# group example t = text({ content: "Make the yellowgreen circle red , so it'll belong to the group so it'll be blurred and draggable", atome_id: :the_text }) image({content: :boat, x:666,atome_id: :pix_1,}) image({content: :moto, y:333, atome_id: :pix_2}) b = box({ size: 66, y: 33, color: :red, atome_id: :tutu }) b.tag({ content: "my_tag" }) circle({ x: 96, y: 33, atome_id: :first_circle }) c2=circle({ x: 333, y: 96, color: :green, tag: :other_tag,atome_id: :the_circle }) b.add({ tag: :new_tag }) circle({ atome_id: :the_second_circle , color: :yellowgreen, x: 96, y: 96}) # b2=box({size: 66, x: 66, y: 66}) # b2.text({content: "i am red!!", color: :red}) # the group is both static ( content send) and based on a search (condition) and dynamic any atome matching will be tretaed! g=group({ content: [:pix_1, :pix_2], name: :my_group, treatment: {blur: 3, width: 33, drag: true}, dynamic: true, condition: { color: :red }, atome_id: :the_group }) t.touch do c2.color(:red) end g.treatment(color: :orange)