Feature: The #mirror_rake_tasks DSL method, inside a Capistrano namespace In order to include Rake tasks with descriptions in my Capistrano recipes, As a developer using Cape, I want to use the Cape DSL. Scenario: mirror all Rake tasks Given a full-featured Rakefile And a Capfile with: """ namespace :ns do Cape do |cape| cape.mirror_rake_tasks end end """ When I run `cap -vT` Then the output should contain: """ cap ns:with_period # Ends with period. """ Scenario: mirror a Rake task with its implementation Given a full-featured Rakefile And a Capfile with: """ set :current_path, '/path/to/current/deployed/application' namespace :ns do Cape do |cape| cape.mirror_rake_tasks end end """ When I run `cap ns:with_period` Then the output should contain: """ * executing `ns:with_period' * executing "cd /path/to/current/deployed/application && /usr/bin/env `/usr/bin/env bundle check >/dev/null 2>&1; case $? in 0|1 ) echo bundle exec ;; esac` rake with_period" """