v0.2.3 FeedbackGhost will show the feedback on the top of the screen independent of the page scrolling. Ext.Panel#loadWidget will accept null as url to delete the currently loaded widget Bug fix: persistent_config works again v0.2.2 js_ext_config instance method added for overwriting Multiuser support Using Rails.logger for logging "config"-class method for every class inheriting Netzke::Base - for class-level configurations v0.2.1 Fixed the path to ext-base-min.js for production mode. Also works in Safari now. v0.2.0 * Some re-factoring and redesign. Now simple compound widgets can be created on the fly in the controller * Added ext_widget[:quiet] configuration option to suppress widget's feedback * Support for extra CSS sources, similar to JS * NETZKE_BOOT_CONFIG introduced to specify which Netzke functionality should be disabled to reduce the size of /netzke/netzke.[js|css] * FeedbackGhost widget added - invisible widget providing feedback to the user * netzke_widget controller class-method renamed into netzke * JS-comments now get stripped also from the extra files that get included in the netzke-* gems. * Permissions joined js_config * Bug fixes v0.1.4 Helpers added to facilitate ExtJS/netzke.js inclusion The route defined for netzke_controller netzke.html.erb-layout is not needed anymore, so not produced by the generator Now compliant with Rails' forgery protection v0.1.3 Generators fixed v0.1.2 Fixed the bug with _class_definition returning empty string on sequential loading. v0.1.1.1 Meta: moving from GitHub to RubyForge v0.1.1 Inter-widget dependencies code reworked JS-class code generation code slightly reworked v0.1.0.2 Meta: fix outdated Manifest v0.1.0.1 Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name v0.1.0 Initial release