#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "sfn" print "Generating command and configuration page..." klasses = Sfn::Config.constants.sort.map do |const| klass = Sfn::Config.const_get(const) klass if klass.is_a?(Class) && klass.respond_to?(:attributes) end.compact file = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "docs", "command-config.md"), "w") file.puts <<-EOS --- title: "Configuration" weight: 6 anchors: EOS klasses.each do |klass| file.puts " - title: \"#{klass.name.split("::").last} Command\"" file.puts " url: \"##{klass.name.split("::").last.downcase}-command\"" end file.puts "---" file.puts <<-EOS # Command configurations This lists commands and the options which the commands accept. It also includes the valid types which the options will accept. Options can be set with the `.sfn` configuration file to apply default values which can be overridden on the CLI. Options defined within the `.sfn` configuration file are the option name with `-` characters replaced with `_`. For example, the option `--apply-mapping` can be defined in the `.sfn` configuration file as: ~~~ruby Configuration.new do apply_mapping true end ~~~ EOS klasses.each do |klass| file.puts "## #{klass.name.split("::").last} Command" file.puts file.puts "~~~" file.puts "$ sfn #{klass.name.split("::").last.downcase}" file.puts "~~~" file.puts "\n" file.puts "| Option | Attribute | Value" file.puts "|--------|-----------|------" klass.attributes.sort_by(&:first).map do |name, value| file.puts "| `--#{name.to_s.tr("_", "-")}` | Description | #{value[:description]} |" file.puts "| | Valid | `#{[value[:type]].flatten.compact.join("`, `")}` |" file.puts "| | Default | #{value[:default].inspect unless value[:default].nil?}|\n" end file.puts end puts "done"