# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of the bovem gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun_panda@me.com>.
# Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

module Bovem
  # Methods of the {Shell Shell} class.
  module ShellMethods
    # General methods.
    module General
      # Handles general failure of a file/directory method.
      # @param e [Exception] The occurred exception.
      # @param access_error [String|Symbol] The message to show in case of access errors.
      # @param not_found_error [String|Symbol] The message to show in case of a not found entry.
      # @param general_error [String|Symbol] The message to show in case of other errors.
      # @param entries [Array] The list of entries which failed.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] Whether to show errors.
      def handle_failure(e, access_error, not_found_error, general_error, entries, fatal, show_errors)
        error_type = fatal ? :fatal : :error
        message = e.message.gsub(/.+ - (.+)/, "\\1")
        locale = self.i18n.shell

        case e.class.to_s
          when "Errno::EACCES" then @console.send(error_type, locale.send(access_error, message))
          when "Errno::ENOENT" then @console.send(error_type, locale.send(not_found_error, message))
          else show_general_failure(e, general_error, entries, fatal) if show_errors

      # Shows errors when a directory creation failed.
      # @param e [Exception] The occurred exception.
      # @param entries [Array] The list of entries which failed.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      def show_general_failure(e, general_error, entries, fatal)
        locale = self.i18n.shell

        @console.with_indentation(11) do
          entries.each do |entry| @console.write(entry) end
        @console.write(locale.error(e.class.to_s, e), "\n", 5)
        Kernel.exit(-1) if fatal

    # Methods to find or check entries.
    module Read
      # Tests a path against a list of test.
      # Valid tests are every method available in http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/FileTest.html (plus `read`, `write`, `execute`, `exec`, `dir`). Trailing question mark can be omitted.
      # @param path [String] The path to test.
      # @param tests [Array] The list of tests to perform.
      def check(path, tests)
        path = path.ensure_string

        tests.ensure_array.all? {|test|
          # Adjust test name
          test = test.ensure_string.strip

          test = case test
            when "read" then "readable"
            when "write" then "writable"
            when "execute", "exec" then "executable"
            when "dir" then "directory"
            else test

          # Execute test
          test += "?" if test !~ /\?$/
          FileTest.respond_to?(test) ? FileTest.send(test, path) : nil

      # Find a list of files in directories matching given regexps or patterns.
      # You can also pass a block to perform matching. The block will receive a single argument and the path will be considered matched if the blocks not evaluates to `nil` or `false`.
      # Inside the block, you can call `Find.prune` to stop searching in the current directory.
      # @param directories [String] A list of directories where to search files.
      # @param patterns [Array] A list of regexps or patterns to match files. If empty, every file is returned. Ignored if a block is provided.
      # @param by_extension [Boolean] If to only search in extensions. Ignored if a block is provided.
      # @param case_sensitive [Boolean] If the search is case sensitive. Only meaningful for string patterns.
      # @param block [Proc] An optional block to perform matching instead of pattern matching.
      def find(directories, patterns = [], by_extension = false, case_sensitive = false, &block)
        rv = []

        directories = directories.ensure_array.compact {|d| File.expand_path(d.ensure_string) }
        patterns = normalize_patterns(patterns, by_extension, case_sensitive)

        directories.each do |directory|
          if self.check(directory, [:directory, :readable, :executable]) then
            Find.find(directory) do |entry|
              found = patterns.blank? ? true : match_pattern(entry, patterns, by_extension, &block)

              rv << entry if found


        # Normalizes a set of patterns to find.
        # @param patterns [Array] A list of regexps or patterns to match files. If empty, every file is returned. Ignored if a block is provided.
        # @param by_extension [Boolean] If to only search in extensions. Ignored if a block is provided.
        # @param case_sensitive [Boolean] If the search is case sensitive. Only meaningful for string patterns.
        # @return [Array] The normalized patterns.
        def normalize_patterns(patterns, by_extension, case_sensitive)
          # Adjust patterns
          patterns = patterns.ensure_array.compact.collect {|p| p.is_a?(::Regexp) ? p : Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(p.ensure_string)) }
          patterns = patterns.collect {|p| /(#{p.source})$/ } if by_extension
          patterns = patterns.collect {|p| /#{p.source}/i } if !case_sensitive

