/* * Copyright (c) 2016, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef __COORDINATE_H__ #define __COORDINATE_H__ /** @file * @brief coordinate system definition */ #include <cmath> #ifdef pow2 #define POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #define pow2(x) ((x)*(x)) #endif #ifdef pow3 #define POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #define pow3(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)) #endif #include "param/vector3.h" #include "param/quaternion.h" #include "param/matrix.h" #include "WGS84.h" template <class FloatT = double> class System_3D { public: typedef System_3D self_t; protected: FloatT v[3]; template <class T> static const T &const_ref(T *ptr){return static_cast<const T &>(*ptr);} template <class T> static T &non_const_ref(const T &ref){return const_cast<T &>(ref);} public: static const unsigned int value_boundary = 3; System_3D(){ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = FloatT(0); } } System_3D(const FloatT &v0, const FloatT &v1, const FloatT &v2){ v[0] = v0; v[1] = v1; v[2] = v2; } System_3D(const self_t &orig){ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = orig.v[i]; } } System_3D(const Vector3<FloatT> &vec){ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = vec.get(i); } } template <class Array2D_Type, class ViewType> System_3D(const Matrix<FloatT, Array2D_Type, ViewType> &matrix){ if(matrix.rows() < matrix.columns()){ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = matrix(0, i); } }else{ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = matrix(i, 0); } } } ~System_3D(){} System_3D &operator=(const System_3D &another){ if(this != &another){ for(unsigned i(0); i < value_boundary; i++){ v[i] = another.v[i]; } } return *this; } const FloatT &operator[](const int &i) const {return v[i];} FloatT &operator[](const int &i){ return non_const_ref(const_ref(this)[i]); } operator Vector3<FloatT>() const { return Vector3<FloatT>(v); } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const self_t &self){ out << self[0] << "," << self[1] << "," << self[2]; return out; } friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, self_t &self){ in >> self[0]; in >> self[1]; in >> self[2]; return in; } ///< Coordinate rotation struct Rotation { Quaternion<FloatT> q; Rotation() : q(1, 0, 0, 0) {} Rotation &then(const Quaternion<FloatT> &q_) { q *= q_; return *this; } Rotation &then(const Rotation &rot) { return then(rot.q); } Rotation &then_x(const FloatT &rad) { return then(Quaternion<FloatT>( std::cos(rad / 2), std::sin(rad / 2), 0, 0)); } Rotation &then_y(const FloatT &rad) { return then(Quaternion<FloatT>( std::cos(rad / 2), 0, std::sin(rad / 2), 0)); } Rotation &then_z(const FloatT &rad) { return then(Quaternion<FloatT>( std::cos(rad / 2), 0, 0, std::sin(rad / 2))); } operator Matrix<FloatT>() const { return q.getDCM(); } /** * Perform coordinate rotation * For example; application of clockwise 90 degree coordinate rotation along to z axis * to vector(1,0,0) yields to vector(0,-1,0). * This is not identical to vector rotation along with some axis, * which corresponds to vector(0,1,0) of example, i.e., * z-axis 90 degree rotation of vector(1,0,0). * * @param vec target vector to which rotation is applied. */ void apply(FloatT (&vec)[3]) const { #if 0 // as definition: (~q * vec * q).vector(); Vector3<FloatT> v(((q.conj() *= Vector3<FloatT>(vec.v)) *= q).vector()); vec[0] = v[0]; vec[1] = v[1]; vec[2] = v[2]; #else // optimized version FloatT q0(q[0]), qv[3] = {q[1], q[2], q[3]}; FloatT q0_(qv[0] * vec[0] + qv[1] * vec[1] + qv[2] * vec[2]), // -q~.vec (i*) vec qv_[3] = { // q~[0] * vec + q~.vec (e*) vec q0 * vec[0] - qv[1] * vec[2] + qv[2] * vec[1], // polarity checked; q~.vec = -qv q0 * vec[1] - qv[2] * vec[0] + qv[0] * vec[2], q0 * vec[2] - qv[0] * vec[1] + qv[1] * vec[0]}; vec[0] = q0_ * qv[0] + q0 * qv_[0] + qv_[1] * qv[2] - qv_[2] * qv[1]; vec[1] = q0_ * qv[1] + q0 * qv_[1] + qv_[2] * qv[0] - qv_[0] * qv[2]; vec[2] = q0_ * qv[2] + q0 * qv_[2] + qv_[0] * qv[1] - qv_[1] * qv[0]; #endif } /** * Perform coordinate rotation by invoking apply(vec.v) * * @see apply(FloatT (&vec)[3]) */ void apply(System_3D &vec) const { apply(vec.v); } }; }; template <class FloatT, class Earth> class System_XYZ; template <class FloatT, class Earth> class System_LLH; template <class FloatT = double, class Earth = WGS84> class System_XYZ : public System_3D<FloatT> { public: typedef System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth> self_t; protected: typedef