# Copyright (c) 2020 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true cs__scoped_require 'monitor' # base cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/patch_status' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/method_policy' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/module_policy' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/components/interface' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/utils/class_util' # assess cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/policy' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/policy_scanner' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/rewriter_patch' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/source_method' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/trigger_method' # deadzone cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/deadzone/policy/policy' # inventory cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/inventory/policy/policy' # protect cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/protect/policy/policy' # patch cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/patch' # after load patched cs__scoped_require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/after_load_patcher' module Contrast module Agent module Patching module Policy # This is how we patch into our customer's code. It provides a way to # track which classes we need to patch into and, once we've woven, # provides a map for which methods our renamed functions need to call # and how. module Patcher extend Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::AfterLoadPatcher include Contrast::Components::Interface access_component :logging, :analysis, :agent, :scope class << self # Hook to install the Contrast changes needed to allow for the # instrumentation of the application - this only occurs once, during # startup to catchup on everything we didn't see get loaded def patch logger.debug_with_time("\tPatching") do catchup_after_load_patches patch_methods Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::RewriterPatch.rewrite_interpolations end end # Hook to only monkeypatch Contrast. This will not trigger any # other functions, like rewriting or scanning. Exposed for those # situations, like ActiveRecord dynamically defining functions, # where only a subset of the Assess changes are needed. PATCH_MONITOR = Monitor.new def patch_methods PATCH_MONITOR.synchronize do t = Contrast::Agent::Thread.new do synchronized_patch_methods end # aborting on exception makes exceptions propagate. t.abort_on_exception = true t.priority = Thread.current.priority + 1 t.join end end # This method is called by TracePointHook to instrument a specific class during a require # or eval of dynamic class definition def patch_specific_module mod mod_name = mod.cs__name return unless Contrast::Utils::ClassUtil.truly_defined?(mod_name) return if AGENT.skip_instrumentation?(mod_name) load_patches_for_module(mod_name) return unless all_module_names.any? { |name| name == mod_name } module_data = Contrast::Agent::ModuleData.new(mod, mod_name) patch_into_module(module_data) all_module_names.delete(mod_name) if status_type.get_status(mod).patched? rescue StandardError => e logger.error("Unable to patch into #{ mod_name }", e) end # We did it, team. We found a patcher(s) that applies to the given # class (or module) and the given method. Time to do some tracking. # # @param mod [Module] the module in which the patch should be # placed. # @param methods [Array(Symbol)] all the instance or singleton # methods in this clazz. # @param method_policy [Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::MethodPolicy] # the policy that applies to the given method_name. # @return [Boolean] if patched, either by this invocation or a # previous, or not def patch_method mod, methods, method_policy return false unless methods&.any? # don't even build the name if there are no methods if Contrast::Utils::ClassUtil.prepended_method?(mod, method_policy) Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::Patch.instrument_with_prepend(mod, method_policy) else Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::Patch.instrument_with_alias(mod, methods, method_policy) end end private POLICIES = [ Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::Policy, Contrast::Agent::Inventory::Policy::Policy, Contrast::Agent::Protect::Policy::Policy, Contrast::Agent::Deadzone::Policy::Policy ].cs__freeze def status_type Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus end # Find, and return, the constant with the given name. If none # exists, return nil. # # @param name [String] the constant whose value should be retrieved # @return [Object, nil] def patchable name return unless Contrast::Utils::ClassUtil.truly_defined?(name) Module.cs__const_get(name) end # @return [Array<String>] the names of all the Modules for which # there patches in our policies def all_module_names @_all_module_names ||= POLICIES.each_with_object(Set.new) { |policy, set| set.merge(policy.instance.module_names) } end # Hook to only monkeypatch Contrast. This will not trigger any # other functions, like rewriting or scanning. This method should # only be invoked by the patch_methods method above in order to # ensure it is wrapped in a synchronize call def synchronized_patch_methods # logger.trace_with_time("\t\tRunning patching") do # TODO: RUBY-547 patched = [] all_module_names.each do |patchable_name| next if AGENT.skip_instrumentation?