WSDL document for debugging. def env_namespace(env_namespace) @options[:env_namespace] = env_namespace end # Changes the SOAP version to 1 or 2. def soap_version(soap_version) @options[:soap_version] = soap_version end # Whether or not to raise SOAP fault and HTTP errors. def raise_errors(raise_errors) @options[:raise_errors] = raise_errors end # Whether or not to log. def log(log) HTTPI.log = log @options[:log] = log end # The logger to use. Defaults to a Savon::Logger instance. def logger(logger) @options[:logger] = logger end # Changes the Logger's log level. def log_level(level) levels = { :debug => 0, :info => 1, :warn => 2, :error => 3, :fatal => 4 } unless levels.include? level raise ArgumentError, "Invalid log level: #{level.inspect}\n" \ "Expected one of: #{levels.keys.inspect}" end @options[:logger].level = levels[level] end # A list of XML tags to filter from logged SOAP messages. def filters(*filters) @options[:filters] = filters.flatten end # Whether to pretty print request and response XML log messages. def pretty_print_xml(pretty_print_xml) @options[:pretty_print_xml] = pretty_print_xml end # Specifies the SSL version to use. def ssl_version(version) @options[:ssl_version] = version end # Whether and how to to verify the connection. def ssl_verify_mode(verify_mode) @options[:ssl_verify_mode] = verify_mode end # Sets the cert key file to use. def ssl_cert_key_file(file) @options[:ssl_cert_key_file] = file end # Sets the cert key password to use. def ssl_cert_key_password(password) @options[:ssl_cert_key_password] = password end # Sets the cert file to use. def ssl_cert_file(file) @options[:ssl_cert_file] = file end # Sets the ca cert file to use. def ssl_ca_cert_file(file) @options[:ssl_ca_cert_file] = file end # HTTP basic auth credentials. def basic_auth(*credentials) @options[:basic_auth] = credentials.flatten end # HTTP digest auth credentials. def digest_auth(*credentials) @options[:digest_auth] = credentials.flatten end # WSSE auth credentials for Akami. def wsse_auth(*credentials) @options[:wsse_auth] = credentials.flatten end # Instruct Akami to enable wsu:Timestamp headers. def wsse_timestamp(*timestamp) @options[:wsse_timestamp] = timestamp.flatten end # Instruct Nori whether to strip namespaces from XML nodes. def strip_namespaces(strip_namespaces) @options[:strip_namespaces] = strip_namespaces end # Tell Gyoku how to convert Hash key Symbols to XML tags. # Accepts one of :lower_camelcase, :camelcase, :upcase, or :none. def convert_request_keys_to(converter) @options[:convert_request_keys_to] = converter end # Tell Nori how to convert XML tags from the SOAP response into Hash keys. # Accepts a lambda or a block which receives an XML tag and returns a Hash key. # Defaults to convert tags to snakecase Symbols. def convert_response_tags_to(converter = nil, &block) @options[:convert_response_tags_to] = block || converter end end class LocalOptions < Options def initialize(options = {}) @option_type = :local defaults = { :advanced_typecasting => true, :response_parser => :nokogiri } super defaults.merge(options) end # The SOAP message to send. Expected to be a Hash or a String. def message(message) @options[:message] = message end # SOAP message tag (formerly known as SOAP input tag). If it's not set, Savon retrieves the name from # the WSDL document (if available). Otherwise, Gyoku converts the operation name into an XML element. def message_tag(message_tag) @options[:message_tag] = message_tag end # Attributes for the SOAP message tag. def attributes(attributes) @options[:attributes] = attributes end # Value of the SOAPAction HTTP header. def soap_action(soap_action) @options[:soap_action] = soap_action end # Cookies to be used for the next request. def cookies(cookies) @options[:cookies] = cookies end # The SOAP request XML to send. Expected to be a String. def xml(xml) @options[:xml] = xml end # Instruct Nori to use advanced typecasting. def advanced_typecasting(advanced) @options[:advanced_typecasting] = advanced end # Instruct Nori to use :rexml or :nokogiri to parse the response. def response_parser(parser) @options[:response_parser] = parser end end end