module GoogleMapsService # Converts Ruby types to string representations suitable for Maps API server. module Convert module_function # Converts a lat/lon pair to a comma-separated string. # # @example # >> GoogleMapsService::Convert.latlng({"lat": -33.8674869, "lng": 151.2069902}) # => "-33.867487,151.206990" # # @param [Hash, Array] arg The lat/lon hash or array pair. # # @return [String] Comma-separated lat/lng. # # @raise [ArgumentError] When argument is not lat/lng hash or array. def latlng(arg) return "%f,%f" % normalize_latlng(arg) end # Take the various lat/lng representations and return a tuple. # # Accepts various representations: # # 1. Hash with two entries - +lat+ and +lng+ # 2. Array or list - e.g. +[-33, 151]+ # # @param [Hash, Array] arg The lat/lon hash or array pair. # # @return [Array] Pair of lat and lng array. def normalize_latlng(arg) if arg.kind_of?(Hash) if arg.has_key?(:lat) and arg.has_key?(:lng) return arg[:lat], arg[:lng] end if arg.has_key?(:latitude) and arg.has_key?(:longitude) return arg[:latitude], arg[:longitude] end if arg.has_key?("lat") and arg.has_key?("lng") return arg["lat"], arg["lng"] end if arg.has_key?("latitude") and arg.has_key?("longitude") return arg["latitude"], arg["longitude"] end elsif arg.kind_of?(Array) return arg[0], arg[1] end raise ArgumentError, "Expected a lat/lng Hash or Array, but got #{arg.class}" end # If arg is list-like, then joins it with sep. # # @param [String] sep Separator string. # @param [Array, String] arg Value to coerce into a list. # # @return [String] def join_list(sep, arg) return as_list(arg).join(sep) end # Coerces arg into a list. If arg is already list-like, returns arg. # Otherwise, returns a one-element list containing arg. # # @param [Object] arg # # @return [Array] def as_list(arg) if arg.kind_of?(Array) return arg end return [arg] end # Converts the value into a unix time (seconds since unix epoch). # # @example # >> GoogleMapsService::Convert.time( # => "1409810596" # # @param [Time, Date, DateTime, Integer] arg The time. # # @return [String] String representation of epoch time def time(arg) if arg.kind_of?(DateTime) arg = arg.to_time end return arg.to_i.to_s end # Converts a dict of components to the format expected by the Google Maps # server. # # @example # >> GoogleMapsService::Convert.components({"country": "US", "postal_code": "94043"}) # => "country:US|postal_code:94043" # # @param [Hash] arg The component filter. # # @return [String] def components(arg) if arg.kind_of?(Hash) arg = { |k, v| "#{k}:#{v}" } return arg.join("|") end raise ArgumentError, "Expected a Hash for components, but got #{arg.class}" end # Converts a lat/lon bounds to a comma- and pipe-separated string. # # Accepts two representations: # # 1. String: pipe-separated pair of comma-separated lat/lon pairs. # 2. Hash with two entries - "southwest" and "northeast". See {.latlng} # for information on how these can be represented. # # For example: # # >> sydney_bounds = { # ?> "northeast": { # ?> "lat": -33.4245981, # ?> "lng": 151.3426361 # ?> }, # ?> "southwest": { # ?> "lat": -34.1692489, # ?> "lng": 150.502229 # ?> } # ?> } # >> GoogleMapsService::Convert.bounds(sydney_bounds) # => '-34.169249,150.502229|-33.424598,151.342636' # # @param [Hash] arg The bounds. # # @return [String] def bounds(arg) if arg.kind_of?(Hash) if arg.has_key?("southwest") && arg.has_key?("northeast") return "#{latlng(arg["southwest"])}|#{latlng(arg["northeast"])}" elsif arg.has_key?(:southwest) && arg.has_key?(:northeast) return "#{latlng(arg[:southwest])}|#{latlng(arg[:northeast])}" end end raise ArgumentError, "Expected a bounds (southwest/northeast) Hash, but got #{arg.class}" end # Decodes a Polyline string into a list of lat/lng hash. # # See the developer docs for a detailed description of this encoding: # # # @param [String] polyline An encoded polyline # # @return [Array] Array of hash with lat/lng keys def decode_polyline(polyline) points = [] index = lat = lng = 0 while index < polyline.length result = 1 shift = 0 while true b = polyline[index].ord - 63 - 1 index += 1 result += b << shift shift += 5 break if b < 0x1f end lat += (result & 1) != 0 ? (~result >> 1) : (result >> 1) result = 1 shift = 0 while true b = polyline[index].ord - 63 - 1 index += 1 result += b << shift shift += 5 break if b < 0x1f end lng += (result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1) points << {lat: lat * 1e-5, lng: lng * 1e-5} end points end # Encodes a list of points into a polyline string. # # See the developer docs for a detailed description of this encoding: # # # @param [Array, Array] points A list of lat/lng pairs. # # @return [String] def encode_polyline(points) last_lat = last_lng = 0 result = "" points.each do |point| ll = normalize_latlng(point) lat = (ll[0] * 1e5).round.to_i lng = (ll[1] * 1e5).round.to_i d_lat = lat - last_lat d_lng = lng - last_lng [d_lat, d_lng].each do |v| v = (v < 0) ? ~(v << 1) : (v << 1) while v >= 0x20 result += ((0x20 | (v & 0x1f)) + 63).chr v >>= 5 end result += (v + 63).chr end last_lat = lat last_lng = lng end result end end end