module Cms module Commands module Actions def self.included(klass) klass.source_root(File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '../../../generators/cms/project/templates'))) end def generate_installation_script template 'install_generator.erb', "lib/generators/#{current_project}/install/install_generator.rb" template 'USAGE', "lib/generators/#{current_project}/install/USAGE" empty_directory "lib/generators/#{current_project}/install/templates" end def include_cms_module inject_into_file "lib/#{current_project}/engine.rb", :after => "isolate_namespace #{module_class}\n" do "\t\tinclude Cms::Module\n" end end def current_project @project_name || File.basename(Dir.pwd) end # i.e. BcmsWhatever def module_class current_project.camelize end # Runs `bundle install` inside the correct project directory (unless --skip_bundle was passed to the command) def run_bundle_install run "bundle install" unless options[:skip_bundle] end # Run `bundle update`, exiting if it doesn't work. def run_bundle_update return if options[:skip_bundle] inside current_project do result = run "bundle update" unless result puts "Check your Gemfile to ensure the dependencies are correct. Update them, then rerun the last command.".red exit(false) end end end RAILS_GEMFILE_PATTERN = /gem ["|']rails["|'],/ def comment_out_rails_in_gemfile gsub_file "Gemfile", RAILS_GEMFILE_PATTERN, "# gem 'rails',", :verbose => false say_status :rails, "Commenting out Rails dependency." end def update_browsercms_gem_version gsub_file "Gemfile", /gem ["|']browsercms.*$/, "gem \"browsercms\", \"#{Cms::VERSION}\"", :verbose=>false say_status :gemfile, "Update browsercms to v#{Cms::VERSION}" end def install_migrations rake 'cms:install:migrations' end def install_cms_seed_data # Copy from Gem copy_file File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, "../../../../db/browsercms.seeds.rb")), "db/browsercms.seeds.rb" append_to_file('db/seeds.rb', "\nrequire File.expand_path('../browsercms.seeds.rb', __FILE__)\n") end # Adds a route as the last file of the project. # Assumes we are inside the rails app. def add_route_to_end(route) inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', "\n #{route}\n", {:before => /^end$/} end # Find the first migration within the current project given a partial name: # i.e. create_turtles # Might find 20120314204817_create_turtles.rb # # @param [String] name Partial file name. Don't include the .rb at the end # @return [String] Full path to the file, so you can do file manipulation on it. def migration_with_name(name) file_pattern = "db/migrate/*#{name}.rb" files = Dir.glob(file_pattern) fail "Couldn't find a migration file matching this pattern (#{file_pattern})'" if files.empty? File.absolute_path(files.first) end # Returns a list of all models in the current project. # @return [Array] List of file names matching the models def find_custom_blocks file_pattern = "app/models/*.rb" model_files = Dir.glob(file_pattern) block_files = do |f| content = puts "Found\n#{content}" if content.match(/acts_as_content_block/) File.basename(f, ".rb") else nil end end block_files.compact end end end end