module Music module Transcription # Abstraction of a musical note. The note can contain multiple intervals # (at different pitches). Each interval can also contain a link to an interval # in a following note. Contains values for attack, sustain, and separation, # which will be used to form the envelope profile for the note. # # @author James Tunnell # # @!attribute [rw] duration # @return [Numeric] The duration (in, say note length or time), greater than 0.0. # # @!attribute [rw] intervals # @return [Numeric] The intervals that define which pitches are part of the # note and can link to intervals in a following note. # # @!attribute [rw] attack # @return [Numeric] The amount of attack, from 0.0 (less) to 1.0 (more). # Attack controls how quickly a note's loudness increases # at the start. # # @!attribute [rw] sustain # @return [Numeric] The amount of sustain, from 0.0 (less) to 1.0 (more). # Sustain controls how much the note's loudness is # sustained after the attack. # # @!attribute [rw] separation # @return [Numeric] Shift the note release towards or away the beginning # of the note. From 0.0 (towards end of the note) to # 1.0 (towards beginning of the note). # class Note include Hashmake::HashMakeable attr_reader :duration, :intervals, :sustain, :attack, :separation # hashed-arg specs (for hash-makeable idiom) ARG_SPECS = { :duration => arg_spec(:type => Numeric, :reqd => true, :validator => ->(a){ a > 0 } ), :intervals => arg_spec_array(:type => Interval, :reqd => false), :sustain => arg_spec(:type => Numeric, :reqd => false, :validator => ->(a){ a.between?(0.0,1.0)}, :default => 0.5), :attack => arg_spec(:type => Numeric, :reqd => false, :validator => ->(a){ a.between?(0.0,1.0)}, :default => 0.5), :separation => arg_spec(:type => Numeric, :reqd => false, :validator => ->(a){ a.between?(0.0,1.0)}, :default => 0.5), } # A new instance of Note. # @param [Hash] args Hashed arguments. See Note::ARG_SPECS for details. def initialize args={} hash_make args end # Compare the equality of another Note object. def == other return (@duration == other.duration) && (@intervals == other.intervals) && (@sustain == other.sustain) && (@attack == other.attack) && (@separation == other.separation) end # Set the note duration. # @param [Numeric] duration The duration to use. # @raise [ArgumentError] if duration is not greater than 0. def duration= duration ARG_SPECS[:duration].validate_value duration @duration = duration end # Set the note sustain. # @param [Numeric] sustain The sustain of the note. # @raise [ArgumentError] if sustain is not a Numeric. # @raise [RangeError] if sustain is outside the range 0.0..1.0. def sustain= sustain ARG_SPECS[:sustain].validate_value sustain @sustain = sustain end # Set the note attack. # @param [Numeric] attack The attack of the note. # @raise [ArgumentError] if attack is not a Numeric. # @raise [RangeError] if attack is outside the range 0.0..1.0. def attack= attack ARG_SPECS[:attack].validate_value attack @attack = attack end # Set the note separation. # @param [Numeric] separation The separation of the note. # @raise [ArgumentError] if separation is not a Numeric. # @raise [RangeError] if separation is outside the range 0.0..1.0. def separation= separation ARG_SPECS[:separation].validate_value separation @separation = separation end # Produce an identical Note object. def clone Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end # Remove any duplicate intervals (occuring on the same pitch), removing # all but the last occurance. Remove any duplicate links (links to the # same interval), removing all but the last occurance. def remove_duplicates # in case of duplicate notes intervals_to_remove = for i in (0...@intervals.count).entries.reverse @intervals.each_index do |j| if j < i if @intervals[i].pitch == @intervals[j].pitch intervals_to_remove.add @intervals[j] end end end end @intervals.delete_if { |interval| intervals_to_remove.include? interval} # in case of duplicate links for i in (0...@intervals.count).entries.reverse @intervals.each_index do |j| if j < i if @intervals[i].linked? && @intervals[j].linked? && @intervals[i].link.target_pitch == @intervals[j].link.target_pitch @intervals[j].link = end end end end end def transpose pitch_diff self.clone.transpose! pitch_diff end def transpose! pitch_diff @intervals.each do |interval| interval.pitch += pitch_diff += pitch_diff end return self end def to_s "#{duration}:#{{|i| i.pitch}.inspect}" end end module_function def note duration, intervals = [], other_args = {} { :duration => duration, :intervals => intervals }.merge other_args ) end end end