        # Matches an entry against a set of patterns or a procedure.
        # @param entry [String] The entry to search.
        # @param patterns [Array] A list of regexps or patterns to match files. If empty, every file is returned. Ignored if a block is provided.
        # @param by_extension [Boolean] If to only search in extensions. Ignored if a block is provided.
        # @param block [Proc|nil] An optional block to run instead of pattern matching.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` if entry matched, `false` otherwise.
        def match_pattern(entry, patterns, by_extension, &block)
          catch(:found) do
            if block then
              throw(:found, true) if block.call(entry)
              patterns.each do |pattern|
                throw(:found, true) if pattern.match(entry) && (!by_extension || !File.directory?(entry))


    # Methods to copy or move entries.
    module Write
      # Copies a set of files or directory to another location.
      # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
      # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a list of message that would be copied or moved.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
      def copy(src, dst, run = true, show_errors = false, fatal = true)
        self.copy_or_move(src, dst, :copy, run, show_errors, fatal)

      # Moves a set of files or directory to another location.
      # @param src [String|Array] The entries to move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
      # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a list of message that would be deleted.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
      def move(src, dst, run = true, show_errors = false, fatal = true)
        self.copy_or_move(src, dst, :move, run, show_errors, fatal)

      # Copies or moves a set of files or directory to another location.
      # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
      # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
      # @param operation [Symbol] The operation to perform. Valid values are `:copy` or `:move`.
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a list of message that would be copied or moved.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
      def copy_or_move(src, dst, operation, run = true, show_errors = false, fatal = true)        
        rv = true
        locale = self.i18n.shell
        operation, operation_s, single, src, dst = sanitize_copy_or_move_arguments(operation, src, dst)

        if !run then
          dry_run_copy_or_move(single, operation_s, src, dst)
          rv = catch(:rv) do
            dst_dir = prepare_destination(single, src, dst, operation_s, show_errors, fatal)
            check_sources(src, operation_s, fatal)
            execute_copy_or_move(src, dst, dst_dir, single, operation, operation_s, show_errors, fatal)


        # Sanitizes arguments for copy or move.
        # @param operation [String] The operation which will be executed.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
        # @return [Array] A list of sanitized arguments.
        def sanitize_copy_or_move_arguments(operation, src, dst)
          operation = :copy if operation != :move
          single = !src.is_a?(Array)
          src = single ? File.expand_path(src) : src.collect {|s| File.expand_path(s) }

          [operation, self.i18n.shell.send(operation), single, src, File.expand_path(dst.ensure_string)]

        # Shows which copy or move operation are going to executed.
        # @param single [Boolean] Whether `src` is a single file or directory.
        # @param operation [String] The operation which will be executed.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
        def dry_run_copy_or_move(single, operation, src, dst)
          locale = self.i18n.shell

          if single then
            @console.write(locale.copy_move_from(File.expand_path(src.ensure_string)), "\n", 11)
            @console.write(locale.copy_move_to(dst), "\n", 11)
            @console.with_indentation(11) do
              src.each do |s| @console.write(s) end
            @console.write(locale.copy_move_to_multi(dst), "\n", 5)

        # Prepares a destination directory for a copy or move.
        # @param single [Boolean] Whether `src` is a single file or directory.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
        # @param operation [String] The operation which will be executed.
        # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        # @return [String] The prepared destination.
        def prepare_destination(single, src, dst, operation, show_errors, fatal)
          dst_dir = single ? File.dirname(dst) : dst
          has_dir = self.check(dst_dir, :dir)

          # Create directory
          has_dir = self.create_directories(dst_dir, 0755, true, show_errors, fatal) if !has_dir
          throw(:rv, false) if !has_dir

          if single && self.check(dst, :dir) then
            @console.send(fatal ? :fatal : :error, self.i18n.shell.copy_move_single_to_directory(operation, src, dst))
            throw(:rv, false)


        # Checks every sources for a copy or move.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param operation [String] The operation which will be executed.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        def check_sources(src, operation, fatal)
          # Check that every file is existing
          src.ensure_array.each do |s|
            if !self.check(s, :exists) then
              @console.send(fatal ? :fatal : :error, self.i18n.shell.copy_move_src_not_found(operation, s))
              throw(:rv, false)

