# encoding: utf-8 source :rubygems # Use local clones if possible. # If you want to use your local copy, just symlink it to vendor. def custom_gem(name, options = Hash.new) local_path = File.expand_path("../vendor/#{name}", __FILE__) if File.exist?(local_path) gem name, options.merge(:path => local_path).delete_if { |key, _| [:git, :branch].include?(key) } else gem name, options end end gem "eventmachine" # cool.io uses iobuffer that won't compile on JRuby # (and, probably, Windows) gem "cool.io", :platform => :ruby custom_gem "amq-protocol", :git => "git://github.com/ruby-amqp/amq-protocol.git", :branch => "master" group :development do gem "yard" # yard tags this buddy along gem "RedCloth" gem "nake", :platform => :ruby_19 gem "contributors", :platform => :ruby_19 # excludes Windows and JRuby gem "perftools.rb", :platform => :mri end group :test do gem "rspec", ">=2.0.0" gem "autotest" custom_gem "evented-spec", :git => "git://github.com/ruby-amqp/evented-spec.git", :branch => "master" end