
GtkToolbar — Create bars of buttons and other widgets


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct              GtkToolbar;
enum                GtkToolbarSpaceStyle;
GtkWidget *         gtk_toolbar_new                     (void);
void                gtk_toolbar_insert                  (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *item,
                                                         gint pos);
gint                gtk_toolbar_get_item_index          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *item);
gint                gtk_toolbar_get_n_items             (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
GtkToolItem *       gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item            (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gint n);
gint                gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y);
void                gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *tool_item,
                                                         gint index_);
void                gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gboolean show_arrow);
void                gtk_toolbar_unset_icon_size         (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
gboolean            gtk_toolbar_get_show_arrow          (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
GtkToolbarStyle     gtk_toolbar_get_style               (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
GtkIconSize         gtk_toolbar_get_icon_size           (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
GtkReliefStyle      gtk_toolbar_get_relief_style        (GtkToolbar *toolbar);
void                gtk_toolbar_set_style               (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolbarStyle style);
void                gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size           (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkIconSize icon_size);
void                gtk_toolbar_unset_style             (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkToolbar implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable, GtkToolShell and GtkOrientable.


  "icon-size"                gint                  : Read / Write
  "icon-size-set"            gboolean              : Read / Write
  "show-arrow"               gboolean              : Read / Write
  "toolbar-style"            GtkToolbarStyle       : Read / Write

Child Properties

  "expand"                   gboolean              : Read / Write
  "homogeneous"              gboolean              : Read / Write

Style Properties

  "button-relief"            GtkReliefStyle        : Read
  "internal-padding"         gint                  : Read
  "max-child-expand"         gint                  : Read
  "shadow-type"              GtkShadowType         : Read
  "space-size"               gint                  : Read
  "space-style"              GtkToolbarSpaceStyle  : Read


  "focus-home-or-end"                              : Action
  "orientation-changed"                            : Run First
  "popup-context-menu"                             : Run Last
  "style-changed"                                  : Run First


A toolbar is created with a call to gtk_toolbar_new().

A toolbar can contain instances of a subclass of GtkToolItem. To add a GtkToolItem to the a toolbar, use gtk_toolbar_insert(). To remove an item from the toolbar use gtk_container_remove(). To add a button to the toolbar, add an instance of GtkToolButton.

Toolbar items can be visually grouped by adding instances of GtkSeparatorToolItem to the toolbar. If the GtkToolbar child property "expand" is TRUE and the property "draw" is set to FALSE, the effect is to force all following items to the end of the toolbar.

Creating a context menu for the toolbar can be done by connecting to the "popup-context-menu" signal.


struct GtkToolbar

struct GtkToolbar;

enum GtkToolbarSpaceStyle

typedef enum {
} GtkToolbarSpaceStyle;



gtk_toolbar_new ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_toolbar_new                     (void);

Creates a new toolbar.

Returns :

the newly-created toolbar.

gtk_toolbar_insert ()

void                gtk_toolbar_insert                  (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *item,
                                                         gint pos);

Insert a GtkToolItem into the toolbar at position pos. If pos is 0 the item is prepended to the start of the toolbar. If pos is negative, the item is appended to the end of the toolbar.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

item :

a GtkToolItem

pos :

the position of the new item

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_get_item_index ()

gint                gtk_toolbar_get_item_index          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *item);

Returns the position of item on the toolbar, starting from 0. It is an error if item is not a child of the toolbar.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

item :

a GtkToolItem that is a child of toolbar

Returns :

the position of item on the toolbar.

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_get_n_items ()

gint                gtk_toolbar_get_n_items             (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Returns the number of items on the toolbar.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Returns :

the number of items on the toolbar

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item ()

GtkToolItem *       gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item            (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gint n);

Returns the n'th item on toolbar, or NULL if the toolbar does not contain an n'th item.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

n :

A position on the toolbar

Returns :

The n'th GtkToolItem on toolbar, or NULL if there isn't an n'th item. [transfer none]

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index ()

gint                gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y);

Returns the position corresponding to the indicated point on toolbar. This is useful when dragging items to the toolbar: this function returns the position a new item should be inserted.

x and y are in toolbar coordinates.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

x :

x coordinate of a point on the toolbar

y :

y coordinate of a point on the toolbar

Returns :

The position corresponding to the point (x, y) on the toolbar.

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item ()

void                gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolItem *tool_item,
                                                         gint index_);

Highlights toolbar to give an idea of what it would look like if item was added to toolbar at the position indicated by index_. If item is NULL, highlighting is turned off. In that case index_ is ignored.

The tool_item passed to this function must not be part of any widget hierarchy. When an item is set as drop highlight item it can not added to any widget hierarchy or used as highlight item for another toolbar.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

tool_item :

a GtkToolItem, or NULL to turn of highlighting. [allow-none]

index_ :

a position on toolbar

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow ()

void                gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow          (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         gboolean show_arrow);

Sets whether to show an overflow menu when toolbar doesn't have room for all items on it. If TRUE, items that there are not room are available through an overflow menu.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

show_arrow :

Whether to show an overflow menu

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_unset_icon_size ()

void                gtk_toolbar_unset_icon_size         (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Unsets toolbar icon size set with gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size(), so that user preferences will be used to determine the icon size.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

gtk_toolbar_get_show_arrow ()

gboolean            gtk_toolbar_get_show_arrow          (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Returns whether the toolbar has an overflow menu. See gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow().