System_3D<FloatT> super_t; using super_t::const_ref; using super_t::non_const_ref; public: System_XYZ() : super_t() {} System_XYZ(const FloatT &x, const FloatT &y, const FloatT &z) : super_t(x, y, z) {} System_XYZ(const self_t &xyz) : super_t(xyz) {} System_XYZ(const Vector3<FloatT> &vec) : super_t(vec) {} template <class Array2D_Type, class ViewType> System_XYZ(const Matrix<FloatT, Array2D_Type, ViewType> &matrix) : super_t(matrix) {} ~System_XYZ(){} const FloatT &x() const {return super_t::operator[](0);} const FloatT &y() const {return super_t::operator[](1);} const FloatT &z() const {return super_t::operator[](2);} FloatT &x(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).x());} FloatT &y(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).y());} FloatT &z(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).z());} self_t &operator+=(const self_t &another){ x() += another.x(); y() += another.y(); z() += another.z(); return *this; } self_t operator+(const self_t &another) const { self_t copy(*this); return copy += another; } self_t &operator-=(const self_t &another){ x() -= another.x(); y() -= another.y(); z() -= another.z(); return *this; } self_t operator-(const self_t &another) const { self_t copy(*this); return copy -= another; } FloatT dist() const { return FloatT(std::sqrt( pow2(x()) + pow2(y()) + pow2(z()))); } FloatT dist(const self_t &another) const { return (*this - another).dist(); } static const FloatT f0, a0, b0, e0; /** * Convert to LatLongAlt * */ System_LLH<FloatT, Earth> llh() const { if((x() == 0) && (y() == 0) && (z() == 0)){ return System_LLH<FloatT, Earth>(0, 0, -a0); } static const FloatT h(pow2(a0) - pow2(b0)); FloatT p(std::sqrt(pow2(x()) + pow2(y()))); //cout << "p => " << p << endl; FloatT t(std::atan2(z()*a0, p*b0)); FloatT sint(std::sin(t)), cost(std::cos(t)); FloatT _lat(std::atan2(z() + (h / b0 * pow3(sint)), p - (h / a0 * pow3(cost)))); FloatT n(a0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - pow2(e0) * pow2(std::sin(_lat)))); return System_LLH<FloatT, Earth>( _lat, std::atan2(y(), x()), (p / std::cos(_lat) - n)); } /** * Get coordinates in a delayed (i.e., rotated) ECEF frame. * * @param (delay_sec) delayed seconds (both positive (delayed) and negative (hasten) values * are acceptable) * @return (self_t) coordinates */ self_t after(const FloatT &delay_sec) const { FloatT rad(delay_sec * -Earth::Omega_Earth_IAU); // Earth rotation is negative direction (y->x) FloatT crad(std::cos(rad)), srad(std::sin(rad)); return self_t(x() * crad - y() * srad, x() * srad + y() * crad, z()); } }; template <class FloatT, class Earth> const FloatT System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth>::f0 = Earth::F_e; template <class FloatT, class Earth> const FloatT System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth>::a0 = Earth::R_e; template <class FloatT, class Earth> const FloatT System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth>::b0 = Earth::R_e * (1.0 - Earth::F_e); template <class FloatT, class Earth> const FloatT System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth>::e0 = std::sqrt(Earth::F_e * (2.0 - Earth::F_e)); template <class FloatT = double, class Earth = WGS84> class System_LLH : public System_3D<FloatT> { public: typedef System_LLH<FloatT, Earth> self_t; typedef System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth> xyz_t; protected: typedef System_3D<FloatT> super_t; using super_t::const_ref; using super_t::non_const_ref; public: System_LLH() : super_t() {} System_LLH(const FloatT &latitude, const FloatT &longitude, const FloatT &height) : super_t(latitude, longitude, height) {} System_LLH(const self_t &llh) : super_t(llh) {} ~System_LLH(){} const FloatT &latitude() const {return super_t::operator[](0);} const FloatT &longitude() const {return super_t::operator[](1);} const FloatT &height() const {return super_t::operator[](2);} FloatT &latitude(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).latitude());} FloatT &longitude(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).longitude());} FloatT &height(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).height());} static void rotation_ecef2enu( const FloatT &clat, const FloatT &clng, const FloatT &slat, const FloatT &slng, FloatT (&res)[3][3]){ res[0][0] = - slng; res[0][1] = clng; res[0][2] = 0; res[1][0] = -slat * clng; res[1][1] = -slat * slng; res[1][2] = clat; res[2][0] = clat * clng; res[2][1] = clat * slng; res[2][2] = slat; // identical to Eq.