require 'spec_helper' feature 'Discussion Flow', organization_workspace: :test do ## ============= ## Users ## ============= let(:student) { create(:user, permissions: {student: 'test/*:other/*:empty/*'}) } let(:another_student) { create(:user, permissions: {student: 'test/*:other/*:empty/*'}) } let(:moderator) { create(:user, permissions: {moderator: 'test/*:other/*:empty/*', student: 'test/*:other/*:empty/*'}) } ## ================= ## Organizations ## ================= let(:test_organization) { Organization.locate! 'test' } let(:other_organization) { create(:organization, name: 'other') } let!(:empty_organization) { create(:organization, name: 'empty') } ## ================================ ## Content for test_organization ## ================================ let(:problem_1) { create(:problem) } let(:problem_2) { create(:problem) } let(:problem_3) { create(:problem) } let!(:chapter) { create(:chapter, lessons: [create(:lesson, exercises: [ problem_1, problem_2, problem_3])]) } ## ===================================== ## Discussions for test_organization ## ===================================== let(:problem_2_discussions) { create_list(:discussion, 5, initiator: another_student, item: problem_2, organization: test_organization) } let(:problem_3_discussions) { create_list(:discussion, 5, initiator: student, item: problem_2, organization: test_organization) } let!(:test_organization_discussions) { problem_2_discussions + problem_3_discussions } ## =================================== ## Content for other_organization ## =================================== let(:other_problem) { create(:problem) } let!(:other_chapter) { create(:chapter, book:, lessons: [create(:lesson, exercises: [other_problem])]) } ## ===================================== ## Discussions for other_organization ## ===================================== let(:other_problem_discussions) { create_list(:discussion, 5, initiator: student, item: problem_2, organization: other_organization) } let!(:other_organization_discussions) { other_problem_discussions } before { reindex_current_organization! } before { reindex_organization! other_organization } before { reindex_organization! empty_organization } shared_examples 'no forum access' do scenario 'has no forum access' do visit current_path expect(page).to have_text('You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved') end end context 'exercise discussions' do let(:current_path) { "/exercises/#{}/discussions" } context 'with no current user' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'with logged user' do before { set_current_user! student } context 'but no forum enabled' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'and forum enabled' do before { Organization.current.update! forum_enabled: true } scenario 'empty discussion list for problem 1' do visit "/exercises/#{}/discussions" expect(page).to have_text( expect(page).to have_text('It seems there isn\'t any question yet.') end scenario 'discussion list for problem 2' do visit "/exercises/#{}/discussions" expect(page).to have_text( problem_2_discussions.each do |discussion| expect(page).to have_text(discussion.description) end expect(page).to have_text('Didn\'t find what you were looking for?') end end end end context 'book discussions' do let(:current_path) { '/discussions' } context 'with no current user' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'with logged user' do before { set_current_user! student } context 'but no forum enabled' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'and forum enabled' do before { Organization.current.update! forum_enabled: true } context 'in empty organization' do before { empty_organization.update! forum_enabled: true } before { set_subdomain_host! 'empty' } after { set_subdomain_host! 'test' } scenario 'empty discussion list for book without discussions' do visit current_path expect(page).to have_text( expect(page).to have_text('It seems there isn\'t any question yet.') end end scenario 'discussion list for book with discussions' do visit current_path expect(page).to have_text( test_organization_discussions.each do |discussion| expect(page).to have_text(discussion.description) end other_organization_discussions.each do |discussion| expect(page).not_to have_text(discussion.description) end expect(page).not_to have_text('Didn\'t find what you were looking for?') expect(page).not_to have_text('It seems there isn\'t any question yet.') end end end end context 'exercise discussion' do let(:current_path) { "/exercises/#{}/discussions/#{}" } before { test_organization.switch! } context 'with no current user' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'with logged student' do before { set_current_user! student } context 'but no forum enabled' do it_behaves_like 'no forum access' end context 'and forum enabled' do before { Organization.current.update! forum_enabled: true } scenario 'newly created discussion' do visit current_path expect(page).to have_text( expect(page).to have_text('Open') expect(page).to have_text('Messages') expect(page).not_to have_xpath("//div[@class='discussion-actions']") end context 'for moderator' do before { set_current_user! moderator } scenario 'newly created discussion' do visit current_path expect(page).to have_text( expect(page).to have_text('Open') expect(page).to have_text('Messages') expect(page).to have_xpath("//div[@class='discussion-actions']") end end end end end end