require 'thor' module Hooray # Nice cli class CLI < Thor # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class_option :verbose, type: :boolean, aliases: :v class_option :network, type: :string, aliases: :n def initialize(*args) super return if ARGV.first =~ /init/ Settings.load! @start = end desc 'init', 'creates settings on ~' long_desc <<-LONG Creates local settings on your home folder. LONG def init return if Dir.exist?(Settings::CONFIG_DIR) pa 'Creating ~/.hooray directory', :red Dir.mkdir(Settings::CONFIG_DIR) settings_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'settings') %w(settings.yml devices.yml services.yml nmap-mac-prefixes).each do |file| pa "Creating ~/.hooray/#{file}", :red FileUtils.cp "#{settings_dir}/#{file}", Settings::CONFIG_DIR end end desc 'list FILTER', 'list and apply FILTER' long_desc <<-LONG Lists out all devices connected to the current network. LONG def list(*filter) puts sweep =[:network], *filter) if sweep.nodes.empty? pa "No results for filter #{filter.join(' ')}", :red else print_table(sweep.nodes) end puts end # no_commands do # alias_method :lsit, :list # alias_method :lits, :list # alias_method :all, :list # end desc 'watch FILTER', 'watch in realtime FILTER' long_desc <<-LONG Keeps listing out all devices connected to the current network. LONG def watch print_table old_seek =[:network]).nodes pa 'Starting watch...', :red loop do sleep 5 new_seek =[:network]).nodes print_change :new, (new_seek - old_seek) print_change :old, (old_seek - new_seek), :red old_seek = new_seek # binding.pry end end desc 'update', 'updates ssh config files' long_desc <<-LONG Updates your config files based on devices. LONG def update end desc 'local', 'local port status' long_desc <<-LONG This is a helper for those who can never remember netstat options. LONG def local Kernel.system 'LANG=en netstat -na | grep "tcp.*LISTEN"' end private def debug(message) return unless options[:verbose] say message end def print_change(txt, changes, color = :blue) return if changes.empty? pa "#{txt.to_s.capitalize} nodes @ #{}", color tp changes, :name, :ip, :mac end def print_table(nodes) return if nodes.empty? puts if nodes.first.ports.empty? tp nodes, :name, :ip, :mac else tp nodes, :name, :ip, :mac, :ports end puts '---' summary(nodes) end def summary(nodes) took = ( - @start).round(2) message = "#{nodes.count} device" message += 's' if nodes.size > 1 pa "#{message} @ #{} #{took}s", '#777', :bold end def method_missing(*params) case params.size when 1 then puts "Do you want to `#{params.first}` to a device?" puts "Use #{ARGV.first} #{params.first} " when 2 then command, name = params device = { |d| == name } return puts("Could not find '#{name}'") unless device system "#{command} #{device.ip}" else super end end end end