The Amp Commandments Redux: 1. Thou shalt not useth the "" syntax. 2. Thou shalt useth only but 80 columns, for those who useth the lord's editors, vim and emacs. (emacs sucks - oh no he didn't) 3. Thou shalt preface thine variables with _ only when thou needest, lest ye face judgement for this most grave sin. (this isn't python. no __method__ is necessary!) 4. Thine variables should have descriptive names, for thine ruby might read like the psalms. 5. Thine variables, longer than 6 letters and composed of two or more words, shall separate those words with the lord's underscore, so thine code shall flow like the Nile herself. 6. Thou shalt rake thine yard frequently, to be sure thine code is well-documented for thine neighbors. 7. Thou shalt use alias_method over alias or I shall goeth Chris Brown all over thou. (meh we don't need threats in the commandments.) 8. Thou shalt use parentheses in thine defintions of methods, for the consistency of the codes in this repository. 9. Thine comments shall start, when above thine method definitions, with 2 (two) hashes, and the information, then, beginning on the line below it. Thou shalt leave one blank comment line between thine comment info and thine yard information. 10. Thou shalt make great and grand use of the yard extension. It is pretty sweet. 11. Name thine motherfrakking vari VERSION 3 VERSION 3 ables motherfrakking descriptively.