#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)).untaint, '/..') require 'netutils' # def usage(errmsg = nil) progname = File.basename($0) STDERR.print "ERROR: #{errmsg}\n\n" if errmsg STDERR.print "\ Usage: #{progname} -h #{progname} [-a] ... Description: retrieve configurations of network switches. If an option, ``-a,'' is specified, retrieve from all neighboring switches as well using LLDP or CDP. Arguments: switch IP address: an IP address of a switch. If no IP address is given, pre-defined IP addresses are used. Options: -h: output this help message. -a: try to find all neighboring switches. Example: #{progname} #{progname} -a " exit 1 end if ARGV[0] === '-h' ARGV.shift usage end if ARGV[0] === '-a' ARGV.shift Switch.set_retrieve_all end if ARGV.length > 0 ARGV.each do |ia| Switch.new(nil, Switch::Type::ROUTER, ia) end else SWITCHES.each { |name, ia| Switch.new(name, Switch::Type::ROUTER, ia) } end Switch.retrieve do |sw| start = Time.now if sw.name print "Connecting: ``#{sw.name}'' (#{sw.ia})\n" else print "Connecting: #{sw.ia}\n" end sw.login duration = Time.now - start print " Connected: ``#{sw.name}'' (#{sw.ia}) (#{sw.maker_to_s} #{sw.product}) (#{duration} seconds)\n" sw.config_get sw.config_dump(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)).untaint, '/../../../conf/net')) #switch.if_dump #switch.if_dump_csv print " Done: ``#{sw.name}'' (#{sw.ia}) (#{sw.maker_to_s} #{sw.product})\n" end Switch.warn