# Ruby RabbitMQ Janus [![RSpec](https://github.com/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/actions/workflows/rspec.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/actions/workflows/rspec.yml) [![Linter](https://github.com/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/actions/workflows/linter.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/actions/workflows/linter.yml) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ruby_rabbitmq_janus.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ruby_rabbitmq_janus) [![Docs](https://inch-ci.org/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus.svg)](https://inch-ci.org/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/44e8680ad5e96d109be2/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/maintainability) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/44e8680ad5e96d109be2/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/test_coverage) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/github/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus) Ruby Gem for Janus WebRTC Gateway integration using RabbitMQ message queue This gem is used to communicate to a server Janus through RabbitMQ software (Message-oriented middleware). It waiting a messages to Rails API who send to RabbitMQ server in a queue for janus server. janus processes a message and send to RabbitMQ server in a queue for gem. Once the received message is decoded and returned through the Rails API. This gem is product by [Dazzl.tv](http://dazzl.tv) ![Simple diagram](.diagrams.svg) ## Menu * [How to use](#how-to-use) * [Installation](#installation) * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Janus](#janus) * [Generators](#generators) * [Requests](#requests) * [Usage](#usage) * [Information](#usage-information) * [Standard request](#standard-request) * [Admin request](#admin-request) * [Listen Janus Event](#listen-janus-event) * [Upgrade](#upgrade) * [Development](#development) * [RSpec](#rspec-test) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Read documentation](#read-documentation) * [Generate developer documentation](#generate-developer-documentation) * [Contributing](#contributing) ## How to use ### Installation Use rubygem for installing gem in your application. Add in your Gemfile : ```ruby gem 'ruby_rabbitmq_janus' ``` And then execute : ```linux bundle ``` Or install it yourself as : ```linux gem install ruby_rabbitmq_janus ``` Install basic configuration : ```linux rails g ruby_rabbitmq_janus:install ``` ### Requirements * Janus Gateway : minimum version `0.7.4` [Source Code](https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway) - [Documentation](https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs/) * RabbitMQ server ### Configuration If you want used a customize configuration see [ruby-rabbitmq-janus.yml](config/default.md) #### Janus Configure one (or many) Janus server. [See janus gateway documentation.](https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs/) Configure the queue with rabbit with incremental number. So the first instance take a name `to-janus-1` and all queues `from` sending in same queue. #### Generators Use generator for complete installation : ```ruby rails g -h RubyRabbitmqJanus: ruby_rabbitmq_janus:configuration # Generate a custom configuration file. ruby_rabbitmq_janus:create_request # Create an request to json format for RubyRabbitmqJanus transaction. ruby_rabbitmq_janus:default_request # Copy base request file sending to janus in application. ruby_rabbitmq_janus:initializer # Generate a initializer to this gem for rails application. ruby_rabbitmq_janus:install # Install RubyRabbitmqJanus in your Rails application ``` #### Requests For create an new request is simple. Use a command generator : ```ruby rails g ruby_rabbitmq_janus:create_request test info 'transaction:,body:{plugins:false}' create config/requests/test/info.json ``` For more explain in requests files see [default requests](config/requests.md). ### Usage #### Usage information This gem use rabbitmq for manage request sending to Janus, so see [documentation Janus](https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs/pages.html) and [documentation Rabbitmq](http://www.rabbitmq.com/documentation.html). This gem use bunny gem for create connection with rabbitmq. See many guide : [bunny documentation](http://rubybunny.info/articles/guides.html). #### Standard Request ```ruby require 'ruby_rabbitmq_janus' # Initialize standard object t = RubyRabbitmqJanus::RRJ.new # Ask info Janus Instance t.session_endpoint_public do |transaction| transaction.publish_message('base::info') end => @request={"janus"=>"server_info" ... } ``` #### Admin Request __NOTE: The request authentication `HMAC-Signed token authentication` is not available.__ ```ruby require 'ruby_rabbitmq_janus' # Initialize admin object t = RubyRabbitmqJanus::RRJAdmin.new # Ask info sessions in Janus Instance options = { instance: 42 } t.admin_endpoint(options) do |transaction| transaction.publish_message('admin::sessions', options) end => @request={"janus"=>"success" ... "sessions"=>[123, 456, 789]} ``` #### Listen Janus Event ```ruby require 'ruby_rabbitmq_janus' # Create a class in your Rails application actions = RubyRabbitmqJanus::ActionEvents.new.action # Initialize a thread for listen public queue and send class to thread RubyRabbitmqJanus::Janus::Concurrencies::Event.new.run(@actions) ``` #### Listen Janus Admin Event ```ruby require 'ruby_rabbitmq_janus' # Create a class in your Rails application actions = RubyRabbitmqJanus::ActionAdminEvents.new.action # Initialize a thread for listen public admin queue and send class to thread RubyRabbitmqJanus::Janus::Concurrencies::EventAdmin.new.run(@actions) ``` ## Upgrade For upgrade your application read [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) ## Development ### RSpec test __Use docker for running SPEC__ ```linux # Prepare images docker-compose build # Launch tiers service RabbitMQ docker-compose up -d rabbit # Launch tiers service Janus (ensure rabbit is started before and READY) docker-compose up -d janus janus_token ## Excute ## # Start for MongoID database docker-compose run gem env MONGO=true bundle exec rake classic docker-compose run gem env MONGO=true bundle exec rake concurrency # Start for SQlite3 database docker-compose run gem env MONGO=false bundle exec rake classic docker-compose run gem env MONGO=false bundle exec rake concurrency ## OR ## # Navigate in container an docker-compose run gem ash export MONGO=true bundle exec rake classic ``` NOTE : Use `SPEC_DEBUG=true bundle exec rake classic` for stopping rspec execution when first test fail. TIPS: for rspec install janus and rabbitmq server configured by default for user rabbitmq and use plugin echotest for janus server. Use tags for rspec : | Describe | Type | Name | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | --------------- | | Internaly function | config | | | Use bunny gem | | rabbit | | Test log functions | | log | | Test configuration function | | config | | Test Gem contains CONSTANTS | | describe | | Level request sending to janus (admin monitor API or classic) | level | | | Request basic. | | base | | Request with admin right in Janus application. | | admin | | Request candidate/jsep | | peer | | Request JSON sending to Rabbitmq -> Janus | request | | | Test request attach type | | attach | | Test request type create | | create | | Test request type detach | | detach | | Test request type janus info | | info | | Test request type test | | test | | Test request type handle list | | handles | | Test request type sesssion list | | sessions | | Test request type handle information | | handle_info | | Test request type (un)locking debug | | set_locking_debug | | Test request type change log level | | set_log_level | | Test request type tokens list | | tokens | | Test request type destroy session | | destroy | | Test request keepalive | | keepalive | | Test request type sdp offer | | offer | | Test request type trickle, send on candidate | | trickle | | Test request type trickles, send array candidate | | trickles | | Event(s) thread | event | | | Test thread public queue | | event | | Test thread admin queue | | event_admin | Example usage rspec with tags : ```ruby rspec --tag --name:config --tag level:base ``` ### Documentation #### Read documentation The documentation is accessible in [rubydoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/ruby_rabbitmq_janus/) #### Generate developer documentation This doc is generated with yard. ``` # Genereate doc yard # Launch server yard server ``` [See Yard Getting Started](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/yard/file/docs/GettingStarted.md) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dazzl-tv/ruby-rabbitmq-janus This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.