module Recurly # Invoices are created through account objects. # # @example # account = Account.find account_code # account.invoice! class Invoice < Resource # @macro [attach] scope # @scope class # @return [Pager] A pager that yields +$1+ invoices. scope :open, :state => :open scope :collected, :state => :collected scope :failed, :state => :failed scope :past_due, :state => :past_due # @return [Account] belongs_to :account # @return [Subscription] belongs_to :subscription # @return [Invoice] belongs_to :original_invoice, class_name: 'Invoice' # @return [Redemption] has_many :redemptions def redemption redemptions.first end def invoice_number_with_prefix "#{invoice_number_prefix}#{invoice_number}" end define_attribute_methods %w( uuid state invoice_number invoice_number_prefix po_number vat_number subtotal_in_cents tax_in_cents tax_type tax_region tax_rate total_in_cents currency created_at updated_at closed_at amount_remaining_in_cents line_items transactions terms_and_conditions customer_notes address net_terms collection_method ) alias to_param invoice_number_with_prefix def self.to_xml(attrs) invoice = new attrs invoice.to_xml end # Marks an invoice as paid successfully. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the invoice is no longer open). def mark_successful return false unless link? :mark_successful reload follow_link :mark_successful true end # Marks an invoice as failing collection. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the invoice is no longer open). def mark_failed return false unless link? :mark_failed reload follow_link :mark_failed true end def enter_offline_payment(attrs={}) Transaction.from_response"#{uri}/transactions", attrs.empty? ? nil : Transaction.to_xml(attrs)) rescue Recurly::API::UnprocessableEntity => e raise Invalid, e.message end def pdf self.class.find to_param, :format => 'pdf' end # Refunds specific line items on the invoice. # # @return [Invoice, false] A new refund invoice, false if the invoice isn't # refundable. # @raise [Error] If the refund fails. # @param line_items [Array, nil] An array of line items to refund. def refund line_items = nil, refund_apply_order = 'credit' return false unless link? :refund refund = self.class.from_response( follow_link :refund, :body => refund_line_items_to_xml(line_items, refund_apply_order) ) refund end # Refunds the invoice for a specific amount. # # @return [Invoice, false] A new refund invoice, false if the invoice isn't # refundable. # @raise [Error] If the refund fails. # @param amount_in_cents [Integer, nil] The amount (in cents) to refund. def refund_amount amount_in_cents = nil, refund_apply_order = 'credit' return false unless link? :refund refund = self.class.from_response( follow_link :refund, :body => refund_amount_to_xml(amount_in_cents, refund_apply_order) ) refund end def xml_keys super - ['currency'] end private def initialize attributes = {} super({ :currency => Recurly.default_currency }.merge attributes) end def refund_amount_to_xml amount_in_cents = nil, refund_apply_order builder ="") builder.add_element 'refund_apply_order', refund_apply_order builder.add_element 'amount_in_cents', amount_in_cents builder.to_s end def refund_line_items_to_xml line_items = [], refund_apply_order builder ="") builder.add_element 'refund_apply_order', refund_apply_order node = builder.add_element 'line_items' line_items.each do |line_item| adj_node = node.add_element 'adjustment' adj_node.add_element 'uuid', line_item[:adjustment].uuid adj_node.add_element 'quantity', line_item[:quantity] adj_node.add_element 'prorate', line_item[:prorate] end builder.to_s end # Invoices are only writeable through {Account} instances. embedded! true undef save undef destroy end end