module Partitioned # # MixIn used to extend ActiveRecord::Base classes implementing bulk insert and update operations # through {#create_many} and {#update_many}. {Partitioned::PartitionedBase} classes are extended # with these methods by default. # # @example to use in non-{Partitioned::PartitionedBase} class: # class Company < ActiveRecord::Base # extend Partitioned::BulkMethodsMixin # end # module BulkMethodsMixin # exception thrown when row data structures are inconsistent between rows in single call to {#create_many} or {#update_many} class BulkUploadDataInconsistent < StandardError def initialize(model, table_name, expected_columns, found_columns, while_doing) super("#{}: for table: #{table_name}; #{expected_columns} != #{found_columns}; #{while_doing}") end end # BULK creation of many rows # # @example no options used # rows = [ # { :name => 'Keith', :salary => 1000 }, # { :name => 'Alex', :salary => 2000 } # ] # Employee.create_many(rows) # # @example with :returning option to returns key value # rows = [ # { :name => 'Keith', :salary => 1000 }, # { :name => 'Alex', :salary => 2000 } # ] # options = { :returning => [:id] } # Employee.create_many(rows, options) # [#, #] # # @example with :slice_size option (will generate two insert queries) # rows = [ # { :name => 'Keith', :salary => 1000 }, # { :name => 'Alex', :salary => 2000 }, # { :name => 'Mark', :salary => 3000 } # ] # options = { :slice_size => 2 } # Employee.create_many(rows, options) # # @param [Array] rows ([]) data to be inserted into database # @param [Hash] options ({}) options for bulk inserts # @option options [Integer] :slice_size (1000) how many records will be created in a single SQL query # @option options [Boolean] :check_consitency (true) ensure some modicum of sanity on the incoming dataset, specifically: does each row define the same set of key/value pairs # @option options [Array or String] :returning (nil) list of fields to return. # @return [Array] rows returned from DB as option[:returning] requests # @raise [BulkUploadDataInconsistent] raised when key/value pairs between rows are inconsistent (check disabled with option :check_consistency) def create_many(rows, options = {}) return [] if rows.blank? options[:slice_size] = 1000 unless options.has_key?(:slice_size) options[:check_consistency] = true unless options.has_key?(:check_consistency) returning_clause = "" if options[:returning] if options[:returning].is_a? Array returning_list = options[:returning].join(',') else returning_list = options[:returning] end returning_clause = " returning #{returning_list}" end returning = [] created_at_value = num_sequences_needed = rows.reject{|r| r[:id].present?}.length if num_sequences_needed > 0 row_ids = connection.next_sequence_values(sequence_name, num_sequences_needed) else row_ids = [] end rows.each do |row| # set the primary key if it needs to be set row[:id] ||= row_ids.shift end.each do |row| # set :created_at if need be row[:created_at] ||= created_at_value end.group_by do |row| respond_to?(:partition_name) ? partition_name(*partition_key_values(row)) : table_name end.each do |table_name, rows_for_table| column_names = rows_for_table[0].keys.sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} sql_insert_string = "insert into #{table_name} (#{column_names.join(',')}) values " do |row| if options[:check_consistency] row_column_names = row.keys.sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} if column_names != row_column_names raise, table_name, column_names, row_column_names, "while attempting to build insert statement") end end column_values = do |column_name| quote_value(row[column_name], columns_hash[column_name.to_s]) end.join(',') "(#{column_values})" end.each_slice(options[:slice_size]) do |insert_slice| returning += find_by_sql(sql_insert_string + insert_slice.join(',') + returning_clause) end end return returning end # # BULK updates of many rows # # @return [Array] rows returned from DB as option[:returning] requests # @raise [BulkUploadDataInconsistent] raised when key/value pairs between rows are inconsistent (check disabled with option :check_consistency) # @param [Hash] options ({}) options for bulk inserts # @option options [Integer] :slice_size (1000) how many records will be created in a single SQL query # @option options [Boolean] :check_consitency (true) ensure some modicum of sanity on the incoming dataset, specifically: does each row define the same set of key/value pairs # @option options [Array] :returning (nil) list of fields to return. # @option options [String] :returning (nil) single field to return. # # @overload update_many(rows = [], options = {}) # @param [Array] rows ([]) data to be updated # @option options [String] :set_array (built from first row passed in) the set clause # @option options [String] :where ('"#{table_name}.id ="') the where clause # # @overload update_many(rows = {}, options = {}) # @param [Hash] rows ({}) data to be updated # @option options [String] :set_array (built from the values in the first key/value pair of `rows`) the set clause # @option options [String] :where (built from the keys in the first key/value pair of `rows`) the where clause # # @example using "set_array" to add the value of "salary" to the specific employee's salary the default where clause matches IDs so, it works here. # rows = [ # { :id => 1, :salary => 1000 }, # { :id => 10, :salary => 2000 }, # { :id => 23, :salary => 2500 } # ] # options = { :set_array => '"salary = datatable.salary"' } # Employee.update_many(rows, options) # # @example using where clause to match salary. # rows = [ # { :id => 1, :salary => 1000, :company_id => 10 }, # { :id => 10, :salary => 2000, :company_id => 12 }, # { :id => 23, :salary => 2500, :company_id => 5 } # ] # options = { # :set_array => '"company_id = datatable.company_id"', # :where => '"#{table_name}.salary = datatable.salary"' # } # Employee.update_many(rows, options) # # @example setting where clause to the KEY of the hash passed in and the set_array is generated from the VALUES # rows = { # { :id => 1 } => { :salary => 100000, :company_id => 10 }, # { :id => 10 } => { :salary => 110000, :company_id => 12 }, # { :id => 23 } => { :salary => 90000, :company_id => 5 } # } # Employee.update_many(rows) # # @note Remember that you should probably set updated_at using "updated = datatable.updated_at" # or "updated_at = now()" in the set_array if you want to follow # the standard active record model for time columns (and you have an updated_at column) def update_many(rows, options = {}) return [] if rows.blank? if rows.is_a?(Hash) options[:where] = '"' + rows.keys[0]{|key| '#{table_name}.' + "#{key} = datatable.#{key}"}.join(' and ') + '"' options[:set_array] = '"' + rows.values[0]{|key| "#{key} = datatable.#{key}"}.join(',') + '"' unless options[:set_array] r = [] rows.each do |key,value| r << key.merge(value) end rows = r end unless options[:set_array] column_names = rows[0].keys columns_to_remove = [:id] columns_to_remove += [partition_keys].map{|k| k.to_sym} if respond_to?(:partition_keys) options[:set_array] = '"' + (column_names - columns_to_remove.flatten).map{|cn| "#{cn} = datatable.#{cn}"}.join(',') + '"' end options[:slice_size] = 1000 unless options[:slice_size] options[:check_consistency] = true unless options.has_key?(:check_consistency) returning_clause = "" if options[:returning] if options[:returning].is_a?(Array) returning_list = options[:returning].map{|r| '#{table_name}.' + r.to_s}.join(',') else returning_list = options[:returning] end returning_clause = "\" returning #{returning_list}\"" end options[:where] = '"#{table_name}.id ="' unless options[:where] returning = [] rows.group_by do |row| respond_to?(:partition_name) ? partition_name(*partition_key_values(row)) : table_name end.each do |table_name, rows_for_table| column_names = rows_for_table[0].keys.sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} rows_for_table.each_slice(options[:slice_size]) do |update_slice| datatable_rows = [] update_slice.each_with_index do |row,i| if options[:check_consistency] row_column_names = row.keys.sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} if column_names != row_column_names raise, table_name, column_names, row_column_names, "while attempting to build update statement") end end datatable_rows << do |column_name,column_value| column_name = column_name.to_s columns_hash_value = columns_hash[column_name] if i == 0 "#{quote_value(column_value, columns_hash_value)}::#{columns_hash_value.sql_type} as #{column_name}" else quote_value(column_value, columns_hash_value) end end.join(',') end datatable = datatable_rows.join(' union select ') sql_update_string = <<-SQL update #{table_name} set #{eval(options[:set_array])} from (select #{datatable} ) as datatable where #{eval(options[:where])} #{eval(returning_clause)} SQL returning += find_by_sql(sql_update_string) end end return returning end end end