# Changelog This is a [changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/). This project attempts to follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/) ## Known Bugs * Terminal Color * Not working on OSX - macs don't read from /etc/profile.d/ * Stops showing color if you `sudo su` ## 2.4 Lots of modifications for ubuntu 20.04, which has python3 as a default * Change letsencrypt to pull from apt instead of build from source (backwards compatible) * Change postgres to a cleaner install and deprecate the old zenoamaro role * postgresql_version is now a required variable and no longer defaults to 9.4 * Better detection of web servers ## 2.3.3 * Tweak the way that different roles are detected to be more reliable ## 2.3.2 * Update papertrail to latest version of remote_syslog2 and add support for nginx logs ## 2.3.1 * Sidekiq concurrency actually works ## 2.3.0 * Grab linux kernel to send as stats * Grab psql version to send as stats ## 2.2.3 * Add PATH to crontab for letsencrypt auto renewal * log letsencrypt crontab to /var/log/cron.log * fix setting hostname with systemd ## 2.2.2 * Use state: "present" instead of "installed" ## 2.2.1 * Update URL for letsencrypt tls raw file ## 2.2.0 * Add maintenance_mode command * Add ppa:ondrej/nginx repo in common role for TLS 1.3 and nginx support ## 2.1.2 * bug fixes * PostgreSQL database server works for version > 10 * New LetsEncrypt/NGINX servers get the correct file from the certbot repo ## 2.1.1 * bug fixes * Fix error when not setting send_stats * ignore errors when uninstalling bundler - can fail when trying to uninstall the version provided by ruby ## 2.1.0 * Add config option for default_server directive in nginx. * Fixed bug in SSL redirect from 2.0.1 * Adds ability to gather Ruby, Rails, and apt details from servers and send to a stats collector * Add maintain command ## 2.0.4 * Add letsencrypt_dns role for doing DNS validation vs HTTP validation ## 2.0.3 * Fix bundler / gem version installation on new/vanilla servers ## 2.0.2 * Adds FFMPEG to Rails role so ActiveStorage can generate video previews ## 2.0.1 * Option to not redirect to SSL on nginx * Group delayed jobs by queue in collectd config ## 2.0.0 * breaking changes * Add bundler_version to install specific bundler version. Is required. * enhancements * Updates rubygems in ruby-common task * Logs apt updates to /opt/subspace/updates.log ## 1.0.8 * enhancements * Add support for `-i` in `subpsace ssh` command. * bug fixes * Check for all monit jobs stopping before changing config. * Ensure /etc/profile.d/ exists ## 1.0.7 * enhancements * Add a terminal environment prompt background color to the `common` role, so you know what environment you're `ssh`'d into. * bug fixes * Stop all monit jobs before changing the monit config. ## 1.0.6 - 2018-11-12 * bug fixes * Fix setting the timezone ## 1.0.5 - 2018-10-16 * bug fixes * Fix bug with task that modifies imagemagick policy to enable reading PDFs which was causing it to insert the same line multiple times. * enhancements * Unpin monit since they fixed it, and the version we have pinned isn't available in Ubuntu 18.04. ## 1.0.4 - 2018-10-18 * enhancements * Add way to specify private key when running the bootstrap command. * Add way to specify only certain hosts to run the playbook on when running the provision command. * The common role now runs `apt-get autoremove` after doing the update and upgrade. ## 1.0.3 - 2018-10-08 * bug fixes * Update ImageMagick policy file to enable reading from PDFs which was [disabled due to now-fixed ghostscript bugs](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/8: * enhancements * Make it possible to specify private key file when running provision command. ## 1.0.2 - 2018-09-12 * bug fixes * Pin monit to the version that isn't broken. Since it was a security update, monit would re-update if not pinned. ## 1.0.1 - 2018-08-15 * bug fixes * Update alienvault role to handle Ubuntu and Amazon ansible\_distributions. ## 1.0.0 - 2018-08-15 No breaking changes from 0.6.17 to 1.0.0, but decided it's time for version 1.0.0 to be out. * enhancements * Tag tasks in the alienvault and monit roles such that all tasks are tagged with the role name. * Make tags 'upgrade' for doing apt-get update and upgrade and 'authorized\_keys' for setting deploy user's authorized\_keys in the common role. * Make tag 'appyml' for the task to upload application.yml in the rails role. * features * Add ability to pass certain options through `subspace provision` to `ansible-playbook`. These are: tags, start-at-task ## 0.6.17 - 2018-08-14 * bug fixes * Pin monit version to 1:5.16-2 due to a [bug](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monit/+bug/1786910) ## 0.6.16 - 2018-07-27 * bug fixes * Remove /cable location entry for nginx-rails config file ## 0.6.15 - 2018-07-17 * features * The nginx collectd configuration now reports number of errors (500-503), timeouts (504) and successes (200, 302, 304) * Add alienvault role that can configure ubuntu to send syslog to a sensor. * nginx-rails role: Add ability to set nginx's `proxy_read_timeout`. * bug fixes * Don't have rails role install yarn -- it's not needed by default, and if the project does need it, it should explicitly use the yarn role. ## 0.5.15 - 2018-06-15 * bug fixes * Update rails and logrotate modules to work with Python 3 ## 0.5.14 - 2018-06-15 * bug fixes * Fix Postgres role's backup script to include AWS ACL header that fixes bucket object permissions. * features * Add yarn and nodejs roles. ## Version - Date * breaking changes * enhancement A * enhancement B * deprecations * deprecation A * deprecation B * bug fixes * bug fix A * bug fix B * enhancements * enhancement A * enhancement B * features * feature A * feature B