# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL class Schema # Find schema members using string paths # # @example Finding object types # MySchema.find("SomeObjectType") # # @example Finding fields # MySchema.find("SomeObjectType.myField") # # @example Finding arguments # MySchema.find("SomeObjectType.myField.anArgument") # # @example Finding directives # MySchema.find("@include") # class Finder class MemberNotFoundError < ArgumentError; end def initialize(schema) @schema = schema end def find(path) path = path.split(".") type_or_directive = path.shift if type_or_directive.start_with?("@") directive = schema.directives[type_or_directive[1..-1]] if directive.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find directive `#{type_or_directive}` in schema." end return directive if path.empty? find_in_directive(directive, path: path) else type = schema.types[type_or_directive] if type.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find type `#{type_or_directive}` in schema." end return type if path.empty? find_in_type(type, path: path) end end private attr_reader :schema def find_in_directive(directive, path:) argument_name = path.shift argument = directive.arguments[argument_name] if argument.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find argument `#{argument_name}` on directive #{directive}." end argument end def find_in_type(type, path:) case type when GraphQL::ObjectType find_in_fields_type(type, kind: "object", path: path) when GraphQL::InterfaceType find_in_fields_type(type, kind: "interface", path: path) when GraphQL::InputObjectType find_in_input_object(type, path: path) when GraphQL::UnionType # Error out if path that was provided is too long # i.e UnionType.PossibleType.aField # Use PossibleType.aField instead. if invalid = path.first raise MemberNotFoundError, "Cannot select union possible type `#{invalid}`. Select the type directly instead." end when GraphQL::EnumType find_in_enum_type(type, path: path) end end def find_in_fields_type(type, kind:, path:) field_name = path.shift field = schema.get_field(type, field_name) if field.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find field `#{field_name}` on #{kind} type `#{type}`." end return field if path.empty? find_in_field(field, path: path) end def find_in_field(field, path:) argument_name = path.shift argument = field.arguments[argument_name] if argument.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find argument `#{argument_name}` on field `#{field.name}`." end # Error out if path that was provided is too long # i.e Type.field.argument.somethingBad if invalid = path.first raise MemberNotFoundError, "Cannot select member `#{invalid}` on a field." end argument end def find_in_input_object(input_object, path:) field_name = path.shift input_field = input_object.input_fields[field_name] if input_field.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find input field `#{field_name}` on input object type `#{input_object}`." end # Error out if path that was provided is too long # i.e InputType.inputField.bad if invalid = path.first raise MemberNotFoundError, "Cannot select member `#{invalid}` on an input field." end input_field end def find_in_enum_type(enum_type, path:) value_name = path.shift enum_value = enum_type.values[value_name] if enum_value.nil? raise MemberNotFoundError, "Could not find enum value `#{value_name}` on enum type `#{enum_type}`." end # Error out if path that was provided is too long # i.e Enum.VALUE.wat if invalid = path.first raise MemberNotFoundError, "Cannot select member `#{invalid}` on an enum value." end enum_value end end end end