Search indexes allow queries to be made for any type of data that is indexed by the Chef server, including data bags (and data bag items), environments, nodes, and roles. A defined query syntax is used to support search patterns like exact, wildcard, range, and fuzzy. A search is a full-text query that can be done from several locations, including from within a recipe, by using the search subcommand in knife, or by using the /search or /search/INDEX endpoints in the Chef server API. The search engine is based on Apache Solr and is run from the Chef server.
The knife search subcommand is used run a search query for information that is indexed on a Chef server.
This subcommand has the following syntax:
$ knife search INDEX SEARCH_QUERY
where INDEX is one of client, environment, node, role, or the name of a data bag and SEARCH_QUERY is the search query syntax for the query that will be executed.
INDEX is implied if omitted, and will default to node. For example:
$ knife search '*:*' -i
will return something similar to:
8 items found
and is the same search as:
$ knife search node '*:*" -i
If the SEARCH_QUERY does not contain a colon character (:), then the default query pattern is tags:*#{@query}* OR roles:*#{@query}* OR fqdn:*#{@query}* OR addresses:*#{@query}*, which means the following two search queries are effectively the same:
$ knife search ubuntu
$ knife search node "tags:*ubuntu* OR roles:*ubuntu* OR fqdn:*ubuntu* (etc.)"
Review the list of common options available to this (and all) knife subcommands and plugins.
This sub-command has the following options:
The following examples show how to use this knife subcommand:
Search by platform ID
To search for the IDs of all nodes running on the Amazon EC2 platform, enter:
$ knife search node 'ec2:*' -i
to return something like:
4 items found
Search by instance type
To search for the instance type (flavor) of all nodes running on the Amazon EC2 platform, enter:
$ knife search node 'ec2:*' -a ec2.instance_type
to return something like:
4 items found
ec2.instance_type: m1.large
id: ip-0A7CA19F.ec2.internal
ec2.instance_type: m1.large
id: ip-0A58CF8E.ec2.internal
ec2.instance_type: m1.large
id: ip-0A58E134.ec2.internal
ec2.instance_type: m1.large
id: ip-0A7CFFD5.ec2.internal
Search by node
To search for all nodes running Ubuntu, enter:
$ knife search node 'platform:ubuntu'
Search by node and environment
To search for all nodes running CentOS in the production environment, enter:
$ knife search node 'chef_environment:production AND platform:centos'
Search for nested attributes
To find a nested attribute, use a pattern similar to the following:
$ knife search node <query_to_run> -a <main_attribute>.<nested_attribute>
Search for multiple attributes
To build a search query to use more than one attribute, use an underscore (_) to separate each attribute. For example, the following query will search for all nodes running a specific version of Ruby:
$ knife search node "languages_ruby_version:1.9.3"
Search for nested attributes using a search query
To build a search query that can find a nested attribute:
$ knife search node name:<node_name> -a kernel.machine
Use a test query
To test a search query that will be used in a knife ssh command:
$ knife search node "role:web NOT name:web03"
where the query in the previous example will search all servers that have the web role, but not on the server named web03.