require "shopify_cli" module ShopifyCLI module Commands class Login < ShopifyCLI::Command PROTOCOL_REGEX = /^https?\:\/\// PERMANENT_DOMAIN_SUFFIX = /\.myshopify\.(com|io)$/ options do |parser, flags| parser.on("--store=STORE") { |url| flags[:shop] = url } # backwards compatibility allow 'shop' for now parser.on("--shop=SHOP") { |url| flags[:shop] = url } parser.on("--password=PASSWORD") { |password| flags[:password] = password } end def call(*) shop = (options.flags[:shop] || @ctx.getenv("SHOPIFY_SHOP" || nil)) ShopifyCLI::DB.set(shop: self.class.validate_shop(shop)) unless shop.nil? if shop.nil? && Shopifolk.check Shopifolk.reset @ctx.puts(@ctx.message("core.tasks.select_org_and_shop.identified_as_shopify")) message = @ctx.message("core.tasks.select_org_and_shop.first_party") if CLI::UI::Prompt.confirm(message, default: false) Shopifolk.act_as_shopify_organization end end # As password auth will soon be deprecated, we enable only in CI if && (password = options.flags[:password] || @ctx.getenv("SHOPIFY_PASSWORD")) ShopifyCLI::DB.set(shopify_exchange_token: password) else @ctx).authenticate org = select_organization ShopifyCLI::DB.set(organization_id: org["id"].to_i) unless org.nil?[], "whoami") end end def ShopifyCLI::Context.message("", ShopifyCLI::TOOL_NAME) end def self.validate_shop(shop) permanent_domain = shop_to_permanent_domain(shop) @ctx.abort(@ctx.message("core.login.invalid_shop", shop)) unless permanent_domain permanent_domain end def self.shop_to_permanent_domain(shop) url = if PROTOCOL_REGEX =~ shop shop elsif shop.include?(".") "https://#{shop}" else "https://#{shop}" end # Make a request to see if it exists or if we get redirected to the permanent domain one uri = URI.parse(url) Net::HTTP.start(, use_ssl: true) do |http| response = http.request_head("/admin") case response when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPSeeOther when Net::HTTPFound domain = URI.parse(response["location"]).host if PERMANENT_DOMAIN_SUFFIX =~ domain domain end end end end private def select_organization organizations = ShopifyCLI::PartnersAPI::Organizations.fetch_all(@ctx) if organizations.count == 0 nil elsif organizations.count == 1 organizations.first else org_id = CLI::UI::Prompt.ask(@ctx.message("core.tasks.select_org_and_shop.organization_select")) do |handler| organizations.each do |o| handler.option(@ctx.message("core.partners_api.org_name_and_id", o["businessName"], o["id"])) { o["id"] } end end organizations.find { |o| o["id"] == org_id } end end end end end