        # Executes the copy or move operation.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param dst [String] The destination. **Any existing entries will be overwritten.** Any required directory will be created.
        # @param dst_dir [String] The destination directory.
        # @param single [Boolean] Whether `src` is a single file or directory.
        # @param operation [Symbol] The operation to perform. Valid values are `:copy` or `:move`.
        # @param operation_s [String] The string representation of the operation to perform.
        # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        def execute_copy_or_move(src, dst, dst_dir, single, operation, operation_s, show_errors, fatal)
          locale = self.i18n.shell

            FileUtils.send(operation == :move ? :mv : :cp_r, src, dst, {noop: false, verbose: false})
          rescue Errno::EACCES => e
            single_msg = locale.copy_move_dst_not_writable_single(operation_s, src, dst_dir)
            multi_msg = locale.copy_move_dst_not_writable_single(operation_s, dst)
            handle_copy_move_failure(single, src, show_errors, fatal, single_msg, multi_msg, nil)
          rescue Exception => e
            single_msg = locale.copy_move_error_single(operation_s, src, dst_dir, e.class.to_s, e)
            multi_msg = locale.copy_move_error_multi(operation_s, dst)
            handle_copy_move_failure(single, src, show_errors, fatal, single_msg, multi_msg, locale.error(e.class.to_s, e))

        # Handles a failure on copy or move.
        # @param single [Boolean] Whether `src` is a single file or directory.
        # @param src [String|Array] The entries to copy or move. If is an Array, `dst` is assumed to be a directory.
        # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        # @param single_msg [String] The message to show in case of a single source.
        # @param multi_msg [String] The starting message to show in case of multiple sources.
        # @param error [String|nil] The ending message to show in case of multiple sources.
        def handle_copy_move_failure(single, src, show_errors, fatal, single_msg, multi_msg, error)
          if single then
            @console.send(fatal ? :fatal : :error, single_msg, "\n", 5)
            @console.with_indentation(11) do
              src.each do |s| @console.write(s) end
            @console.write(error, "\n", 5) if error
            Kernel.exit(-1) if fatal

          throw(:rv, false)

    # Methods to run commands or delete entries.
    module Execute
      # Runs a command into the shell.
      # @param command [String] The string to run.
      # @param message [String] A message to show before running.
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a message with the full command that will be run.
      # @param show_exit [Boolean] If show the exit status.
      # @param show_output [Boolean] If show command output.
      # @param show_command [Boolean] If show the command that will be run.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Hash] An hash with `status` and `output` keys.
      def run(command, message = nil, run = true, show_exit = true, show_output = false, show_command = false, fatal = true)
        rv = {status: 0, output: ""}
        command = command.ensure_string
        locale = self.i18n.shell

        # Show the command
        @console.begin(message) if message.present?

        if !run then # Print a message
          @console.status(:ok) if show_exit
        else # Run
          rv = execute_command(command, show_command, show_output)

        # Return
        @console.status(rv[:status] == 0 ? :ok : :fail) if show_exit
        exit(rv[:status]) if fatal && rv[:status] != 0

      # Deletes a list of files.
      # @param files [Array] The list of files to remove
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a list of message that would be deleted.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
      def delete(files, run = true, show_errors = false, fatal = true)
        rv = true
        locale = self.i18n.shell
        files = files.ensure_array.compact.collect {|f| File.expand_path(f.ensure_string) }

        if !run then
          @console.with_indentation(11) do
            files.each do |file| @console.write(file) end
          rv = catch(:rv) do
              FileUtils.rm_r(files, {noop: false, verbose: false, secure: true})
              throw(:rv, true)
            rescue => e
              handle_failure(e, :remove_unwritable, :remove_not_found, :remove_error, files, fatal, show_errors)



        # Runs a command into the shell.
        # @param command [String] The string to run.
        # @param show_command [Boolean] If show the command that will be run.
        # @param show_output [Boolean] If show command output.
        # @return [Hash] An hash with `status` and `output` keys.
        def execute_command(command, show_command, show_output)
          output = ""

