# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop # Provide a method to define offense rule for Minitest cops. module MinitestCopRule # # Define offense rule for Minitest cops. # # @example # define_rule :assert, target_method: :match # define_rule :refute, target_method: :match # define_rule :assert, target_method: :include?, preferred_method: :assert_includes # define_rule :assert, target_method: :instance_of?, inverse: true # # @param assertion_method [Symbol] Assertion method like `assert` or `refute`. # @param target_method [Symbol] Method name offensed by assertion method arguments. # @param preferred_method [Symbol] An optional param. Custom method name replaced by # autocorrection. The preferred method name that connects # `assertion_method` and `target_method` with `_` is # the default name. # @param inverse [Boolean] An optional param. Order of arguments replaced by autocorrection. # def define_rule(assertion_method, target_method:, preferred_method: nil, inverse: false) preferred_method = "#{assertion_method}_#{target_method.to_s.delete('?')}" if preferred_method.nil? class_eval(<<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) include ArgumentRangeHelper extend AutoCorrector MSG = 'Prefer using `#{preferred_method}(%s)`.' RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[#{assertion_method}].freeze def on_send(node) return unless node.method?(:#{assertion_method}) return unless (arguments = peel_redundant_parentheses_from(node.arguments)) return unless arguments.first.respond_to?(:method?) && arguments.first.method?(:#{target_method}) add_offense(node, message: offense_message(arguments)) do |corrector| autocorrect(corrector, node, arguments) end end def autocorrect(corrector, node, arguments) corrector.replace(node.loc.selector, '#{preferred_method}') new_arguments = new_arguments(arguments).join(', ') if enclosed_in_redundant_parentheses?(node) new_arguments = '(' + new_arguments + ')' end corrector.replace(first_argument_range(node), new_arguments) end private def peel_redundant_parentheses_from(arguments) return arguments unless arguments.first&.begin_type? peel_redundant_parentheses_from(arguments.first.children) end def offense_message(arguments) message_argument = arguments.last if arguments.first != arguments.last new_arguments = [ new_arguments(arguments), message_argument&.source ].flatten.compact.join(', ') format( MSG, new_arguments: new_arguments ) end def new_arguments(arguments) receiver = correct_receiver(arguments.first.receiver) method_argument = arguments.first.arguments.first&.source new_arguments = [receiver, method_argument].compact new_arguments.reverse! if #{inverse} new_arguments end def enclosed_in_redundant_parentheses?(node) node.arguments.first.begin_type? end def correct_receiver(receiver) receiver ? receiver.source : 'self' end RUBY end end end end