module Netzke # == FieldsConfigurator # Provides dynamic configuring columns/fields for GridPanel and FormPanel. # Configuration parameters: # * :widget - widget to configure columns/fields for class FieldsConfigurator < GridPanel api :load_defaults def initialize(*args) super NetzkeAutoColumn.widget = config[:widget] end def default_config super.deep_merge({ :name => 'columns', :data_class_name => "NetzkeAutoColumn", :ext_config => { :header => false, :enable_extended_search => false, :enable_edit_in_form => false, :enable_rows_reordering => GridPanel.config[:rows_reordering_available], :enable_pagination => false }, }) end def actions super.merge( :defaults => {:text => 'Restore defaults'} ) end def independent_config res = super res[:ext_config][:bbar] = %w{ edit apply - defaults } res end def predefined_columns [{:name => :id}, *config[:widget].class.config_columns] end def self.js_extend_properties { # Disable the 'gear' tool for now :gear => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){"You can't configure configurator (yet)"); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # we need to provide this function so that the server-side commit would happen :get_commit_data => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ return null; // because our commit data is already at the server } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :defaults => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure?', function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { this.loadDefaults(); } }, this); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT } end def load_defaults(params) config[:widget].persistent_config[:layout__columns] = config[:widget].default_columns NetzkeAutoColumn.rebuild_table {:load_store_data => get_data, :reconfigure => js_config} end def commit(params) defaults_hash = config[:widget].class.config_columns.inject({}){ |r, c| r.merge!(c[:name] => c[:default]) } config[:widget].persistent_config[:layout__columns] = do |c| # reject all keys that are 1) same as defaults, 2) 'position' c.reject!{ |k,v| defaults_hash[k.to_sym].to_s == v.to_s || k == 'position'} c = c["name"] if c.keys.count == 1 # denormalize the column c end {} end # each time that we are loaded into the app, rebuild the table def before_load NetzkeAutoColumn.rebuild_table end end end