require "rails_helper" describe Dorsale::Flyboy::TasksController, type: :controller do routes { Dorsale::Engine.routes } let(:user) { create(:user) } before(:each) { sign_in(user) } let!(:task) { create(:flyboy_task, done: false) } let(:valid_attributes) {{ :name => "New Task" , :term =>, }} describe "#complete" do before(:each) do request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "where_i_came_from" end it "should mark the task as done" do patch :complete, params: {id:} expect(task.reload.done).to be true end it "should set progress to 100" do patch :complete, params: {id:} expect(task.reload.progress).to eq(100) end it "should add a task_comment" do count = task.comments.count patch :complete, params: {id:} expect(task.reload.comments.count).to eq(count+1) expect(task.comments.last.progress).to eq(100) end it "should redirect to the referer page" do patch :complete, params: {id:} expect(response).to redirect_to "where_i_came_from" end end describe "GET index" do context "when applying filter" do before do Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.destroy_all @task1 = create(:flyboy_task, done: true) @task2 = create(:flyboy_task, done: false) end it 'should display both when not filtered' do get :index expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a.sort).to eq [@task1, @task2].sort end it 'should filter by status closed' do cookies["filters"] = {'fb_state' => "done"}.to_json get :index expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task1] end it 'should filter by status opened' do cookies["filters"] = {'fb_state' => "undone"}.to_json get :index expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task2] end end context "when sorting" do before do Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.destroy_all @corporation1 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Abc") @corporation2 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "dEF") @corporation3 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "xyz") @task1 = create(:flyboy_task, taskable: @corporation1, name: "Abc", progress: 100, term: "21/12/2012", reminder_type: "custom", reminder_date: "21/12/2012") @task2 = create(:flyboy_task, taskable: @corporation2, name: "dEF", progress: 0, term: "23/12/2012", reminder_type: "custom", reminder_date: "23/12/2012") @task3 = create(:flyboy_task, taskable: @corporation3, name: "xyz", progress: 35, term: "22/12/2012", reminder_type: "custom", reminder_date: "22/12/2012") end it "sorting by taskable asc" do get :index, params: {sort: "taskable"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task1, @task2, @task3] end it "sorting by taskable desc" do get :index, params: {sort: "-taskable"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task3, @task2, @task1] end it "sorting by name asc" do get :index, params: {sort: "name"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task1, @task2, @task3] end it "sorting by name desc" do get :index, params: {sort: "-name"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task3, @task2, @task1] end it "sorting by progress asc" do get :index, params: {sort: "progress"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task2, @task3, @task1] end it "sorting by progress desc" do get :index, params: {sort: "-progress"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task1, @task3, @task2] end it "sorting by term asc" do get :index, params: {sort: "term"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task1, @task3, @task2] end it "sorting by term desc" do get :index, params: {sort: "-term"} expect(assigns(:tasks).to_a).to eq [@task2, @task3, @task1] end end end describe "GET show" do it "assigns the requested task as @task" do get :show, params: {:id => task.to_param} expect(assigns(:task)).to eq(task) end end describe "GET edit" do it "assigns the requested task as @task" do get :edit, params: {:id => task.to_param} expect(assigns(:task)).to eq(task) end end describe "POST create" do describe "with valid params" do it "creates a new Task" do expect { post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes} }.to change(Dorsale::Flyboy::Task, :count).by(1) end it "assigns a newly created task as @task" do post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes} expect(assigns(:task)).to be_a(Dorsale::Flyboy::Task) expect(assigns(:task)).to be_persisted end it "redirects to the created task" do post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes} expect(response).to redirect_to Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.last_created end it "should send a mail to the owner" do owner = create(:user) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes.merge(owner_id:} expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 1 email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect( include expect(email.subject).to include "New Task" expect(email.body).to include @user.to_s expect(email.body).to include "http://" end it "should not send a mail if there is no owner" do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes} expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 0 end it "should not send a mail if the author is the owner" do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, params: {:task => valid_attributes} expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 0 end end end describe "PUT update" do describe "with valid params" do it "assigns the requested task as @task" do task = Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.create! valid_attributes patch :update, params: {:id => task.to_param, :task => valid_attributes} expect(assigns(:task)).to eq(task) end it "redirects to the task" do task = Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.create! valid_attributes patch :update, params: {:id => task.to_param, :task => valid_attributes} expect(response).to redirect_to(task) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the task as @task" do task = Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.create! valid_attributes patch :update, params: { :id => task.to_param, :task => {:name => nil} } expect(assigns(:task)).to eq(task) end end end describe "DELETE destroy" do it "destroys the requested task" do task = create(:flyboy_task) expect { delete :destroy, params: {:id => task.to_param} }.to change(Dorsale::Flyboy::Task, :count).by(-1) end it "redirects to the tasks list" do task = create(:flyboy_task) delete :destroy, params: {:id => task.to_param} expect(response).to redirect_to(flyboy_tasks_path) end end describe "snooze" do it "should redirect to the task list to refresh it" do task = create(:flyboy_task, term: 3.days.ago) patch :snooze, params: {:id => task.to_param} expect(response).to redirect_to(task) end it "is expected to create a task comment" do task = create(:flyboy_task, term: 3.days.ago) expect{patch :snooze, params: {:id => task.to_param}}.to change{Dorsale::Flyboy::TaskComment.count}.by(1) end end describe "summary" do let(:summary_user) { create :user } before(:each) do Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.destroy_all sign_in summary_user Timecop.freeze "2016-03-09 15:00:00" @delayed_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: Date.yesterday) # tuesday @today_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: # thursday - today @tomorrow_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: Date.tomorrow) # wednesday @this_week_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: Date.parse("2016-03-12")) # sunday @next_week_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: Date.parse("2016-03-14")) # monday next week @next_next_week_task = create(:flyboy_task, term: Date.parse("2016-03-22")) # tuesday next next week end it "should not assign tasks when owner is an other person" do other_user = create(:user) Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.update_all(owner_id: Timecop.freeze "2016-03-09 15:00:00" controller.setup_tasks_summary expect(assigns(:delayed_tasks)).to eq [] expect(assigns(:today_tasks)).to eq [] expect(assigns(:tomorrow_tasks)).to eq [] expect(assigns(:this_week_tasks)).to eq [] expect(assigns(:next_week_tasks)).to eq [] expect(assigns(:next_next_week_tasks)).to eq [] end it "should assign tasks when owner is nil" do Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.update_all(owner_id: nil) Timecop.freeze "2016-03-09 15:00:00" controller.setup_tasks_summary expect(assigns(:delayed_tasks)).to eq [@delayed_task] expect(assigns(:today_tasks)).to eq [@today_task] expect(assigns(:tomorrow_tasks)).to eq [@tomorrow_task] expect(assigns(:this_week_tasks)).to eq [@this_week_task] expect(assigns(:next_week_tasks)).to eq [@next_week_task] expect(assigns(:next_next_week_tasks)).to eq [@next_next_week_task] end it "should assign tasks when owner is me" do Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.update_all(owner_id: Timecop.freeze "2016-03-09 15:00:00" controller.setup_tasks_summary expect(assigns(:delayed_tasks)).to eq [@delayed_task] expect(assigns(:today_tasks)).to eq [@today_task] expect(assigns(:tomorrow_tasks)).to eq [@tomorrow_task] expect(assigns(:this_week_tasks)).to eq [@this_week_task] expect(assigns(:next_week_tasks)).to eq [@next_week_task] expect(assigns(:next_next_week_tasks)).to eq [@next_next_week_task] end end # describe summary end