# $Id: rolling_file.rb 29 2007-02-06 19:06:16Z tim_pease $
require 'logging/appenders/file'
module Logging::Appenders
# An appender that writes to a file and ensures that the file size or age
# never exceeds some user specified level.
# The goal of this class is to write log messages to a file. When the file
# age or size exceeds a given limit then the log file is closed, the name
# is changed to indicate it is an older log file, and a new log file is
# created.
# The name of the log file is changed by inserting the age of the log file
# (as a single number) between the log file name and the extension. If the
# file has no extension then the number is appended to the filename. Here
# is a simple example:
# /var/log/ruby.log => /var/log/ruby.1.log
# New log messages will be appended to a newly opened log file of the same
# name (/var/log/ruby.log in our example above). The age number
# for all older log files is incremented when the log file is rolled. The
# number of older log files to keep can be given, otherwise all the log
# files are kept.
# The actual process of rolling all the log file names can be expensive if
# there are many, many older log files to process.
class RollingFile < ::Logging::Appenders::File
# call-seq:
# RollingFile.new( name, opts )
# Creates a new Rolling File Appender. The _name_ is the unique Appender
# name used to retrieve this appender from the Appender hash. The only
# required option is the filename to use for creating log files.
# [:filename] The base filename to use when constructing new log
# filenames.
# The following options are optional:
# [:layout] The Layout that will be used by this appender. The Basic
# layout will be used if none is given.
# [:truncate] When set to true any existing log files will be rolled
# immediately and a new, empty log file will be created.
# [:max_size] The maximum allowed size (in bytes) of a log file before
# it is rolled.
# [:max_age] The maximum age (in seconds) of a log file before it is
# rolled.
# [:keep] The number of rolled log files to keep.
def initialize( name, opts = {} )
# raise an error if a filename was not given
@fn = opts[:filename] || opts['filename']
raise ArgumentError, 'no filename was given' if @fn.nil?
# grab the information we need to properly roll files
ext = ::File.extname(@fn)
bn = ::File.join(::File.dirname(@fn), ::File.basename(@fn, ext))
@rgxp = %r/\.(\d+)#{Regexp.escape(ext)}\z/
@glob = "#{bn}.*#{ext}"
@logname_fmt = "#{bn}.%d#{ext}"
@keep = opts.delete(:keep) || opts.delete('keep')
@keep = Integer(@keep) unless @keep.nil?
# if the truncate flag was set to true, then roll
roll_now = opts.delete(:truncate) || opts.delete('truncate')
roll_files if roll_now
# grab out our options
@max_size = opts.delete(:max_size) || opts.delete('max_size')
@max_age = opts.delete(:max_age) || opts.delete('max_age')
@max_size = Integer(@max_size) unless @max_size.nil?
unless @max_age.nil?
@max_age = Integer(@max_age)
@start_time = Time.now
@file_size = (::File.exist?(@fn) ? ::File.size(@fn) : 0)
super(name, opts)
# call-seq:
# write( str )
# Write the given string to the log file. The log file will be rolled
# if the maximum file size is exceeded or if the file is older than the
# maximum age.
def write( str )
@file_size += str.size # keep track of the size internally since
roll if roll_required? # the file IO stream is probably not being
end # flushed to disk immediately
# call-seq:
# roll
# Close the currently open log file, roll all the log files, and open a
# new log file.
def roll
begin; @io.close; rescue; end
@io = ::File.new(@fn, 'w')
# call-seq:
# roll_required?
# Returns +true+ if the log file needs to be rolled.
def roll_required?
# check if max size has been exceeded
if @max_size and @file_size > @max_size
@file_size = 0
return true
# check if max age has been exceeded
if @max_age and (Time.now - @start_time) > @max_age
@start_time = Time.now
return true
# call-seq:
# roll_files
# Roll the log files. This is accomplished by renaming the log files
# starting with the oldest and working towards the youngest.
# test.10.log => deleted (we are only keeping 10)
# test.9.log => test.10.log
# test.8.log => test.9.log
# ...
# test.1.log => test.2.log
# Lastly the current log file is rolled to a numbered log file.
# test.log => test.1.log
# This method leaves no test.log file when it is done. This
# file will be created elsewhere.
def roll_files
return unless ::File.exist?(@fn)
files = Dir.glob(@glob).find_all {|fn| @rgxp =~ fn}
unless files.empty?
# sort the files in revese order based on their count number
files = files.sort do |a,b|
a = Integer(@rgxp.match(a)[1])
b = Integer(@rgxp.match(b)[1])
b <=> a
# for each file, roll its count number one higher
files.each do |fn|
cnt = Integer(@rgxp.match(fn)[1])
if @keep and cnt >= @keep
::File.delete fn
::File.rename fn, sprintf(@logname_fmt, cnt+1)
# finally reanme the base log file
::File.rename(@fn, sprintf(@logname_fmt, 1))
end # class RollingFile
end # module Logging::Appenders