import H from '../../parts/Globals.js'; import '../../parts/Utilities.js'; import controllableMixin from './controllableMixin.js'; import ControllablePath from './ControllablePath.js'; /** * A controllable rect class. * * @class * @mixes Annotation.controllableMixin * @memberOf Annotation * * @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation an annotation instance * @param {Object} options a rect's options * @param {number} index of the rectangle **/ function ControllableRect(annotation, options, index) { this.init(annotation, options, index); this.collection = 'shapes'; } /** * @typedef {Annotation.ControllablePath.AttrsMap} * Annotation.ControllableRect.AttrsMap * @property {string} width=width * @property {string} height=height */ /** * A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes * * @type {Annotation.ControllableRect.AttrsMap} */ ControllableRect.attrsMap = H.merge(ControllablePath.attrsMap, { width: 'width', height: 'height' }); H.merge( true, ControllableRect.prototype, controllableMixin, /** @lends Annotation.ControllableRect# */ { /** * @type 'rect' */ type: 'rect', render: function (parent) { var attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(this.options); this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer .rect(0, -9e9, 0, 0) .attr(attrs) .add(parent);; }, redraw: function (animation) { var position = this.anchor(this.points[0]).absolutePosition; if (position) { this.graphic[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr']({ x: position.x, y: position.y, width: this.options.width, height: this.options.height }); } else { this.attr({ x: 0, y: -9e9 }); } this.graphic.placed = Boolean(position);, animation); }, translate: function (dx, dy) { var annotationOptions = this.annotation.userOptions, shapeOptions = annotationOptions[this.collection][this.index]; this.translatePoint(dx, dy, 0); // Options stored in chart: shapeOptions.point = this.options.point; } } ); export default ControllableRect;