(6) https://gssc.esa.int/navipedia/index.php/Transformations_between_ECEF_and_ENU_coordinates } void rotation_ecef2enu(FloatT (&res)[3][3]) const { rotation_ecef2enu( std::cos(latitude()), std::cos(longitude()), std::sin(latitude()), std::sin(longitude()), res); } static void rotation_ecef2ned( const FloatT &clat, const FloatT &clng, const FloatT &slat, const FloatT &slng, FloatT (&res)[3][3]){ res[0][0] = -slat * clng; res[0][1] = -slat * slng; res[0][2] = clat; // swap row[0] and row[1] of ENU res[1][0] = - slng; res[1][1] = clng; res[1][2] = 0; res[2][0] = -clat * clng; res[2][1] = -clat * slng; res[2][2] = -slat; // invert polarity of row[2] of ENU } void rotation_ecef2ned(FloatT (&res)[3][3]) const { rotation_ecef2ned( std::cos(latitude()), std::cos(longitude()), std::sin(latitude()), std::sin(longitude()), res); } /** * Convert to ECEF (Earth-centered Earth-Fixed) * */ xyz_t xyz() const { FloatT clat(std::cos(latitude())), clng(std::cos(longitude())), slat(std::sin(latitude())), slng(std::sin(longitude())); FloatT n(xyz_t::a0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - pow2(xyz_t::e0) * pow2(slat))); return System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth>( (n + height()) * clat * clng, (n + height()) * clat * slng, (n * (1.0 -pow2(xyz_t::e0)) + height()) * slat); } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const self_t &self){ out << (self.latitude() / M_PI * 180) << "," << (self.longitude() / M_PI * 180) << "," << self.height(); return out; } friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, self_t &self){ FloatT _lat, _lng; in >> _lat; in >> _lng; in >> self[2]; self.latitude() = _lat / 180 * M_PI; self.longitude() = _lng / 180 * M_PI; return in; } }; template <class FloatT = double, class Earth = WGS84> class System_ENU : public System_3D<FloatT> { public: typedef System_ENU<FloatT, Earth> self_t; typedef System_XYZ<FloatT, Earth> xyz_t; typedef System_LLH<FloatT, Earth> llh_t; protected: typedef System_3D<FloatT> super_t; using super_t::const_ref; using super_t::non_const_ref; public: System_ENU() : super_t() {} System_ENU(const FloatT &east, const FloatT &north, const FloatT &up) : super_t(east, north, up) {} System_ENU(const self_t &enu) : super_t(enu) {} System_ENU(const Vector3<FloatT> &vec) : super_t(vec) {} template <class Array2D_Type, class ViewType> System_ENU(const Matrix<FloatT, Array2D_Type, ViewType> &mat) : super_t(mat) {} ~System_ENU() {} const FloatT &east() const {return super_t::operator[](0);} ///< ������[m] const FloatT &north() const {return super_t::operator[](1);} ///< �k����[m] const FloatT &up() const {return super_t::operator[](2);} ///< �㐬��[m] FloatT &east(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).east());} FloatT &north(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).north());} FloatT &up(){return non_const_ref(const_ref(this).up());} FloatT horizontal() const {return std::sqrt(std::pow(east(), 2) + std::pow(north(), 2));} FloatT vertical() const {return std::abs(up());} static self_t relative_rel(const xyz_t &rel_pos, const llh_t &base_llh){ FloatT s1(std::sin(base_llh.longitude())), c1(std::cos(base_llh.longitude())), s2(std::sin(base_llh.latitude())), c2(std::cos(base_llh.latitude())); return self_t( -rel_pos.x() * s1 + rel_pos.y() * c1, -rel_pos.x() * c1 * s2 - rel_pos.y() * s1 * s2 + rel_pos.z() * c2, rel_pos.x() * c1 * c2 + rel_pos.y() * s1 * c2 + rel_pos.z() * s2); } static self_t relative_rel(const xyz_t &rel_pos, const xyz_t &base){ return relative_rel(rel_pos, base.llh()); } static self_t relative(const xyz_t &pos, const xyz_t &base){ return relative_rel(pos - base, base); } xyz_t absolute(const xyz_t &base) const { llh_t base_llh(base.llh()); FloatT s1(std::sin(base_llh.longitude())), c1(std::cos(base_llh.longitude())); FloatT s2(std::sin(base_llh.latitude())), c2(std::cos(base_llh.latitude())); return xyz_t( -east() * s1 - north() * c1 * s2 + up() * c1 * c2 + base.x(), east() * c1 - north() * s1 * s2 + up() * s1 * c2 + base.y(), north() * c2 + up() * s2 + base.z()); } FloatT elevation() const { return FloatT(std::atan2(up(), std::sqrt(pow2(east()) + pow2(north())))); } FloatT azimuth() const { return FloatT(std::atan2(east(), north())); } }; #ifdef POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #undef POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #undef pow2 #endif #ifdef POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #undef POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #undef pow3 #endif #endif // __COORDINATE_H__