require_relative 'test_command_generator_base' require_relative 'module' require_relative 'latest_os_version' module Snapshot # Responsible for building the fully working xcodebuild command # This TestCommandGenerator supports Xcode 8's `xcodebuild` requirements # It is its own object, as the logic differs for how we want to handle # creating `xcodebuild` commands for Xcode 9 (see test_command_generator.rb) class TestCommandGeneratorXcode8 < TestCommandGeneratorBase class << self def generate(device_type: nil, language: nil, locale: nil) parts = prefix parts << "xcodebuild" parts += options(language, locale) parts += destination(device_type) parts += build_settings(language, locale) parts += actions parts += suffix parts += pipe(device_type, language, locale) return parts end def pipe(device_type, language, locale) log_path = xcodebuild_log_path(device_type: device_type, language: language, locale: locale) pipe = ["| tee #{log_path.shellescape}"] pipe << "| xcpretty #{Snapshot.config[:xcpretty_args]}" pipe << "> /dev/null" if Snapshot.config[:suppress_xcode_output] return pipe end def destination(device_name) # on Mac we will always run on host machine, so should specify only platform return ["-destination 'platform=macOS'"] if device_name =~ /^Mac/ # if device_name is nil, use the config and get all devices os = device_name =~ /^Apple TV/ ? "tvOS" : "iOS" os_version = Snapshot.config[:ios_version] || Snapshot::LatestOsVersion.version(os) device = find_device(device_name, os_version) if device.nil? UI.user_error!("No device found named '#{device_name}' for version '#{os_version}'") elsif device.os_version != os_version UI.important("Using device named '#{device_name}' with version '#{device.os_version}' because no match was found for version '#{os_version}'") end value = "platform=#{os} Simulator,id=#{device.udid},OS=#{device.os_version}" return ["-destination '#{value}'"] end def xcodebuild_log_path(device_type: nil, language: nil, locale: nil) name_components = [Snapshot.project.app_name, Snapshot.config[:scheme]] if Snapshot.config[:namespace_log_files] name_components << device_type if device_type name_components << language if language name_components << locale if locale end file_name = "#{name_components.join('-')}.log" containing = File.expand_path(Snapshot.config[:buildlog_path]) FileUtils.mkdir_p(containing) return File.join(containing, file_name) end end end end