require 'roby/task' require 'roby/control' require 'set' module Roby::TaskStructure # Document-module: Hierarchy relation :Hierarchy, :child_name => :child, :parent_name => :parent_task do # True if +obj+ is a parent of this object in the hierarchy relation # (+obj+ is realized by +self+) def realizes?(obj); parent_object?(obj, Hierarchy) end # True if +obj+ is a child of this object in the hierarchy relation def realized_by?(obj); child_object?(obj, Hierarchy) end # True if +obj+ can be reached through the Hierarchy relation by # starting from this object def depends_on?(obj) generated_subgraph(Hierarchy).include?(obj) end # The set of parent objects in the Hierarchy relation def parents; parent_objects(Hierarchy) end # The set of child objects in the Hierarchy relation def children; child_objects(Hierarchy) end # Adds +task+ as a child of +self+ in the Hierarchy relation. The # following options are allowed: # # success:: the list of success events. The default is [:success] # failure:: the list of failing events. The default is [:failed] # model:: a [task_model, arguments] pair which defines the task model the parent is expecting. # The default value is to get these parameters from +task+ # # The +success+ set describes the events of the child task that are # _required_ by the parent task. More specifically, the child task # remains useful for the parent task as long as none of these events are # emitted. By default, it is the +success+ event. Of course, an error # condition is encountered when all events of +success+ become # unreachable. In addition, the relation is removed if the # +remove_when_done+ flag is set to true (false by default). # # The +failure+ set describes the events of the child task which are an # error condition from the parent task point of view. # # In both error cases, a +ChildFailedError+ exception is raised. def realized_by(task, options = {}) options = validate_options options, :model => [task.model, task.meaningful_arguments], :success => [:success], :failure => [:failed], :remove_when_done => false options[:success] = Array[*options[:success]] options[:failure] = Array[*options[:failure]] # Validate failure and success event names options[:success].each { |ev| task.event(ev) } options[:failure].each { |ev| task.event(ev) } options[:model] = [options[:model], {}] unless Array === options[:model] required_model, required_args = *options[:model] if !task.fullfills?(required_model, required_args) raise ArgumentError, "task #{task} does not fullfills the provided model #{options[:model]}" end add_child(task, options) self end # Set up the event gathering needed by Hierarchy.check_structure def added_child_object(child, relations, info) # :nodoc: super if defined? super if relations.include?(Hierarchy) && !respond_to?(:__getobj__) && !child.respond_to?(:__getobj__) events = info[:success].map { |ev| child.event(ev) } events.concat info[:failure].map { |ev| child.event(ev) } Roby::EventGenerator.gather_events(Hierarchy.interesting_events, events) end end # Return the set of this task children for which the :start event has # no parent in CausalLinks def first_children result = generated_subgraph(Hierarchy).each do |task| next if task == self if task.event(:start).root?(Roby::EventStructure::CausalLink) result << task end end result end # The set of events that are needed by the parent tasks def fullfilled_events needed = each_parent_task do |parent| needed.merge(parent[self, Hierarchy][:success]) end needed end # Return [tags, arguments] where +tags+ is a list of task models which # are required by the parent tasks of this task, and arguments the # required arguments # # If there is a task class in the required models, it is always the # first element of +tags+ def fullfilled_model model, tags, arguments = Roby::Task, [], {} each_parent_task do |parent| m, a = parent[self, Hierarchy][:model] if m.instance_of?(Roby::TaskModelTag) tags << m elsif m.has_ancestor?(model) model = m elsif !model.has_ancestor?(m) raise "inconsistency in fullfilled models: #{model} and #{m} are incompatible" end a.merge!(arguments) do |old, new| if old != new raise "inconsistency in fullfilled models: #{old} and #{new}" end end end tags.unshift(model) [tags, arguments] end # Remove all children that have successfully finished def remove_finished_children # We call #to_a to get a copy of children, since we will remove # children in the block. Note that we can't use #delete_if here # since #children is a relation enumerator (not the relation list # itself) children.to_a.each do |child| success_events = self[child, Hierarchy][:success] if success_events.any? { |ev| child.event(ev).happened? } remove_child(child) end end end end # Checks the structure of +plan+ w.r.t. the constraints of the hierarchy # relations. It returns an array of ChildFailedError for all failed # hierarchy relations def Hierarchy.check_structure(plan) result = [] events = Hierarchy.interesting_events return result if events.empty? && failing_tasks.empty? # Get the set of tasks for which a possible failure has been # registered The tasks that are failing the hierarchy requirements # are registered in Hierarchy.failing_tasks. The interesting_events # set is cleared at cycle end (see below) tasks = events.inject(failing_tasks) { |set, event| set << event.generator.task } @failing_tasks = tasks.each do |child| # Check if the task has been removed from the plan next unless child.plan has_error = false child.each_parent_task do |parent| next unless parent.self_owned? next if parent.finished? || parent.finishing? options = parent[child, Hierarchy] success = options[:success] failure = options[:failure] if success.any? { |e| child.event(e).happened? } if options[:remove_when_done] parent.remove_child child end elsif failing_event = failure.find { |e| child.event(e).happened? } result <<, child.event(failing_event).last) failing_tasks << child end end end events.clear result end class << Hierarchy # The set of events that have been fired in this cycle and are involved in a Hierarchy relation attribute(:interesting_events) { } # The set of tasks that are currently failing attribute(:failing_tasks) { } end end module Roby # This exception is raised when a {hierarchy relation}[classes/Roby/TaskStructure/Hierarchy.html] fails class ChildFailedError < LocalizedError # The parent in the relation attr_reader :parent # The child in the relation def child; failed_task end # The relation parameters (i.e. the hash given to #realized_by) attr_reader :relation # The event which is the cause of this error. This is either the task # source of a failure event, or the reason why a positive event has # become unreachable (if there is one) def initialize(parent, event) super(event.task_sources.find { true }) @parent = parent @relation = parent[child, TaskStructure::Hierarchy] end def pretty_print(pp) # :nodoc: super pp.breakable pp.breakable pp.text "The failed relation is" pp.breakable pp.nest(2) do pp.text " " parent.pretty_print pp pp.breakable pp.text "realized_by " child.pretty_print pp end end def backtrace; [] end # True if +obj+ is involved in this exception def involved_plan_object?(obj) super || obj == parent end end Control.structure_checks << TaskStructure::Hierarchy.method(:check_structure) end