"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = function (_ref) { var Plugin = _ref.Plugin; var t = _ref.types; function toStatements(node) { if (t.isBlockStatement(node)) { var hasBlockScoped = false; for (var i = 0; i < node.body.length; i++) { var bodyNode = node.body[i]; if (t.isBlockScoped(bodyNode)) hasBlockScoped = true; } if (!hasBlockScoped) { return node.body; } } return node; } var visitor = { ReferencedIdentifier: function ReferencedIdentifier(node, parent, scope) { var binding = scope.getBinding(node.name); if (!binding || binding.references > 1 || !binding.constant) return; if (binding.kind === "param" || binding.kind === "module") return; var replacement = binding.path.node; if (t.isVariableDeclarator(replacement)) { replacement = replacement.init; } if (!replacement) return; // ensure it's a "pure" type if (!scope.isPure(replacement, true)) return; if (t.isClass(replacement) || t.isFunction(replacement)) { // don't change this if it's in a different scope, this can be bad // for performance since it may be inside a loop or deeply nested in // hot code if (binding.path.scope.parent !== scope) return; } if (this.findParent(function (path) { return path.node === replacement; })) { return; } t.toExpression(replacement); scope.removeBinding(node.name); binding.path.dangerouslyRemove(); return replacement; }, "ClassDeclaration|FunctionDeclaration": function ClassDeclarationFunctionDeclaration(node, parent, scope) { var binding = scope.getBinding(node.id.name); if (binding && !binding.referenced) { this.dangerouslyRemove(); } }, VariableDeclarator: function VariableDeclarator(node, parent, scope) { if (!t.isIdentifier(node.id) || !scope.isPure(node.init, true)) return; visitor["ClassDeclaration|FunctionDeclaration"].apply(this, arguments); }, ConditionalExpression: function ConditionalExpression(node) { var evaluateTest = this.get("test").evaluateTruthy(); if (evaluateTest === true) { return node.consequent; } else if (evaluateTest === false) { return node.alternate; } }, BlockStatement: function BlockStatement() { var paths = this.get("body"); var purge = false; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { var path = paths[i]; if (!purge && path.isCompletionStatement()) { purge = true; continue; } if (purge && !path.isFunctionDeclaration()) { path.dangerouslyRemove(); } } }, IfStatement: { exit: function exit(node) { var consequent = node.consequent; var alternate = node.alternate; var test = node.test; var evaluateTest = this.get("test").evaluateTruthy(); // we can check if a test will be truthy 100% and if so then we can inline // the consequent and completely ignore the alternate // // if (true) { foo; } -> { foo; } // if ("foo") { foo; } -> { foo; } // if (evaluateTest === true) { return toStatements(consequent); } // we can check if a test will be falsy 100% and if so we can inline the // alternate if there is one and completely remove the consequent // // if ("") { bar; } else { foo; } -> { foo; } // if ("") { bar; } -> // if (evaluateTest === false) { if (alternate) { return toStatements(alternate); } else { return this.dangerouslyRemove(); } } // remove alternate blocks that are empty // // if (foo) { foo; } else {} -> if (foo) { foo; } // if (t.isBlockStatement(alternate) && !alternate.body.length) { alternate = node.alternate = null; } // if the consequent block is empty turn alternate blocks into a consequent // and flip the test // // if (foo) {} else { bar; } -> if (!foo) { bar; } // if (t.isBlockStatement(consequent) && !consequent.body.length && t.isBlockStatement(alternate) && alternate.body.length) { node.consequent = node.alternate; node.alternate = null; node.test = t.unaryExpression("!", test, true); } } } }; return new Plugin("dead-code-elimination", { metadata: { group: "builtin-pre", experimental: true }, visitor: visitor }); }; module.exports = exports["default"];