# Require gems require 'active_attr' require 'active_support' require 'active_model' require 'date' require 'httparty' require 'dirty_hashy' module Osm # Declare exceptions class Error < Exception; end class ConnectionError < Error; end class Forbidden < Osm::Error; end class NoActiveRoles < Osm::Error; end class ArgumentIsInvalid < ArgumentError; end class ObjectIsInvalid < Error; end class Osm::Error::NoCurrentTerm < Osm::Error # @!attribute [r] section_id # @return [Fixnum] the id of the section causing the error attr_reader :section_id def initialize(message = nil, section_id = nil) super(message) @section_id = section_id end end private # Set constants OSM_EPOCH = '1970-01-01' OSM_EPOCH_HUMAN = '1970-01-01' OSM_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' OSM_TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S' OSM_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' OSM_DATE_FORMAT_HUMAN = '%d/%m/%Y' OSM_DATETIME_FORMAT_HUMAN = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' OSM_TIME_REGEX = /\A(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]\Z/ OSM_DATE_REGEX_UNANCHORED = /(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(?:(?:0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])\/(?:0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?:\d{2}|[1-9]\d{3}))/ OSM_DATE_REGEX = /\A#{Osm::OSM_DATE_REGEX_UNANCHORED.to_s}\Z/ subscription_level_names = { 1 => 'Bronze', :bronze => 'Bronze', 2 => 'Silver', :silver => 'Silver', 3 => 'Gold', :gold => 'Gold', 4 => 'Gold+', :gold_plus => 'Gold+', } subscription_level_names.default = 'Unknown' SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_NAMES = subscription_level_names SUBSCRIPTION_LEVELS = [nil, :bronze, :silver, :gold, :gold_plus] end # Require file for this gem require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'version') Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__) , '*_validator.rb')].each {|file| require file } ['model', 'flexi_record'].each do |file| # These must be included before the rest require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'osm', file) end Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'osm', '*.rb')].each {|file| require file } module Osm # Configure the options used by classes in the module # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Hash] :api Default options for accessing the API # @option options[:api] [Symbol] :default_site whether to use OSM (if :osm) or OGM (if :ogm) by default # @option options[:api] [Hash] :osm (optional but :osm_api or :ogm_api must be present) the api data for OSM # @option options[:api][:osm] [String] :id the apiid given to you for using the OSM id # @option options[:api][:osm] [String] :token the token which goes with the above api # @option options[:api][:osm] [String] :name the name displayed in the External Access tab of OSM # @option options[:api] [Hash] :ogm (optional but :osm_api or :ogm_api must be present) the api data for OGM # @option options[:api][:ogm] [String] :id the apiid given to you for using the OGM id # @option options[:api][:ogm] [String] :token the token which goes with the above api # @option options[:api][:ogm] [String] :name the name displayed in the External Access tab of OGM # @option options[:api] [Boolean] :debug if true debugging info is output (optional, default = false) # @option options [Hash] :cache_config (optional) How classes in the module will cache data. Whilst this is optional you should remember that caching is required to use the OSM API. # @option options[:cache] [Class] :cache An instance of a cache class, must provide the methods (exist?, delete, write, read), for details see Rails.cache. # @option options[:cache] [Fixnum] :ttl (optional, default = 30.minutes) The default TTL value for the cache, note that some items are cached for twice this time and others are cached for half this time (in seconds) # @option options[:cache] [String] :prepend_to_key (optional, default = 'OSMAPI') Text to prepend to the key used to store data in the cache # @return nil def self.configure(options) Osm::Model.configure(options[:cache]) Osm::Api.configure(options[:api]) nil end private def self.make_array_of_symbols(array) array.each_with_index do |item, index| array[index] = item.to_sym end end def self.make_datetime(date, time, options={}) date = nil if date.nil? || date.empty? || (!options[:ignore_epoch] && epoch_date?(date)) time = nil if time.nil? || time.empty? if (!date.nil? && !time.nil?) begin return DateTime.strptime((date + ' ' + time), OSM_DATETIME_FORMAT) rescue ArgumentError return nil end elsif !date.nil? begin return DateTime.strptime(date, (date.include?('-') ? OSM_DATE_FORMAT : OSM_DATE_FORMAT_HUMAN)) rescue ArgumentError return nil end else return nil end end def self.parse_datetime(date_time) return nil if date_time.nil? || date_time.empty? begin return DateTime.strptime(date_time, OSM_DATETIME_FORMAT) rescue ArgumentError return nil end end def self.parse_date(date, options={}) return nil if date.nil? || date.empty? || (!options[:ignore_epoch] && epoch_date?(date)) begin return Date.strptime(date, (date.include?('-') ? OSM_DATE_FORMAT : OSM_DATE_FORMAT_HUMAN)) rescue ArgumentError return nil end end def self.to_i_or_nil(item) return nil if item.nil? begin return item.to_i rescue return nil end end def self.symbolize_hash(hash_in) raise ArgumentError, 'You did not pass in a hash' unless hash_in.is_a?(Hash) hash_out = {} hash_in.each do |key, value| hash_out[key.to_sym] = value end hash_out end def self.make_permissions_hash(permissions) return {} unless permissions.is_a?(Hash) permissions_map = { 10 => [:read], 20 => [:read, :write], 100 => [:read, :write, :administer], } return permissions.inject({}) do |new_hash, (key, value)| if ["badge", "member", "user", "register", "contact", "programme","events", "flexi", "finance", "quartermaster"].include?(key) # This is a permission we care about new_hash[key.to_sym] = permissions_map[value.to_i] end new_hash end end def self.epoch_date?(date) [OSM_EPOCH, OSM_EPOCH_HUMAN].include?(date) end def self.inspect_instance(instance, options={}) replace_with = options[:replace_with] || {} values = instance.attributes.sort.map{ |(k,v)| (replace_with.keys.include?(k) && !v.nil?) ? "#{k}.#{replace_with[k]}: #{v.try(replace_with[k])}" : "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" } return "#<#{instance.class.name} #{values.join(', ')} >" end end # Module