require 'color_the_circles/model/game' require 'color_the_circles/presenter/board' class ColorTheCircles module View class ColorTheCircles include Glimmer::LibUI::Application TIME_MAX_EASY = 4 TIME_MAX_MEDIUM = 3 TIME_MAX_HARD = 2 TIME_MAX_INSANE = 1 before_body do @game = @board = @time_max = TIME_MAX_HARD @game_over = false register_observers setup_circle_factory menus end body { window('Color The Circles', Presenter::Board::WINDOW_WIDTH, Presenter::Board::WINDOW_HEIGHT) { margined true grid { button('Restart') { left 0 top 0 halign :center on_clicked do restart_game end } label('Score goes down as circles are added. If it reaches -20, you lose!') { left 0 top 1 halign :center } label('Click circles to color and score! Once score reaches 0, you win!') { left 0 top 2 halign :center } horizontal_box { left 0 top 3 halign :center label('Score:') { stretchy false } label { stretchy false text <= [@game, :score, on_read: :to_s] } } @area = area { left 0 top 4 hexpand true vexpand true halign :fill valign :fill on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { rectangle(0, 0, Presenter::Board::WINDOW_WIDTH, Presenter::Board::WINDOW_HEIGHT) fill :white } @board.circles_data.each do |circle_data| circle_data[:circle] = circle(*circle_data[:args]) { fill circle_data[:fill] stroke circle_data[:stroke] } end end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| color_circle(area_mouse_event[:x], area_mouse_event[:y]) end } } } } def menus menu('Actions') { menu_item('Restart') { on_clicked do restart_game end } quit_menu_item } menu('Difficulty') { radio_menu_item('Easy') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_EASY end } radio_menu_item('Medium') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_MEDIUM end } radio_menu_item('Hard') { checked true on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_HARD end } radio_menu_item('Insane') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_INSANE end } } menu('Help') { menu_item('Instructions') { on_clicked do msg_box('Instructions', "Score goes down as circles are added.\nIf it reaches -20, you lose!\n\nClick circles to color and score!\nOnce score reaches 0, you win!\n\nBeware of concealed light-colored circles!\nThey are revealed once darker circles intersect them.\n\nThere are four levels of difficulty.\nChange via difficulty menu if the game gets too tough.") end } } end def register_observers observe(@game, :score) do |new_score| if !@handling_game_score Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do @handling_game_score = true @game.score = new_score if new_score == -20 @game_over = true msg_box('You Lost!', 'Sorry! Your score reached -20') restart_game elsif new_score == 0 @game_over = true msg_box('You Won!', 'Congratulations! Your score reached 0') restart_game end @handling_game_score = nil end end end end def setup_circle_factory consumer = do unless @game_over if @board.circles_data.empty? # start with 3 circles to make more challenging add_circle until @board.circles_data.size > 3 else add_circle end end delay = rand * @time_max Glimmer::LibUI.timer(delay, repeat: false, &consumer) end Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main(&consumer) end def add_circle @board.add_circle @area.queue_redraw_all end def restart_game @board.restart_game @game_over = false end def color_circle(x, y) clicked_circle_data = @board.find_circle(x, y) if clicked_circle_data @board.fill_circle(clicked_circle_data) @area.queue_redraw_all end end end end end