/*------------------------------------*\ #GRID \*------------------------------------*/ /** * We use the Avalanche CSS grid system to achieve layout. These settings * override the default settings of the library. A list of all configurable * settings can be found here: https://github.com/colourgarden/avalanche */ $av-gutter: $spacing-unit; $av-widths: (2, 3, 4, 5, 6); $av-breakpoint-class-chain: '-at-'; $av-width-class-style: 'percent'; $av-width-class-namespace: 'grid__cell--'; $av-enable-grid-right: true; $av-enable-grid-flush: true; $av-enable-grid-middle: true; $av-enable-grid-auto: true; $av-enable-grid-rev: true; $av-enable-grid-center: true; $av-enable-grid-large: true; $av-enable-grid-bottom: true; /** * The following is required to ensure the grid's breakpoints stay up to date * when changed in the project. */ $av-breakpoints: ( 'medium': "screen and (min-width: #{$medium-breakpoint})", 'wide': "screen and (min-width: #{$wide-breakpoint})", 'x-wide': "screen and (min-width: #{$x-wide-breakpoint})", );