module Hydra::AccessControls AGENT_URL_PREFIX = ''.freeze GROUP_AGENT_URL_PREFIX = ''.freeze PERSON_AGENT_URL_PREFIX = ''.freeze class Permission < AccessControlList has_many :admin_policies, inverse_of: :default_permissions, class_name: 'Hydra::AdminPolicy' # @param [Hash] args # @option args [#to_s] :name name of agent # @option args [#to_s] :type type of agent: group/person # @option args [String] :access description of access: read/edit/discover def initialize(args) super() build_agent(args[:name].to_s, args[:type].to_s) build_access(args[:access]) end def to_hash { name: agent_name, type: type, access: access } end def inspect agent_value = agent.first.rdf_subject.to_s.inspect if agent.first mode_value = mode.first.rdf_subject.to_s.inspect if mode.first "<#{} id: #{id} agent: #{agent_value} mode: #{mode_value} access_to: #{access_to_id.inspect}>" end def ==(other) other.is_a?(Permission) && id == && access_to_id == other.access_to_id && agent.first.rdf_subject == other.agent.first.rdf_subject && mode.first.rdf_subject == other.mode.first.rdf_subject end def assign_attributes(attributes) attrs = attributes.dup name = attrs.delete(:name) type = attrs.delete(:type) build_agent(name, type) if name && type access = attrs.delete(:access) build_access(access) if access super(attrs) end def agent_name decode(parsed_agent.last) end def update(*) super.tap { reset } end def reset @access = nil @parsed_agent = nil end def access @access ||= mode.first.rdf_subject.to_s.split('#').last.downcase.sub('write', 'edit') end def type parsed_agent.first end protected def parsed_agent @parsed_agent ||= agent.first.rdf_subject.to_s.sub(AGENT_URL_PREFIX, '').split('#') end def build_agent(name, type) raise "Can't build agent #{inspect}" unless name && type self.agent = case type when 'group' build_agent_resource(GROUP_AGENT_URL_PREFIX, name) when 'person' build_agent_resource(PERSON_AGENT_URL_PREFIX, name) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown agent type #{type.inspect}" end end def build_agent_resource(prefix, name) ["#{prefix}##{encode(name)}"))] end def build_access(access) raise "Can't build access #{inspect}" unless access self.mode = case access when 'read' [] when 'edit' [] when 'discover' [] else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown access #{access.inspect}" end end private def encode(str) end def decode(str) end end end