require 'assert' require 'sanford/server' require 'dat-tcp/server_spy' require 'much-plugin' require 'sanford/logger' require 'sanford/router' require 'sanford/template_source' module Sanford::Server class UnitTests < Assert::Context desc "Sanford::Server" setup do @server_class ={ include Sanford::Server } end subject{ @server_class } should have_imeths :config should have_imeths :name, :ip, :port, :pid_file, :shutdown_timeout should have_imeths :worker_class, :worker_params, :num_workers, :workers should have_imeths :init, :init_procs, :error, :error_procs should have_imeths :template_source, :logger, :router should have_imeths :receives_keep_alive, :verbose_logging should "use much-plugin" do assert_includes MuchPlugin, Sanford::Server end should "allow setting its config values" do config = subject.config exp = Factory.string exp assert_equal exp, exp = Factory.string subject.ip exp assert_equal exp, config.ip exp = Factory.integer subject.port exp assert_equal exp, config.port exp = Factory.file_path subject.pid_file exp assert_equal exp, config.pid_file exp = Factory.integer subject.shutdown_timeout exp assert_equal exp, config.shutdown_timeout exp = subject.worker_class exp assert_equal exp, subject.config.worker_class exp = { Factory.string => Factory.string } subject.worker_params exp assert_equal exp, subject.config.worker_params exp = Factory.integer subject.num_workers(exp) assert_equal exp, subject.config.num_workers assert_equal exp, subject.workers exp = proc{ } assert_equal 0, config.init_procs.size subject.init(&exp) assert_equal 1, config.init_procs.size assert_equal exp, config.init_procs.first exp = proc{ } assert_equal 0, config.error_procs.size subject.error(&exp) assert_equal 1, config.error_procs.size assert_equal exp, config.error_procs.first exp = subject.template_source exp assert_equal exp, config.template_source exp = subject.logger exp assert_equal exp, config.logger exp = Factory.boolean subject.receives_keep_alive exp assert_equal exp, config.receives_keep_alive exp = Factory.boolean subject.verbose_logging exp assert_equal exp, config.verbose_logging end should "demeter its config values that aren't directly set" do assert_equal subject.config.init_procs, subject.init_procs assert_equal subject.config.error_procs, subject.error_procs end should "have a router by default and allow overriding it" do assert_kind_of Sanford::Router, subject.router new_router = subject.router new_router assert_same new_router, subject.config.router assert_same new_router, subject.router end should "allow configuring the router by passing a block to `router`" do block_scope = nil subject.router{ block_scope = self } assert_equal subject.router, block_scope end end class InitTests < UnitTests desc "when init" setup do Factory.string @server_class.ip Factory.string @server_class.port Factory.integer @server_class.shutdown_timeout Factory.integer @server_class.worker_params(Factory.string => Factory.string) @server_class.num_workers Factory.integer @error_procs = Factory.integer(3){ proc{} } @error_procs.each{ |p| @server_class.error(&p) } @dtcp_spy = nil Assert.stub(DatTCP::Server, :new) do |*args| @dtcp_spy =*args) end @server = end subject{ @server } should have_readers :server_data should have_imeths :ip, :port, :file_descriptor, :client_file_descriptors should have_imeths :name, :configured_ip, :configured_port, :process_label should have_imeths :pid_file, :logger, :router, :template_source should have_imeths :listen, :start, :pause, :stop, :halt should have_imeths :listening?, :running?, :paused? should "have validated its config" do assert_true @server_class.config.valid? end should "know its server data" do config = @server_class.config data = subject.server_data assert_instance_of Sanford::ServerData, data assert_equal, assert_equal config.ip, data.ip assert_equal config.port, data.port assert_equal config.pid_file, data.pid_file assert_equal config.shutdown_timeout, data.shutdown_timeout assert_equal config.worker_class, data.worker_class assert_equal config.worker_params, data.worker_params assert_equal config.num_workers, data.num_workers assert_equal config.error_procs, data.error_procs assert_instance_of config.logger.class, data.logger assert_instance_of config.router.class, data.router assert_equal config.template_source, data.template_source assert_equal config.verbose_logging, data.verbose_logging assert_equal config.receives_keep_alive, data.receives_keep_alive assert_equal config.routes, data.routes.values end should "build a dat-tcp server" do data = subject.server_data assert_not_nil @dtcp_spy assert_equal data.worker_class, @dtcp_spy.worker_class assert_equal data.num_workers, @dtcp_spy.num_workers assert_equal data.dtcp_logger, @dtcp_spy.logger assert_equal data.shutdown_timeout, @dtcp_spy.shutdown_timeout exp = data.worker_params.merge({ :sanford_server_data => data }) assert_equal exp, @dtcp_spy.worker_params end should "demeter its server data" do data = subject.server_data assert_equal, assert_equal data.ip, subject.configured_ip assert_equal data.port, subject.configured_port assert_equal data.process_label, subject.process_label assert_equal data.pid_file, subject.pid_file assert_equal data.logger, subject.logger assert_equal data.router, subject.router assert_equal data.template_source, subject.template_source end should "call listen on its dat tcp server using `listen`" do subject.listen assert_true @dtcp_spy.listen_called end should "use its configured ip and port by default when listening" do subject.listen assert_equal subject.server_data.ip, @dtcp_spy.ip assert_equal subject.server_data.port, @dtcp_spy.port end should "write its ip and port back to its server data" do ip = Factory.string port = Factory.integer assert_not_equal ip, subject.server_data.ip assert_not_equal port, subject.server_data.port subject.listen(ip, port) assert_equal ip, subject.server_data.ip assert_equal port, subject.server_data.port end should "pass any args to its dat tcp server using `listen`" do ip, port = Factory.string, Factory.integer subject.listen(ip, port) assert_equal ip, @dtcp_spy.ip assert_equal port, @dtcp_spy.port file_descriptor = Factory.integer subject.listen(file_descriptor) assert_equal file_descriptor, @dtcp_spy.file_descriptor end should "know its ip, port and file descriptor" do assert_equal @dtcp_spy.ip, subject.ip assert_equal @dtcp_spy.port, subject.port subject.listen assert_equal @dtcp_spy.ip, subject.ip assert_equal @dtcp_spy.port, subject.port assert_equal @dtcp_spy.file_descriptor, subject.file_descriptor subject.listen(Factory.integer) assert_equal @dtcp_spy.file_descriptor, subject.file_descriptor end should "call start on its dat tcp server using `start`" do client_fds = [Factory.integer] subject.start(client_fds) assert_true @dtcp_spy.start_called assert_equal client_fds, @dtcp_spy.client_file_descriptors end should "know its client file descriptors" do exp = @dtcp_spy.client_file_descriptors assert_equal exp, subject.client_file_descriptors subject.start([Factory.integer]) exp = @dtcp_spy.client_file_descriptors assert_equal exp, subject.client_file_descriptors end should "call pause on its dat tcp server using `pause`" do wait = Factory.boolean subject.pause(wait) assert_true @dtcp_spy.pause_called assert_equal wait, @dtcp_spy.waiting_for_pause end should "call stop on its dat tcp server using `stop`" do wait = Factory.boolean subject.stop(wait) assert_true @dtcp_spy.stop_called assert_equal wait, @dtcp_spy.waiting_for_stop end should "call halt on its dat tcp server using `halt`" do wait = Factory.boolean subject.halt(wait) assert_true @dtcp_spy.halt_called assert_equal wait, @dtcp_spy.waiting_for_halt end should "know if its listening, running or been paused" do assert_false subject.listening? assert_false subject.running? assert_false subject.paused? subject.listen assert_true subject.listening? assert_false subject.running? assert_true subject.paused? subject.start assert_true subject.listening? assert_true subject.running? assert_false subject.paused? subject.pause assert_true subject.listening? assert_false subject.running? assert_true subject.paused? end end class ConfigureTCPServerTests < InitTests desc "configuring its tcp server" setup do @tcp_server = Assert.stub(@dtcp_spy, :listen) do |*args, &block| @configure_tcp_server_proc = block end @server.listen end subject{ @tcp_server } should "set the TCP_NODELAY option" do exp = [ ::Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_NODELAY, true ] assert_includes exp, @tcp_server.set_socket_option_calls end end class ConfigTests < UnitTests desc "Config" setup do @config_class = Config @config = end subject{ @config } should have_accessors :name, :ip, :port, :pid_file, :shutdown_timeout should have_accessors :worker_class, :worker_params, :num_workers should have_accessors :init_procs, :error_procs, :template_source, :logger, :router should have_accessors :receives_keep_alive, :verbose_logging should have_imeths :routes, :valid?, :validate! should "know its default attr values" do assert_equal 4, @config_class::DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS assert_equal '', @config_class::DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS end should "default its attrs" do assert_nil exp = @config_class::DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS assert_equal exp, subject.ip assert_nil subject.port assert_nil subject.pid_file assert_nil subject.shutdown_timeout assert_equal DefaultWorker, subject.worker_class assert_nil subject.worker_params exp = @config_class::DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS assert_equal exp, subject.num_workers assert_equal [], subject.init_procs assert_equal [], subject.error_procs assert_instance_of Sanford::NullTemplateSource, subject.template_source assert_equal ENV['PWD'], subject.template_source.path assert_instance_of Sanford::NullLogger, subject.logger assert_instance_of Sanford::Router, subject.router assert_equal false, subject.receives_keep_alive assert_equal true, subject.verbose_logging end should "demeter its router" do assert_equal subject.router.routes, subject.routes end should "not be valid until validate! has been run" do assert_false subject.valid? = Factory.string subject.ip = Factory.string subject.port = Factory.integer subject.validate! assert_true subject.valid? end should "complain if validating and its name/ip/port is nil" do = Factory.string subject.ip = Factory.string subject.port = Factory.integer a = [:name, :ip, :port].sample subject.send("#{a}=", nil) assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! } end should "complain if validating and its worker class isn't a Worker" do = Factory.string subject.ip = Factory.string subject.port = Factory.integer subject.worker_class = assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! } subject.worker_class = assert_raises(InvalidError){ subject.validate! } end end class ValidationTests < ConfigTests desc "when successfully validated" setup do @router = @router_validate_called = false Assert.stub(@router, :validate!){ @router_validate_called = true } @config = do |c| = Factory.string c.ip = Factory.string c.port = Factory.integer c.router = @router end @initialized = false @config.init_procs << proc{ @initialized = true } @other_initialized = false @config.init_procs << proc{ @other_initialized = true } end should "call its init procs" do assert_equal false, @initialized assert_equal false, @other_initialized subject.validate! assert_equal true, @initialized assert_equal true, @other_initialized end should "call validate! on the router" do assert_false @router_validate_called subject.validate! assert_true @router_validate_called end should "only be able to be validated once" do called = 0 subject.init_procs << proc{ called += 1 } subject.validate! assert_equal 1, called subject.validate! assert_equal 1, called end end class TCPServerSpy attr_reader :set_socket_option_calls def initialize @set_socket_option_calls = [] end def setsockopt(*args) @set_socket_option_calls << args end end end