/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.errata.controller:ErrataController * * @requires $scope * @requires $state * @requires $location * @requires translate * @requires Nutupane * @requires Erratum * @requires IncrementalUpdate * @requires Repository * @requires CurrentOrganization * * @description * Provides the functionality specific to errata for use with the Nutupane UI pattern. * Defines the columns to display and the transform function for how to generate each row * within the table. */ angular.module('Bastion.errata').controller('ErrataController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$location', 'translate', 'Nutupane', 'Erratum', 'IncrementalUpdate', 'Repository', 'CurrentOrganization', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $location, translate, Nutupane, Erratum, IncrementalUpdate, Repository, CurrentOrganization) { var nutupane, params = { 'organization_id': CurrentOrganization, 'search': $location.search().search || "", 'sort_by': 'updated', 'sort_order': 'DESC', 'paged': true, 'errata_restrict_applicable': false, 'disableAutoLoad': true }; var repoId = $stateParams.repositoryId; if (repoId) { params['repository_id'] = repoId; } nutupane = $scope.nutupane = new Nutupane(Erratum, params); $scope.controllerName = 'katello_errata'; // Labels so breadcrumb strings can be translated $scope.label = translate('Errata'); $scope.tasksLabel = translate('Tasks'); $scope.table = nutupane.table; $scope.removeRow = nutupane.removeRow; Erratum.queryPaged({'organization_id': CurrentOrganization}, function (result) { $scope.errataCount = result.total; }); $scope.repository = {name: translate('All Repositories'), id: 'all'}; Repository.queryUnpaged({'organization_id': CurrentOrganization, 'content_type': 'yum', 'with_content': 'erratum'}, function (response) { $scope.repositories = [$scope.repository]; $scope.repositories = $scope.repositories.concat(response.results); if (repoId) { $scope.repository = _.find($scope.repositories, function (repository) { return repository.id === repoId; }); } if ($location.search().repositoryId) { $scope.repository = _.find($scope.repositories, function (repository) { return repository.id === parseInt($location.search().repositoryId, 10); }); } }); $scope.showApplicable = false; $scope.showInstallable = false; $scope.toggleFilters = function () { if ($scope.showInstallable === true) { $scope.showApplicable = true; } nutupane.table.params['errata_restrict_applicable'] = $scope.showApplicable; nutupane.table.params['errata_restrict_installable'] = $scope.showInstallable; nutupane.refresh(); }; $scope.$watch('repository', function (repository) { var nutupaneParams = nutupane.getParams(); if (repository && repository.id === 'all') { nutupaneParams['repository_id'] = null; nutupane.setParams(nutupaneParams); } else { $location.search('repositoryId', repository.id); nutupaneParams['repository_id'] = repository.id; nutupane.setParams(nutupaneParams); } if (!nutupane.table.initialLoad) { nutupane.refresh(); } }); $scope.goToNextStep = function () { IncrementalUpdate.setBulkErrata(nutupane.getAllSelectedResults('errata_id')); $state.transitionTo('apply-errata.select-content-hosts'); }; $scope.incrementalUpdates = IncrementalUpdate.getIncrementalUpdates(); }] );