=begin Copyright 2010-2013 Tasos Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require Arachni::Options.dir['lib'] + 'element/base' module Arachni::Element LINK = 'link' class Link < Arachni::Element::Base include Capabilities::Refreshable # # Creates a new Link element from a URL or more complex data. # # @param [String] url # {#url Owner URL} -- URL of the page which contains the link. # @param [String, Hash] raw # If empty, the owner URL will be treated as the {#action actionable} URL # and {#auditable} inputs will be extracted from its query component. # # If a {String} is passed, it will be treated as the actionable # URL and auditable inputs will be extracted from its query component. # # If a `Hash` is passed, it will look for an {#action actionable} URL # `String` in the following keys: # # * `'href'` # * `:href` # * `'action'` # * `:action` # # and for an {#auditable} inputs `Hash` in: # # * `'vars'` # * `:vars` # * `'inputs'` # * `:inputs` # # these should contain inputs in `name => value` pairs. # # If the `Hash` doesn't contain any of the following keys, its contents # will be used as {#auditable} inputs instead and `url` will be used as # the actionable URL. # # If no inputs have been provided it will try to extract some from the # actionable URL, if empty inputs (empty `Hash`) have been provided the # URL will not be parsed and the Link will instead be configured without # any auditable inputs/vectors. # def initialize( url, raw = {} ) super( url, raw ) if !@raw || @raw.empty? self.action = self.url elsif raw.is_a?( String ) self.action = @raw elsif raw.is_a?( Hash ) keys = raw.keys has_input_hash = (keys & ['vars', :vars, 'inputs', :inputs]).any? has_action_hash = (keys & ['href', :href, 'action', :action]).any? if !has_input_hash && !has_action_hash self.auditable = @raw else self.auditable = @raw['vars'] || @raw[:vars] || @raw['inputs'] || @raw[:inputs] end self.action = @raw['href'] || @raw[:href] || @raw['action'] || @raw[:action] end self.auditable = self.class.parse_query_vars( self.action ) if !self.auditable || self.auditable.empty? if @raw.is_a?( String ) @raw = { action: self.action, inputs: self.auditable } end self.method = 'get' @orig = self.auditable.dup @orig.freeze end # @return [Hash] # Simple representation of self in the form of `{ {#action} => {#auditable} }`. def simple { self.action => self.auditable } end # @return [String] Unique link ID. def id query_vars = self.class.parse_query_vars( self.action ) "#{@audit_id_url}::#{self.method}::#{query_vars.merge( self.auditable ).keys.compact.sort.to_s}" end def id_from( type = :auditable ) query_vars = self.class.parse_query_vars( self.action ) "#{@audit_id_url}::#{self.method}::#{query_vars.merge( self.send( type ) ).keys.compact.sort.to_s}" end # @return [String] # Absolute URL with a merged version of {#action} and {#auditable} as a query. def to_s query_vars = self.class.parse_query_vars( self.action ) uri = uri_parse( self.action ) uri.query = query_vars.merge( self.auditable ).map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join( '&' ) uri.to_s end # @return [String] 'link' def type Arachni::Element::LINK end def self.encode( str ) URI.encode( str ) end def self.decode( str ) URI.decode( str ) end # # Extracts links from an HTTP response. # # @param [Typhoeus::Response] response # # @return [Array<Link>] # def self.from_response( response ) url = response.effective_url [new( url, parse_query_vars( url ) )] | from_document( url, response.body ) end # # Extracts links from a document. # # @param [String] url # URL of the document -- used for path normalization purposes. # @param [String, Nokogiri::HTML::Document] document # # @return [Array<Link>] # def self.from_document( url, document ) document = Nokogiri::HTML( document.to_s ) if !document.is_a?( Nokogiri::HTML::Document ) base_url = begin document.search( '//base[@href]' )[0]['href'] rescue url end document.search( '//a' ).map do |link| c_link = {} c_link['href'] = to_absolute( link['href'], base_url ) next if !c_link['href'] next if skip_path?( c_link['href'] ) new( url, c_link['href'] ) end.compact end # # Extracts inputs from a URL query. # # @param [String] url # # @return [Hash] # def self.parse_query_vars( url ) return {} if !url parsed = uri_parse( url ) return {} if !parsed query = parsed.query return {} if !query || query.empty? query.to_s.split( '&' ).inject( {} ) do |h, pair| name, value = pair.split( '=' ) h[name.to_s] = value.to_s h end end # @see Base#action= def action=( url ) v = super( url ) @audit_id_url = self.action.split( '?' ).first.to_s.split( ';' ).first v end def audit_id( injection_str = '', opts = {} ) vars = auditable.keys.compact.sort.to_s str = '' str << "#{@auditor.fancy_name}:" if !opts[:no_auditor] && !orphan? str << "#{@audit_id_url}:" + "#{self.type}:#{vars}" str << "=#{injection_str.to_s}" if !opts[:no_injection_str] str << ":timeout=#{opts[:timeout]}" if !opts[:no_timeout] str end private def http_request( opts, &block ) self.method.downcase.to_s != 'get' ? http.post( self.action, opts, &block ) : http.get( self.action, opts, &block ) end end end Arachni::Link = Arachni::Element::Link