class Blog::Blogpost attr_accessor :title, :description, :thumbnail, :author, :published, :published_at, :updated_at, :category, :tags, :link, :locale, :slug, :spotlight, :filename, :content, :header_img_url CLOUDFRONT_BLOG_URL = ''.freeze DEFAULT_VONAGE_LOGO_URL = ''.freeze def initialize(attributes) @title = attributes['title'] @description = attributes['description'] @thumbnail = attributes['thumbnail'] || '' @published = attributes['published'] || false @published_at = attributes['published_at'] @updated_at = attributes['updated_at'] @tags = attributes['tags'] || [] @link = attributes['link'] || '' @filename = attributes['filename'] @locale = attributes['locale'] || 'en' @outdated = attributes['outdated'] || false @spotlight = attributes['spotlight'] || false @author =['author'] || {}) # TODO: DEFAULT AUTHOR @category =['category']) @content = '' @header_img_url = build_bucket_img_url_from_thumbnail @replacement_url = attributes['replacement_url'] end def self.build_blogpost_from_path(path, locale) return if path.blank? path = "#{Rails.configuration.blog_path}/blogposts/#{locale}/#{path}.md" default_not_found_page(path) unless File.exist?(path) # gsub Netlify - img urls to S3 Bucket document ='/content/blog/') do |match| "#{Blog::Blogpost::CLOUDFRONT_BLOG_URL}blogposts/#{match.gsub('/content/blog/', '')}" end # gsub Netlify - embedded YOUTUBE Video document = document.gsub(%r{}) do |match| youtube_id = match[/(?<=").*(?=")/] "

" end blogpost = new(BlogpostParser.build_show_with_locale(path, locale)) blogpost.content ={}).call(document) blogpost end def build_bucket_img_url_from_thumbnail require 'net/http' require 'addressable' return DEFAULT_VONAGE_LOGO_URL if @thumbnail.empty? @thumbnail = @thumbnail.gsub('/content/blog/') do |match| # gsub Netlify img urls "#{Blog::Blogpost::CLOUDFRONT_BLOG_URL}blogposts/#{match.gsub('/content/blog/', '')}" end url = Addressable::URI.parse(@thumbnail) Net::HTTP.start(, url.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| if http.head(url.request_uri)['Content-Type'].start_with? 'image' @thumbnail else DEFAULT_VONAGE_LOGO_URL end end end def self.default_not_found_page(path) # TODO: - default not found page # get '*unmatched_route', to: 'application#not_found' # is already taking care of any wrong route "

No such blog


" end end