          @console.info(self.i18n.shell.run(command)) if show_command
          status = ::Open4::popen4(command + " 2>&1") { |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr|
            stdout.each_line do |line|
              output << line
              Kernel.print line if show_output

          {status: status, output: output}

    # Methods to interact with directories.
    module Directories
      # Executes a block of code in another directory.
      # @param directory [String] The new working directory.
      # @param restore [Boolean] If to restore the original working directory.
      # @param show_messages [Boolean] Show informative messages about working directory changes.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the directory was valid and the code executed, `false` otherwise.
      def within_directory(directory, restore = true, show_messages = false)
        rv = false
        locale = self.i18n.shell

        directory = File.expand_path(directory.ensure_string)
        original = Dir.pwd

        rv = enter_directory(directory, show_messages, locale.move_in(directory))
        yield if rv && block_given?
        rv = enter_directory(original, show_messages, locale.move_out(directory)) if rv && restore


      # Creates a list of directories, included missing parent directories.
      # @param directories [Array] The list of directories to create.
      # @param mode [Fixnum] Initial permissions for the new directories.
      # @param run [Boolean] If `false`, it will just print a list of directories that would be created.
      # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
      # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
      def create_directories(directories, mode = 0755, run = true, show_errors = false, fatal = true)
        rv = true

        # Adjust directory
        directories = directories.ensure_array.compact {|d| File.expand_path(d.ensure_string) }

        if !run then # Just print
          directories.each do |directory|
            rv = rv && try_create_directory(directory, mode, fatal, directories, show_errors)
            break if !rv


        # Change current working directory.
        # @param directory [String] The directory which move into.
        # @param show_message [Boolean] Whether to show or not message.
        # @param message [String] The message to show.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
        def enter_directory(directory, show_message, message)
            raise ArgumentError if !self.check(directory, [:directory, :executable])
            @console.info(message) if show_message
          rescue Exception => e

        # Show which directory are going to be created.
        # @param directories [Array] The list of directories to create.
        def dry_run_directory_creation(directories)
          @console.with_indentation(11) do
            directories.each do |directory| @console.write(directory) end

        # Tries to creates a directory.
        # @param directory [String] The directory to create.
        # @param mode [Fixnum] Initial permissions for the new directories.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        # @param directories [Array] The list of directories to create.
        # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
        def try_create_directory(directory, mode, fatal, directories, show_errors)
          rv = false
          locale = self.i18n.shell

          # Perform tests
          if self.check(directory, :directory) then
            @console.send(fatal ? :fatal : :error, locale.mkdir_existing(directory))
          elsif self.check(directory, :exist) then
            @console.send(fatal ? :fatal : :error, locale.mkdir_file(directory))
            rv = create_directory(directory, mode, fatal, directories, show_errors)


        # Creates a directory.
        # @param directory [String] The directory to create.
        # @param mode [Fixnum] Initial permissions for the new directories.
        # @param fatal [Boolean] If quit in case of fatal errors.
        # @param directories [Array] The list of directories to create.
        # @param show_errors [Boolean] If show errors.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` if operation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
        def create_directory(directory, mode, fatal, directories, show_errors)
          rv = false

          begin # Create directory
            FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory, {mode: mode, noop: false, verbose: false})
            rv = true
          rescue Exception => e
            handle_failure(e, :mkdir_denied, nil, :mkdir_error, directories, fatal, show_errors)


  # A utility class for most common shell operation.
  # @attr [Console] console # A console instance.
  class Shell
    include Lazier::I18n
    include Bovem::ShellMethods::General
    include Bovem::ShellMethods::Read
    include Bovem::ShellMethods::Write
    include Bovem::ShellMethods::Execute
    include Bovem::ShellMethods::Directories

    attr_accessor :console

    # Returns a unique instance for Shell.
    # @return [Shell] A new instance.
    def self.instance
      @instance ||= ::Bovem::Shell.new

    # Initializes a new Shell.
    def initialize
      @console = ::Bovem::Console.instance
      self.i18n_setup(:bovem, ::File.absolute_path(::Pathname.new(::File.dirname(__FILE__)).to_s + "/../../locales/"))