(patchable_name) patchable_mod = patchable(patchable_name) next unless patchable_mod module_data = Contrast::Agent::ModuleData.new(patchable_mod, patchable_name) patch_into_module(module_data) patched << patchable_name if status_type.get_status(patchable_mod).patched? end all_module_names.subtract(patched) # end end # Given the patchers that apply to this class that may apply, patch # Contrast method calls into the methods for which we have rules. # # @param module_data [Contrast::Agent::ModuleData] the module, and # its name, that's being patched into # @param redo_patch [Boolean] a trigger to force patching # regardless of the state of the # Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus status on the # Module def patch_into_module module_data, redo_patch = false status = status_type.get_status(module_data.mod) return if (status&.patched? || status&.patching?) && !redo_patch # Begin patching our sources into the given clazz (or module) # Any patcher that has the name of the clazz will be evaluated for # patching. # Find all the patchers that apply to this class, sorted by type. module_policy = Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::ModulePolicy.create_module_policy(module_data.name) clazz = module_data.mod status = status_type.get_status(clazz) return if (status.patched? || status.patching?) && !redo_patch status.patching! patched = include_module(module_data) counts = 0 # Monkey patch any methods in this class that have matching nodes in the policy unless module_policy.empty? instance_methods = all_instance_methods(clazz, true) singleton_methods = clazz.singleton_methods(false) counts += patch_into_methods(clazz, instance_methods, module_policy, true) counts += patch_into_methods(clazz, singleton_methods, module_policy, false) counts = module_policy.num_expected_patches if adjust_for_prepend(clazz) patched = true end if patched if module_policy.num_expected_patches == counts status.patched! else status.partial_patch! end else status.no_patch! end rescue StandardError => e status ||= status_type.get_status(module_data.mod) status.failed_patch! logger.warn(e, "Unable to patch into #{ module_data.name }") ensure logger.debug(nil, "Patching #{ module_data.name } resulted in #{ status_type.get_status(module_data.mod).patch_status }") end # Includes the given module with the # Contrast::CoreExtensions::Assess::AssessExtension # @param module_data [Contrast::Agent::ModuleData] the module, and # its name, that's being patched into def include_module module_data return false unless Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::Policy.instance.tracked_classes.include?(module_data.name) module_data.mod.send(:include, Contrast::CoreExtensions::Assess::AssessExtension) true end # Get all of the instance methods on the given module, excluding # those from super classes. this list will always include the # initialize method # # @param mod [Module] The module from which to retrieve instance # methods. # @param private [Boolean] Indicate if the query should include # private, as well as public, instance methods # @return [Array<Symbol>] def all_instance_methods mod, private = false instance_methods = mod.instance_methods(false) # C magic rb_define_global_function creates private instance # methods. We need to instrument those dudes # https://www.thecodingforums.com/threads/object-private_instance_methods-kernel-singleton_methods.843013/ instance_methods.concat(mod.private_instance_methods(false)) if private # initialize is an exception to the inheritance rule. instance_methods << :initialize unless instance_methods.include?(:initialize) instance_methods end # We've found the patchers that apply to this class (or module). Now we'll # filter on the given method. # # @param mod [Module] The module from which to retrieve instance # methods. # @param methods [Array<Symbol>] The names of all the methods in # in this module # @param module_policy [Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::ModulePolicy] # All the patchers that apply to this class, sorted by type. # @param is_instance_method [Boolean] Indicates if these methods # are the instance or singleton methods for this module. # @return [Integer] number of methods patched def patch_into_methods mod, methods, module_policy, is_instance_method count = 0 methods.each do |method| method_policy = Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::MethodPolicy.build_method_policy(method, module_policy, is_instance_method) next if method_policy.empty? patched = patch_method(mod, methods, method_policy) count += 1 if patched end count end # CGI falls pray to the weirdness that is the history of a # previously included Module being prepended - the class that has # already included the Module does not learn about the prepend and # it has to be reapplied. # TODO: RUBY-620 should remove the need for this # # @param mod[Module] the Module for which a prepend action needs to # be accounted # @return [Boolean] if an adjustment was made or not def adjust_for_prepend mod return false unless mod.cs__name == 'CGI::Util' CGI.include(CGI::Util) CGI.extend(CGI::Util) true end end end end end end end # core extensions cs__scoped_require 'contrast/extensions/ruby_core/module' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/extensions/ruby_core/assess' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/extensions/ruby_core/inventory' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/extensions/ruby_core/protect' cs__scoped_require 'contrast/extensions/ruby_core/protect/kernel' cs__scoped_require 'cs__contrast_patch/cs__contrast_patch'