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Returns :

TRUE if the toolbar has an overflow menu.

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_get_style ()

GtkToolbarStyle     gtk_toolbar_get_style               (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Retrieves whether the toolbar has text, icons, or both . See gtk_toolbar_set_style().

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Returns :

the current style of toolbar

gtk_toolbar_get_icon_size ()

GtkIconSize         gtk_toolbar_get_icon_size           (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Retrieves the icon size for the toolbar. See gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size().

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Returns :

the current icon size for the icons on the toolbar. [type int]

gtk_toolbar_get_relief_style ()

GtkReliefStyle      gtk_toolbar_get_relief_style        (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Returns the relief style of buttons on toolbar. See gtk_button_set_relief().

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Returns :

The relief style of buttons on toolbar.

Since 2.4

gtk_toolbar_set_style ()

void                gtk_toolbar_set_style               (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkToolbarStyle style);

Alters the view of toolbar to display either icons only, text only, or both.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar.

style :

the new style for toolbar.

gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size ()

void                gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size           (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                         GtkIconSize icon_size);

This function sets the size of stock icons in the toolbar. You can call it both before you add the icons and after they've been added. The size you set will override user preferences for the default icon size.

This should only be used for special-purpose toolbars, normal application toolbars should respect the user preferences for the size of icons.

toolbar :

A GtkToolbar

icon_size :

The GtkIconSize that stock icons in the toolbar shall have. [type int]

gtk_toolbar_unset_style ()

void                gtk_toolbar_unset_style             (GtkToolbar *toolbar);

Unsets a toolbar style set with gtk_toolbar_set_style(), so that user preferences will be used to determine the toolbar style.

toolbar :

a GtkToolbar

Property Details

The "icon-size" property

  "icon-size"                gint                  : Read / Write

The size of the icons in a toolbar is normally determined by the toolbar-icon-size setting. When this property is set, it overrides the setting.

This should only be used for special-purpose toolbars, normal application toolbars should respect the user preferences for the size of icons.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 3

Since 2.10

The "icon-size-set" property

  "icon-size-set"            gboolean              : Read / Write

Is TRUE if the icon-size property has been set.

Default value: FALSE

Since 2.10

The "show-arrow" property

  "show-arrow"               gboolean              : Read / Write

If an arrow should be shown if the toolbar doesn't fit.

Default value: TRUE

The "toolbar-style" property

  "toolbar-style"            GtkToolbarStyle       : Read / Write

How to draw the toolbar.


Child Property Details

The "expand" child property

  "expand"                   gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the item should receive extra space when the toolbar grows.

Default value: FALSE

The "homogeneous" child property

  "homogeneous"              gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the item should be the same size as other homogeneous items.

Default value: FALSE

Style Property Details

The "button-relief" style property

  "button-relief"            GtkReliefStyle        : Read

Type of bevel around toolbar buttons.

Default value: GTK_RELIEF_NONE

The "internal-padding" style property

  "internal-padding"         gint                  : Read


GtkToolbar:internal-padding has been deprecated since version 3.6 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use the standard padding CSS property (through objects like GtkStyleContext and GtkCssProvider); the value of this style property is ignored.

Amount of border space between the toolbar shadow and the buttons.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "max-child-expand" style property

  "max-child-expand"         gint                  : Read

Maximum amount of space an expandable item will be given.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 2147483647

The "shadow-type" style property

  "shadow-type"              GtkShadowType         : Read


GtkToolbar:shadow-type has been deprecated since version 3.6 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use the standard border CSS property (through objects like GtkStyleContext and GtkCssProvider); the value of this style property is ignored.

Style of bevel around the toolbar.

Default value: GTK_SHADOW_OUT

The "space-size" style property

  "space-size"               gint                  : Read

Size of spacers.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 12

The "space-style" style property

  "space-style"              GtkToolbarSpaceStyle  : Read

Whether spacers are vertical lines or just blank.


Signal Details

The "focus-home-or-end" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                        gboolean    focus_home,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Action

A keybinding signal used internally by GTK+. This signal can't be used in application code

toolbar :

the GtkToolbar which emitted the signal

focus_home :

TRUE if the first item should be focused

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Returns :

TRUE if the signal was handled, FALSE if not

The "orientation-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GtkToolbar    *toolbar,
                                                        GtkOrientation orientation,
                                                        gpointer       user_data)        : Run First

Emitted when the orientation of the toolbar changes.

toolbar :

the object which emitted the signal

orientation :

the new GtkOrientation of the toolbar

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "popup-context-menu" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
                                                        gint        x,
                                                        gint        y,
                                                        gint        button,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when the user right-clicks the toolbar or uses the keybinding to display a popup menu.

Application developers should handle this signal if they want to display a context menu on the toolbar. The context-menu should appear at the coordinates given by x and y. The mouse button number is given by the button parameter. If the menu was popped up using the keybaord, button is -1.

toolbar :

the GtkToolbar which emitted the signal

x :

the x coordinate of the point where the menu should appear

y :

the y coordinate of the point where the menu should appear

button :

the mouse button the user pressed, or -1

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Returns :

return TRUE if the signal was handled, FALSE if not

The "style-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GtkToolbar     *toolbar,
                                                        GtkToolbarStyle style,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run First

Emitted when the style of the toolbar changes.

toolbar :

The GtkToolbar which emitted the signal

style :

the new GtkToolbarStyle of the toolbar

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also
